• 大大改变地球地形

    This would change the geography of the planet considerably.


  • 一个全新局面承诺改变地球许多统治生命观念

    This is an entirely new situation that promises to change many of the perceptions governing life on the planet.


  • 地球表面可以通过改变地球磁场强度来检测这些风暴

    At the Earth's surface, these tempests can be detected by changes in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field.


  • 光能提供世界力量改变地球命运

    Light generates power world, Low carbon chenges the fate of earth!


  • 所以我们这一不会空间改变地球位置

    So, our big jump won't be able to change earth's position in space.


  • 但是气候变暖改变地球位置非常吃惊。

    But the fact that it could actually change the planet's position in the solar system even slightly, that was just shocking to me.


  • 人类通过排干沼泽开山修建公路铁路改变地球面貌

    Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.


  • 改变我们捕食者饮食依赖大大的改变地球能力养活我们所有人

    Altering our dependence on a "hunter" diet could massively alter the Earth's ability to feed us all.


  • 全球范围内工业化石燃料的消耗和排放不是人类改变地球气候唯一方式

    THE planet-wide industrial exhalation of previously fossilised carbon is not the only way that humans are changing the Earth’s climate.


  • 正式接受人类行为正在改变地球地貌事实例如海洋法则人们举止产生影响

    By officially accepting that human actions are having an effect on the makeup of the Earth, it may have an impact on, say, the law of the sea or on people's behaviour.


  • 核弹人类强大的武器但是它们的破坏性影响不大可能改变地球沿着轴线自转

    Nuclear bombs are humankind's most powerful weapon, but their destructive impact would unlikely alter the spinning of the Earth on its axis.


  • 只是这次讨论主题基因工程换成了地球工程——没有随意性而是有目的地改变地球环境

    This time the topic under discussion was not genetic engineering but geoengineering—deliberately rather than accidentally changing the world's environment.


  • 答案不,万有引力自身不能改变地球旋转快慢,如果假设地球固体的话,实际上不是

    And the answer is no.Gravitational attraction in itself cannot cause the earth to start spinning faster or slower, at least if you assume the earth to be a solid, which actually is false.


  • 水蒸气重要的温室气体,当环绕着地球运送热量时,它是改变地球气温气候主要因素

    Water vapor is a powerful greenhouse gas, and it is a major driver of the Earth’s weather and climate as it travels around the globe, transporting heat with it.


  • 锻炼身体阅读小说学会去领悟不管自己怎样努力,也不会改变地球太阳转,四季更替这些自然现象

    I exercised, and read novels, and came to appreciate how the earth rotated around the sun and the seasons came and went without any particular exertions on my part.


  • 有些人认为改变地球轨道危险,其他一些人担心由于这一跳使地球轨道变所以改写公历

    Some believe it's risky to alter Earth's orbit, while others fear the jump will make the Gregorian calendar obsolete because of the length of Earth's new orbit.


  • 这项研究表明,今后短短时间内,目前灭绝速度足够可以显著永久地改变地球物种数量

    In as little as three generations, the current pace of extinction could dramatically and permanently alter the number of species on the planet, the study said.


  • 美国宇航局科学家透露,周六发生在智利强烈地震可能改变地球自转轴心线,缩短地球自转时间,使一时间变短。

    The earthquake that struck Chile on Saturday may have shifted the earth's axis and created shorter days, according to scientists at Nasa.


  • 南方周末应对气候变化正在改变地球几乎一切事物看来是带来了更多公平还是造就了更多的不公平?

    Southern Weekly: Fighting climate change nearly fights everything on the planet. In your opinion, does it generate more equity or the opposite?


  • 如果实施地球工程改变地球气候——例如硫酸盐注入到高层大气中——不失为一种选择这种决定保证实施?

    And if geoengineering to alter earth's climate - for example, injecting sulfates into the high atmosphere - is to be an option, who would make the decision and undertake the operation?


  • 记住即使或者我们能够改变地球自转位置做出许多事,我们轻微程度上产生影响

    Keep this in mind, even though you or even a large group of us can do much to change the earth's location or rotation. we can affect it a little bit.


  • 南极一个巨大冰架处于崩塌最后阶段最近几天就可能断裂。这全球性气候变暖如何改变地球面貌最新迹象

    A huge ice shelf in the Antarctic is in the last stages of collapse and could break up within days in the latest sign of how global warming is thought to be changing the face of the planet.


  • 但是科学研究正在揭示几次大灭绝如何改变地球生物命运——比如决定首先出现在陆地动物统治海洋的生物。

    But research is uncovering how these extinction events dictated the fate of life on this planet-for instance, determining which animals first crawled onto land and which ruled the oceans.


  • 本周三,科学家公布项计划了很久很有争议性试验详细情况,试验旨在探讨通过地球工程学改变地球气候的可行性。

    This Wednesday, scientists will publish details of a long-proposed but controversial experiment on the feasibility of geoengineering the planet's climate.


  • 本周三,科学家公布项计划了很久很有争议性试验详细情况,试验旨在探讨通过地球工程学改变地球气候的可行性。

    This Wednesday, scientists will publish details of a long-proposed but controversial experiment on the feasibility of geoengineering the planet's climate.


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