• 如果别人发送一封电子邮件别人总是收到或者即使不到,你也会接到个相关的通知如果别人你发送一封电子邮件,你也总是会收到它。

    If you send an E-mail message to someone, they always receive it or you receive a notification if they don't; and if someone sends an E-mail to you, you always receive it.


  • 91030日,警察接到20来自消费者投诉他们已经付款没有收到任何货物,之后便逮捕了切亚。

    Nine months later, on Oct. 30, state police arrested the Ceglias after receiving more than two dozen complaints from customers who said they'd paid for pellets but hadn't received any.


  • 同样如果已经注册侦听器,您可能会收到stoppingstopped通知,具体接到哪一个通知要取决于服务器实际停止速度记住通知异步的)。

    Similarly, if you have a listener already registered, you might receive a stopping or stopped notification, depending on how fast the server actually stops (remember notifications are asynchronous).


  • 发现媒体讨厌接到的电话:‘收到我发通稿了吗?’

    What I have found when talking to the media is they hate when you call them up and say, 'Did you get the press release?'


  • 如果收到响应那么您能够目标服务器

    If the response is received, you have connectivity to the destination server.


  • 现在如清单20用户重新接到数据库试图访问表时收到错误消息

    Now, as shown in Listing 20, when users reconnect to the database and try to access the table, they receive an error.


  • 连锁店,广告登出后,他们接到数千订单收到很多老式(“撇子”)汉堡订单。

    The chain said it received thousands of requests for the new burger, as well as orders for the original "right-handed" version.


  • 如果无法数据库管理系统,那么在执行php脚本将会收到一个消息指出连接失败失败原因

    If a connection cannot be made to the database management system, you receive a message indicating that the connection failed and the reason it failed when the PHP script is executed.


  • 应用程序发布控制器收到MIDI消息

    When the application has been attached, it will publish the MIDI messages received from the controller.


  • 有的并不关心他们自己生日(或者事实上想到生日就厌恶),有的如果生日没有接到电话或是收到电子卡片,就会感到自己被忽视

    Some people don't care about birthdays (or actually hate being reminded of them), while others feel slighted if they don't get a phone call or an e-card.


  • 此次日食之后接下来几个星期或许收到意外收入,或许会接到一个利润丰厚项目也或者收到一个不错职位的奖金。

    Sometime in the weeks that follow this eclipse, you may get a surprise check, receive an offer to do a lucrative project, or be awarded a new professional position that pays well.


  • 虽然曾经收到很多读者电子邮件,但不久前,我开始接到寻求建议的邮件。

    Though I get a lot of email from readers, until most recently, I've started getting emails asking for advice.


  • 有些商店成功分发调查登记打印一个调查,德语收到

    Some stores also have success handing out a survey at the register or printing a link to a survey on the receipt, Deutsch says.


  • 最近收到来自名为罗伊感谢书后接到个来自加拿大的一名男子电话

    I recently received a call from Canada from a man named Roy who was thanking me after receiving my book.


  • 最近收到一封来信,写信的这位女士刚刚接到份工作邀请

    I recently received a letter from a woman who had just gotten a job offer.


  • 我们事件通知机制的需求来源于我们创建个用来监听连接套接字服务时。被调用线程等待连的时候一直处于睡眠状态,直到接收到了一个事件通知。

    Our need for notifiers arose when we created a service that starts a socket listening. While waiting for incoming connections, the calling thread sleeps as it awaits notification.


  • 当前自动传送配置设置已成功服务器收到数据

    Current auto transport config Settings succeeded connecting to the server and received data.


  • 关于篇文章报社收到大量来信接到了大量的电话

    The newspaper received a deluge of letters and phone calls about the article.


  • 每位参赛者将会收到编号卡片。此外,还可能接到一张名牌置于显眼处

    Each participant will receive a numbered card and may be given a name plate which is to be placed visibly.


  • 同样意思电话, 11:00页如果有人收到一个电话睡觉承担事项生命死亡

    The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p. m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes its a matter for life and death.


  • 我方收到方照像机装运通知连续接到我方客户的催促,方谅必能理解这次延误使我方处于困境。

    We are still without your Advice of Despatch of the cameras, while we are receiving urgent request from customers and you will understand that this delay places us in an awkward position.


  • 收到用户SL的所有用户至少30安装软件所有装置互联网上。

    Each user to whom you assign a SL must connect each device upon which they have installed the software to the Internet at least once every 30 days.


  • 收到用户SL的所有用户至少30安装软件所有装置互联网上。

    Each user to whom you assign a SL must connect each device upon which they have installed the software to the Internet at least once every 30 days.


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