• 少数同学可以限时限量上彀,上彀并不沉迷收集游戏

    A few students: can limit set limit to Internet, Internet is not good, let a person addict network game.


  • 所以Ken 采用一种娱乐性方式弥补自己收入 ——游戏收集游戏道具(武器装备、宝物、游戏货币等等)并培养游戏角色然后这些其他玩家

    Ken has found a way to supplement his income in a uniquely pleasurable way -- he scouts the game, collecting weapons and building up characters, then sells them to other players.


  • 注册就会领养只活泼企鹅朋友聊天游戏探索收集硬币甚至自己圆顶冰屋个性化

    When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat with friends, play games, explore, collect coins and even personalize your very own igloo.


  • 一项测试中,彭的团队收集了志愿者在玩游戏或者冥想时的脑电波。

    In one test, Peng's team collected brainwaves from volunteers who had either been playing a game or meditating.


  • 他们在那里最喜欢游戏就是饱餐一顿之后收集尽可能的五色碟子

    Their favourite game there is to collect as many coloured plates by the end of the meal as possible.


  • 注册后,你就会领养一直动画企鹅朋友聊天游戏探索收集硬币甚至个性化自己圆顶冰屋

    When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat to friends, play games, explore, collect COINS and even personalise your very own igloo.


  • 游戏角色日志记录可以引导玩家参观史密森附属的博物馆通过展品收集线索每个科学领域有更多了解

    Journal entries from in-game characters will lead players to visit Smithsonian-affiliated museums for exhibits to gather clues and learn more about each scientific field.


  • 更大游戏可以扩大包括化身属性经验速度完成任务库存物品收集,和更多世界探索

    The depth of the game could be expanded to include avatar attributes such as experience and speed, missions to complete, inventory items to collect, and more worlds to explore.


  • BrainBashers- BrainBashers收集脑筋急转弯、谜语游戏拼图视力错觉图。

    BrainBashers - BrainBashers are a collection of brain teasers, riddles, games, puzzles, and optical illusions.


  • BrainBashers- BrainBashers收集脑筋急转弯、谜语游戏拼图视力错觉图。

    BrainBashers - BrainBashers are a collection of brain teasers riddles games puzzles and optical illusions.


  • 我们高兴看到一些游戏公司 GoogleDocs游戏社区收集信息还有用于个人信息的跟踪比如几个用 Google Docs 分享减肥食谱

    It’s nice to see a lot of gamers using Docs and Spreadsheets for collecting information on their game communities. There’s also personal tracking, like one or two other people tracking a diet.


  • 玩过吉他,吹过长号节省零花钱电子游戏收集游戏卡片那些游戏卡片被他藏底下鞋盒里。

    He tries the guitar, plays the trombone, saves -quarters to buy video games, and collects trading CARDS, which he keeps in a shoe box under his bed.


  • 游戏研发人员正在更多特性添加诸如天堂魔兽世界之类的游戏之中,这些游戏需要玩家角色收集装备和武器,而这些东西可以其他玩家购买

    Game devs are building more features into games like Lineage and World of Warcraft that require players to gather outfits and weapons for their characters, which can be purchased from other players.


  • 游戏设计方面得到一个批评太阳能量收集对于从来玩过实施策略游戏玩家来说很难理解的重要性。

    One of the critical points in the design process was when it was pointed out that the sun collection mechanic was hard to learn for players who had never played Real-Time Strategy games.


  • 使用评论卡片收集读者游戏项目反应

    Use comment cards to gauge patrons’ reactions to your game program!


  • 收集信息拼图游戏每次提问获得一点信息,然后这些信息碎片拼起来建立全面的认识。

    Gathering information is much like doing a jigsaw puzzle. You get bits of information and put them together to build the bigger picture.


  • 天堂魔兽世界这样时下流行网络游戏都靠各种游戏装备运作,玩家收集各种游戏中的虚拟物品装备他们角色

    Popular online games such as Lineage and World of Warcraft revolve around the gear that players gather to outfit their characters.


  • 通过它们收集字谜游戏回文测验、诗歌谜题以及更多追溯到1893年以前的游戏大脑会得到很好的开拓。

    Stretch your brain with their vast collection of anagrams, crosswords, palindromes, verse puzzles and more that stretches back to 1893.


  • 很多游戏因为收集了接近20,我可以游戏很多时间

    I have far too many of them, as collected over the last 20years, and can sink a lot of time into them.


  • 元数据收集安装电脑中的游戏信息。

    Metadata related to the games that you have installed in Vista also finds its way to Microsoft.


  • 收集游戏模拟器源程序

    This is my collection of game consoles source!


  • 于是我们再一看到,游戏最大乐趣不仅来自游戏玩法照本宣科对白来自玩家Valve打造的场景中点滴收集的具体细节。

    Once again, the greatest joys in the game come not only from the gameplay and scripted dialogue, but from the small details the player gleans from the universe Valve has constructed.


  • 是个超级漫画迷空闲时间里收集漫画游戏画面想起了我最喜欢几个画家

    I'm a big comic fan, I collect comic books in my spare time and the graphics in your game remind me of some of my favourite comic book artists.


  • 知道为什么蜜蜂收集金币不过这种性质游戏

    I don't know why bees collect gold COINS - but such is the nature of the game.


  • 对于喜欢《口袋妖怪》这种卡片收集游戏孩子Klopfer提出了个特别的观点他们每一游戏过程好像是上一堂统计学课程。

    Klopfer raises a great point about kids who play card-collecting games like Pokemon: they get a light course in statistics each time they play.


  • 对于喜欢《口袋妖怪》这种卡片收集游戏孩子Klopfer提出了个特别的观点他们每一游戏过程好像是上一堂统计学课程。

    Klopfer raises a great point about kids who play card-collecting games like Pokemon: they get a light course in statistics each time they play.


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