• 第二部分:转型期居民收入差距扩大现状分析

    Part two: analysis of the widening income gap during the period of transition.


  • 居民收入差距扩大我国社会经济既有积极影响,也消极影响

    The expansion of the income gap has both a positive influence and a negative effect.


  • 对于我国居民收入差距扩大必须加以调控,把它控制社会容纳限度之内。

    Something must be done to control the enlarging of the gap to the limit which the society can tolerate.


  • 第一阶段居民收入差距扩大主要源于劳动力特征变化第二阶段的居民收入差距扩大难以解释。

    In the first stage, the expansion of income gap is mainly due to the changes in labor force characteristics. However, the reason is not clear in the next stage.


  • 不同地区居民收入差距扩大自然社会政策制度市场管理多种约束因素综合作用结果

    The income gap between citizens in different regions are the result of compound action of many constraint factors such as nature, society, policy, regulation, market and management.


  • 我国现阶段存在的影响个人收入差距扩大因素中,既有对此产生影响制度性原因,也有劳动者个人原因,更有市场体制本身因素

    In our present stage, the various factors which influence personal income disparity includes that the institutional reason, the worker's individual reason, and moreover the market system's factor.


  • 最后由于自动化有可能扩大资本收入劳动收入之间差距税收和社会保障体系不得不重新考虑。

    Finally, because automation threatens to widen the gap between capital income and labor income, taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought.


  • 世界最富20国家平均收入世界最的20国家的37这个差距过去40扩大一倍。

    The average income in the richest 20 countries is 37 times the average in the poorest 20 - a gap that has doubled in the past 40 years.


  • 上次调查以来,最高最低收入的家庭,获取信息情况差距扩大29%,教育程度划分则扩大25%。 (这就是数字化引起的分化)?

    From the time of the last study, the information access gap grew by 29 percent between the highest and lowest income groups, and by 25 percent between the highest and the lowest education level.


  • ( ——牛!作者思想境界太高了,译者)收入来说,富人中层阶级差距扩大但是快乐角度来说历史上标准相对要

    In terms of income, the gap between rich and middle class is growing, but in terms of happiness it is relatively low by broader historical standards.


  • 同样时间做同样工作男女,在收入上的差距随着时间推移还会不断扩大女性需要更长的时间才能进入管理岗位

    The salary gap widened over time even for men and women hired into the same jobs at the same time, he wrote, and women took longer to enter into management positions.


  • 最后这些努力面对上层没有固定收入单亲家庭以及现实世界中持续贫困差距扩大趋势时,还是失势了。

    In the end, these efforts struggled to overcome low pay, runaway salaries at the top, single-parent households and other real-world trends that kept poverty and inequality stubbornly high.


  • 个人收入差距不断扩大成为当前我国社会经济生活中各界关注的焦点问题之一,甚至社会经济生活的方方面面产生了重大影响

    The Gaps of individual income have become a focus of our life, even produced important influence for the aspect of social and economical life.


  • 因此采取有利措施,适当缩小居民收入差距促进农产品需求扩大

    Therefore, we should take powerful measures to reduce the oversized disparity of inhabitant income, and promote the expansion of agricultural product demand.


  • 而造成我国居民收入差距不断扩大主要原因就是我国城镇下岗失业人员不断增加大量农村剩余劳动力滞留农村

    This situation is caused mostly by the increasing number of out of worker in our cities and a mass of labor force resorting in the country.


  • 近几年我国各行业职工收入差距明显扩大趋势其中有一定合理成份,但不合理成份居多。

    In recent years, the gap of income of workers and staff members in different lines of China appears evident enlarged trend.


  • 近年来,我国居民收入差距加速扩大趋势这种状况影响到我国的经济增长社会稳定

    In recent year, the income gap between citizens in our country has an increasingly enlarged tendency. This kind of situation has been affecting our country's economic growth and social stability.


  • 与此同时我们充分认识地方经济两极分化同时存在,尤其代表收入水平地区工资差距逐渐扩大

    Meantime, we have to admit and realize that regional economy has polarization. Especially, the gap of regional wage that represents income level grows wider gradually.


  • 我国居民收入分配差距从总体上看不是很大已经处于偏大区间分配差距扩大速度惊人

    The differences of resident income in China are not great as a whole but it is already in a greater interval, and the difference increased at a remarkable speed.


  • 二元结构刚性存在导致城乡收入消费差距扩大居民消费比率变小。

    The rigidity of the dual economy structure result in the more obvious income differential and the cost differential, even the lower cost rate.


  • 无论以何种标准衡量,中国过去30收入分配差距呈现扩大趋势

    By any measure, China's income gap over the past 30 years, has emerged as the trend of expansion.


  • 个人收入差距急剧扩大,逐渐成为社会关注热点问题。

    The difference of individual income has become larger and larger. It has become the hotspot of the society.


  • 我国转型期居民收入差距不断扩大,严重影响到了社会公平尺度,引起了人们社会心态上变化

    The widening income gap of residents during the period of transition has affected the social fairness seriously and caused people to change their social mentality.


  • 特别是现阶段我国个人收入分配差距不断扩大的情况下,解决一问题显得尤为重要

    Especially at present when the gap of income distribution is generally enlarging in our country, it appears very important to solve this problem.


  • 尤其引人关注最近中,虽然我国保持了高速经济增长,但减贫的速度却在下降居民收入差距扩大导致了低收入者的相对贫困问题日益突出。

    In recent ten years, with a high speed of economic development, the speed of antipoverty is dropping. For income inequality being growth, relative poverty problem is on the schedule.


  • 尤其引人关注最近中,虽然我国保持了高速经济增长,但减贫的速度却在下降居民收入差距扩大导致了低收入者的相对贫困问题日益突出。

    In recent ten years, with a high speed of economic development, the speed of antipoverty is dropping. For income inequality being growth, relative poverty problem is on the schedule.


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