• 反对党承认政府政治合法性

    The opposition parties do not recognize the political legitimacy of his government.


  • 政府政治改革道路迈进了一步

    The government took another step on the road to political reform.


  • 政府希望所有各方致力于一个政治解决方案

    The government expressed hope that all the sides will work toward a political solution.


  • 许多美国人开始相信科学确定性不仅解决科学问题而且能改革政治政府商业

    Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business.


  • 这些趋势及其引起政治紧张局势的综合影响表明政府社会崩溃。

    The combined effects of those trends and the political tensions they generate point to the breakdown of governments and societies.


  • 吉尔吉斯坦组成临时政府2005年郁金香革命以来最严重政治骚乱

    Opposition leaders formed an interim government in Kyrgyzstan, following the worst political chaos there since the Tulip revolution of 2005.


  • 遗传学场革命问题定位一个有关我们社会特征现代政治问题:如果性格我们的基因紧密相连,那么政府做些什么帮助我们呢?

    A revolution in genetics has poised this as a modern political question about the character of our society: if personalities are hard-wired into our genes, what can governments do to help us?


  • 政府将寻求政治庇护的人划分为经济移民真正的难民

    The government divides asylum seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees.


  • 反对党在利用政府存在问题捞取政治资本

    The opposition parties are making political capital out of the government's problems.


  • 政府面临着另一政治危机

    The government is facing another political crisis.


  • 看上去注册天文学导论美国文学概论政府政治导论

    It looks like you're registered for Introduction to Astronomy, Survey of American Literature, and Introduction to Government and Politics.


  • 很多政治家认为政府责任支持艺术,以之作为一种国家灵魂精神

    It was felt by a number of politicians that the government had a responsibility to support the arts as sort of the soul or spirit of the country.


  • 然而政治家们需要解决这样个问题,就是政府是否应该如此发放如此多的福利。

    Yet politicians also need to tackle the question of whether the state should be handing out so much to so many.


  • 然而政治家们需要解决这样个问题,就是政府是否应该如此发放如此多的福利。

    Yet politicians also need to tackle the question of whether the state should be handing out so much to so many.


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