• 得知研究地震收入颇丰

    I learn that he earns much from researching earthquake.


  • 她们同在一家养老院护理收入颇丰

    They are also earning good money as nursing assistants at a retirement home.


  • 他们难以理解儿子放弃收入颇丰的稳定工作

    They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job.


  • 当然站着说话不腰疼咯,毕竟一份收入颇工作

    It is easy for you to say, after all, you've got a lucrative job!


  • 大碟获得媒体的一致肯定,大碟演唱会收入颇丰

    It gained positive reviews throughout the media, and both the EP and the concerts sold well.


  • 这个相位影响下,可能收入颇丰但是不会铺张浪费

    Under this influence you may gain financially, but you are not likely to squander your money.


  • 这些零售超市中国收入颇未来几年全国范围内竞争势必还将激化

    Given the lure of China as a revenue source for these chains, the battle is set to intensify across the country in the years ahead.


  • 因为莫斯模特设计事业上都收入颇丰,福布斯称其为“时尚界的双重威胁”。

    The report calls Moss “a fashion world double threatbecause of her lucrative modeling and designing gigs.


  • 当时新产业时代父亲当时海军出纳供职,收入经常入不敷出

    Dickens's father was at the time a clerk in the navy pay office. He was well paid but often ended in financial troubles.


  • 找到收入颇丰监管一个公共饮食场所工作于是可以上一笔钱

    She also took a higher-paying job supervising a public eating place so she could save money.


  • 收入颇丰工作好处多多,但是疲劳过度也可能带来不利之处:即会增加心脏病患病的机率。

    The benefits of gainful employment are many, but working hard may have a downside: an increased risk of heart attack.


  • 然后2月23日,冥王星碰到掌控太阳宫时结交一些新的客户或者得到一个收入颇丰自由职业。

    Then, on February 23, when Pluto meets with the Sun, your ruler, you will have an excellent day to generate business with a new client or to win a lucrative new job or freelance assignments.


  • 2012年之后,除了一些收入颇丰讲座国际问题喋喋不休之外,萨科齐先生的的确确法国保持低调

    Since 2012, Mr Sarkozy has indeed mostly kept a low profile in France, jetting about the world instead to give lucrative lectures.


  • 随着接管人员地位市场产生的影响(他们因此收入——通常小时几百美金收入),现在有更多人对接管工作兴趣

    With receivers in position to influence the market (and get paid well for it — their fees are often hundreds of dollars an hour), there is a lot of interest in becoming a receiver right now.


  • 开始芝加哥预言学校学习法语。她还找到一个收入颇丰监管一个公共饮食场所工作于是她可以上一笔钱

    She began to study French at a language school in Chicago. She also took a higher-paying job supervising a public eating place so she could save money.


  • 然而亨利爵士名望已经足够大了,以至于刚刚退役,便很多广告商他发出邀约,去后水谷类早餐广告收入颇丰

    Nevertheless, it was fame enough that, once he had hung up his gloves, it allowed Sir Henry to make a bob or two by appearing in advertisements for aftershave and breakfast cereals.


  • 主要原因政经体制结构:“官员空降”或者“高官下凡”的实行,这也是为什么日本高层官员退休转而从事收入颇丰又较为清闲的工作

    The main reason is structural: the practice of amakudari, or, "descent from heaven," whereby many senior bureaucrats leave office only to move into cushy post-retirement jobs.


  • 主要原因政经体制结构:“官员空降”或者“高官下凡”的实行,这也是为什么日本高层官员退休转而从事收入颇丰又较为清闲的工作

    The main reason is structural: the practice of amakudari, or, "descent from heaven, " whereby many senior bureaucrats leave office only to move into cushy post-retirement jobs.


  • 德尔塔情况也许独一无二的收入颇丰事业里,日黄昏也许正是有利可图之时,但是格林斯管理层的薪金问题体系问题。

    Delta's situation may be unique, and largesse may also come more easily at the twilight of a well-paid career, but Mr Grinstein says that there is a systemic problem with bosses' pay.


  • 因为已经辞掉原来不喜欢但是收入颇丰的工作而开始自己创业。很多要完成必须要完成的事情摆在面前。但每当我着手开始的时候总是被迫把每一件都暂时抛诸脑后因为两个儿子家庭需要照顾。这里需要解释一下我开始自己的事情以前我必须。

    Are so many things I want to, and need to do - but, when I look at my MITs - I have to put them behind my two boys and the family. Let me explain - before I can even consider my MITs - I have to?


  • 因为已经辞掉原来不喜欢但是收入颇丰的工作而开始自己创业。很多要完成必须要完成的事情摆在面前。但每当我着手开始的时候总是被迫把每一件都暂时抛诸脑后因为两个儿子家庭需要照顾。这里需要解释一下我开始自己的事情以前我必须。

    Are so many things I want to, and need to do - but, when I look at my MITs - I have to put them behind my two boys and the family. Let me explain - before I can even consider my MITs - I have to?


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