• 希望一个离子那么就可以形成放出热量的纽带

    I wish I was an Ion so I could form an exothermic bond with you.


  • 冷凝器放出热量设备蒸发器吸收热量连同压缩机输入功率转化热量一起传递给冷却介质如水空气)带走。

    The condenser is a heat equipment, the evaporator absorbs heat with heat input power of compressor transformation with the transfer of the cooling medium ( such as water or air ).


  • 家用暖气电流形式吸收能量然后热量的形式将其释放出去。

    A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.


  • 这些探测器科学家认为,在木卫二表面之下一个火山热量岩石内核

    The probes have also made the scientists think that under its surface, Europa has a rocky core giving off volcanic heat.


  • 明天我们大的累积浓度现在会吸收越来越来自太阳热量

    Tomorrow, we will dump a slightly larger amount, with the cumulative concentrations now trapping more and more heat from the sun.


  • 当我们想要知道,当一个化学反应恒定温度下发生时,会放出多少热量时。

    To ask questions like how much heat is released in a chemical reaction that takes place at constant temperature.


  • 一旦放出热量足够多,使海洋达到自己冰点海冰又会重新形成

    Once that heat release has cooled the ocean to its freezing temperature, sea ice forms again.


  • 植物生长期内不断吸收大气中的二氧化碳燃烧这些植物以获取能量热量时候,它们会将二氧化碳放出

    The carbon dioxide released when burning them to produce power and/or heat was extracted by the plant from the atmosphere during its lifetime.


  • 然后空气中的氧气二氧化碳氢原子结合并更多热量这些热量又可以使更多燃料的烃链断裂

    Oxygen from the air then combines with carbon and hydrogen atoms to release yet more heat, which breaks down more fuel.


  • 日冕大部分热量明显地通过日冕层应力磁场的强烈作用而放出的。

    Most of the heat in the corona, said Klimchuk, is apparently still released by the snapping of stressed magnetic fields in the corona.


  • 这套设备利用水泥生产放出废气中的热量通过热交换的原理,晾干了水泥熟料,又加热锅炉里的从而形成水蒸气,最后推动涡轮转动发电。

    The system USES the heat from waste gases produced in the kiln during the cement-making process both to dry the cement and to heat water in a boiler that drives a turbine to produce electricity.


  • 爆炸产生热量逐个地熔化了原子物质放出原子内部粒子(比如胶子夸克)。

    The heat from the Big Bang literally melted the nuclear matter of atoms, releasing the particles inside (like gluons and quarks).


  • 深色人造建筑材料吸收太阳辐射将获取能量热量形式城市热岛效应”随即产生

    An urban heat island is created when dark colored man-made materials used in the construction of a city absorb the sun's rays and release that energy back out as heat.


  • 就是计算反应放出多少热量接下来关键整个量热计是多少?

    You calculate how much heat is released in the reaction. And then what's going to matter is what's the heat capacity of the whole, of the calorimeter?


  • 来自太空岩石火山爆发可以放出有毒吸收热量气体——一旦这些灰层稳定下来——就能够失去全球变暖的控制。

    Space rocks and volcanoes could also unleash toxic and heat-trapping gases that—once the dust settledenable runaway global warming.


  • 诸如氨气之类物质在溶解时会热量

    Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve .


  • 诸如氨气之类物质在溶解时会热量

    Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve.


  • 所有这些污染都释大量二氧化碳阻止了热量释放。

    All of this pollution produces a lot of carbon dioxide which prevents heat from escaping.


  • 热力学给出设计需要重要信息反应中会放出吸收热量而且最大值可能表示反应的程度

    Thermodynamics gives two important pieces of information needed in design, the heat liberated or absorbed during reaction and the maximum possible extent of reaction.


  • 如果这些燃料棒暴露时间热量蒸汽熔化反应堆核心

    If those things are exposed for too long, the heat and steam that they let off could melt the reactor's core.


  • 绝热系统中,放出热量增加房间温度

    In an adiabatic system, this heat release serves to increase the chamber temperature.


  • 此外固体催化剂浸没液体馏分中因此放热反应放出热量立即蒸发出更多液体吸收

    Besides, the solid catalysts are immersed in liquid distillates, so the heat of exothermic reactions is immediately absorbed by vaporizing more liquid.


  • 文中介绍利用工艺中液体冷却放出热量加热气体的分离式热管换热器。

    The paper introduces the separate type heat pipe exchanger to heat the gas from process liquid.


  • 大量的人行道白天吸收空气热量晚上又将其,加热了应凉爽的夜间空气。

    That pavement soaks up heat during the day and releases it at night, warming the otherwise cooler nighttime air.


  • 这些活泼导致无法的控制聚合体特定金属反应放出热量导致NF 3的进一步分解

    These reactive species can lead to uncontrolled reactions with polymers and certain metals, liberating heat and causing further dissociation of NF3.


  • 这个测试方法提供测试过程中的材料放出大概热量因此对材料真实燃烧情况下可能的反应作出评估

    This method gives a rough indication of the heat output of the material under test so that an assessment of its possible performance in a real fire situation can be made.


  • 发动机热平衡就是研究燃油放出热量发动机中的分配情况,判断和分析内燃机部分的负荷以及设计冷却系统基础

    Engine heat balance is defined as the distribution of all heat which gives out by fuel in ICE. It's the foundation of analyzing heat load in parts of ICE and designing cooling system.


  • 甚至南极夏至那天太阳吸收辐射热,也与互相间隔英尺千瓦电炉组成的电炉网所放出热量相等

    Even at the South Pole the radiation received from the sun at Midsummer's day equals the heat from a network of one-kilowatt electric fires, spaced five feet apart.


  • 可以吸收放出大量的热量其温度不会变化很大,因此能创造一个稳定环境

    Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming inland sources, thus cleaning our water. .


  • 可以吸收放出大量的热量其温度不会变化很大,因此能创造一个稳定环境

    Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming inland sources, thus cleaning our water. .


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