• 英国著名土地艺术家的“石头”是波蒂斯黑德海滩上紫色石头组成的完美圆环放置画廊地板上展现了构造优雅脱俗

    Long is Britain's best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form.


  • 紧挨着这位女性膝盖上,放置嵌入了粉刷装饰片,厚重方形镜子

    A thick, square, iron pyrite mirror, inlaid with stucco plaques, was placed next to the female's right knee.


  • 首先研究人员把爱因斯坦机器人放置镜子通过扭曲它的随机表情来指示其“身体姿势任意”。

    To begin teaching the robot, the researchers stuck Einstein in front of a mirror and instructed the robot to “body babble” by contorting its face into random positions.


  • 然而舞台放置镜子也带来一些技术问题诸如反射管线观众的眼里或者到一些不想地方

    However, having a mirror on stage can cause technical issues, such as reflecting light into the audience or into places never intended to be lit.


  • 伦敦·哈利附近执业普拉杰医生建议客户自己电脑旁边放置镜子,以便看到自己是否皱着眉头电脑

    Dr Prager, who has a practice near Harley Street in London, said he encourages his clients to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen.


  • 一方用于放置发电涡轮,一方提供足够落差有效驱动涡轮。

    To house the turbines that create the electricity and to provide a sufficient head of water pressure to drive them efficiently.


  • 华尔街日报9月14日引述他的话。“我们正在公司放置于这样位置,它让人们能够来到这里,看到世界最好的一。”

    We are really positioning the company to be the place where people can come and see the best of the connected world.


  • 一方document样式消息xml有效负载直接放置SOAP主体中。

    A document style message, on the other hand, has the XML payload directly placed in a SOAP body.


  • 一方Nao能够自主行走甚至表演功夫动作,但前提必须把放置平坦光滑

    The Nao, on the other hand, can walk and even perform a kung-fu routine, as long as it is on a flat, smooth surface.


  • 普普通通的两镜子相对放置产生奇趣屋[2]效应,不停地将一个物象来回映射,直至消失无穷回溯中。

    Two ordinary mirrors facing each other will create a fun-house hall that ricochets an image back and forth until it vanishes into an infinite regress.


  • 我们班里放置了一单向透光的镜子,我们只能看到自己,而研究员可以镜子背后屋子里观察我们虽然我们从不知道观察我们的人是谁,但偶尔我们也会透过镜子看到里的人的影子。

    We got used to being subjects in a room with a one-way mirror, although unknown to our observers we could sometimes see their shadows through the glass.


  • 另外还有一种现象将打印纸打印正确放置

    There is also a phenomenon is to the print paper to place the correct side.


  • 一方如果决定把产品定价参照你的竞争者,你将会在一开始你自己放置他们阴影下

    On the other hand, if you allow your prices to be set by your competition, then you'll be placing yourself squarely in their shadow from the very beginning.


  • 然后,只需复制矩形放置图像另一

    Then just copy the rectangle and place it on the other side of the image.


  • 任何事情好的就有的一假山如果放置不够妥当不仅不会带来好处反遭

    Everything has a good side is bad, if not properly placed rockery, will not only bring benefits but also by its harm.


  • 成像物镜空间放置光栅利用光栅的衍射原理,使来自参考被测物的光波发生干涉。

    Grating is placed in image space of objective lens, and used as the shearing part. Light wave from reference object and measured object interfered at the image space.


  • 最近项研究中,在纽约Bronx动物园中,一8英尺高镜子放置围栏边,大象头上被涂上个小标记

    In one recent study an 8ft mirror was placed in the elephant enclosure at New York's Bronx Zoo and the elephants had marks painted on their heads.


  • 扫描仪上放置继续扫描第1

    Place more pages on scanner and continue scanning side 1.


  • 披挂绣着“”之类字样的彩缎,盘放置檀香炉。

    Set a positive Pigua Xiuzhe "I often Lok net" like the word Caiduan towels mantle, was placed on the sandalwood furnace.


  • 试验室篮架分度可任意调整角度落雾及完全一致试验放置数量多

    Laboratory basketball adopt flat indexing frame, adjustable Angle, surrounded by mist side down exactly the same place the large number of test pieces.


  • 应当选择可以放置靠近站位中间球杆,同时把杆调整方正位置

    Chose the club that you can position closest to the center of your stance, with the squarest clubface.


  • 结合制图中点线状要素文本放置不同规则,模仿制图者对特定地物文本放置要求,提出计算机辅助制图下线状地物文本自动标注方案

    Combined different rules of placement for point, line and polygon, the paper designed a program of automated text labeling for line feature in computer aided drawing.


  • 一方弃土放置地区农业环境受到运移盐土置入有害影响。

    On the other hand spoil placement areas of agriculture and the environment placed in saline soil after the migration of harmful effects.


  • 字符如果节点节点放置不确位置字体影响

    Too many points on a character, or points at the wrong position can have a negative influence at your font.


  • 管柱安装后放置套管悬挂的井口装置中的部件

    A wellhead component or a profile formed in wellhead equipment in which the casing hanger is located when a casing string has been installed.


  • 火炉位于空间正中,周围设置了一圈宽大舒适沙发放置玩意的架子所环绕。

    In the center there is a fireplace with wide comfortable seats around it. From three sides the area is surrounded by stacks for books and small things.


  • 对于必须放置物品,“朝上”的标签应在两显示。

    Items which must be kept in upright position, on 2 sides label "This Side Up".


  • 切割保持切清洁镀膜朝上放置避免玻璃屑意外划伤

    Cutting: Working table should be clean before cutting of Yaohua Low-E and Sun-E glass. The coated side should face up to prevent the coating from scratching.


  • 切割保持切清洁镀膜朝上放置避免玻璃屑意外划伤

    Cutting: Working table should be clean before cutting of Yaohua Low-E and Sun-E glass. The coated side should face up to prevent the coating from scratching.


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