• 观测模拟结果表明北半球冬季准定常行星经向传播存在支波

    Both observations and simulations indicate that in the Northern Hemisphere winter there are two waveguides for the meridional propagation of quasi-stationary planetary waves.


  • 观测和模拟结果都表明,在北半球冬季准定行星的经向传播存在两支波导。

    There is evidence that the troposphere-stratosphere coupling interaction is closely associated with the quasi-stationary planetary wave activity.


  • 观测和模拟结果都表明,在北半球冬季准定行星的经向传播存在两支波导。

    There is evidence showing that the troposphere-stratosphere coupling interaction is closely associated with the quasi-stationary planetary wave activity.


  • 他们一起跳了浪漫列罗

    They danced a romantic bolero together.


  • 在这里可以容易找到来复枪,由于叛军仍然缺少军官指挥控制,因此他们很可能会混入叛军组织,第黎传递情报

    It would not be hard to pick up a rifle and pose as a volunteer with the rebel militia, which still has little and command and control from officers, and pass intelligence back to Tripoli.


  • 赛季开始前,热队加入了常年明星前锋克里斯·超级明星前锋勒布朗·詹姆斯,进而组成天才后卫德维恩·韦德带领的球队。

    Before the season the Heat added perennial all-star forward Chris Bosh and superstar forward LeBron James to a team that was headed by talented guard Dwayne Wade.


  • 一份死者名单,附带拉菲摩维社论原定1941年发表纪念结束战争里加条约签订20周年

    An obituary, with a leading article by Serafomovich, was supposed to be published in 1941, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Treaty of Riga, which ended the Polish-Bolshevik War.


  • 也正是这位商人将温杜老爹组合了在一起(瓦恩是20岁的音乐天才,拥有一名叫维多利亚•科基拉维尔的乐队)。

    It was he who united Wendo with Bowane, a 20-year-old genius with a band called Victoria Coquilhatville.


  • 首先,“菲尔设置好座塔形立柱舞台,上面道门以便悬挂巨大幕布用来遮挡雕像的。”

    First, "Copperfield had a setup of two towers on a stage, supporting an arch to hold the huge curtain that would be used to conceal the statue."


  • 光学雷达数据肯定一点,令伊文思得出结论,这里不是城市中心或许座庙宇,又或是曾有过驻军经历了几临时定居

    The lidar data confirmed this, leading Evans to conclude that it was not the center of a city but perhaps a temple or a garrison that saw only waves of temporary settlement.


  • 西印度群岛舞蹈舞者向后仰穿过水平每次都要比前一次得更低。

    West Indian dance in which the dancers keep bending over backward and passing under a pole that is lowered slightly each time.


  • 构造正交发现:紧集正交小函数地震极为相似,比较适合地震资料处理。

    Through construct tight branch collection of orthogonal wavelet base, we find that tight branch collection of orthogonal base wavelet function resembles real seismic wave.


  • 利用所构造复数正交紧对称分别研究了电网电能质量扰动检测定位分类问题。

    From this, detection, location and classification of power quality's disturbances are analyzed respectively, by the symmetry complex compactly-supported orthonormal wavelet constructed.


  • 目的探讨动脉连续勒超声评估颅内循环

    Objective To assess the intracranial collateral circulation with cervical continuous-wave Doppler.


  • 研制了一个并联短路脉冲转换器并给出其工作原理和过程分析。

    A converter of ultra wide spectrum bipolar pulse with a parallel connected short circuit transmission line is designed.


  • 你们当中,有美国女子指挥团队包括艾琳-墨登奥斯丁·洛夫

    Among you is the first all-female command team: ErinMauldin and Austen Boroff.


  • 依据信号噪声变换不同分辨率下呈现不同特性的特点,提出了多分辨率集图像低方法。

    Multiresolution support for lowpass filtering is introduced according to different property of wavelet transform for signal and noisy at different scale.


  • 回旋病变所导致Q或非Q心肌梗死患者,病理性QSTT异常出现在下下壁。

    Q wave and ST T wave abnormalities occurred most frequently at inferior and posterior walls and correlated with the disease of middle segment of circumflex.


  • 水平中马赫反射点迹线始于尖点下游

    The triple-point trajectory characterizing Mach reflection locates downstream of the right corner in the horizontal branch.


  • 北方的十个拥立他们自己的国王叫做耶罗安王。

    The other Ten tribes rebelled and got themselves another king.


  • 听到一谈话的录音后,孔看起来烟枪”,意为录音带清楚地说明尼克松批准将事件的真相掩盖起来

    Upon hearing the tape, Conable stated that it "looked like a smoking gun," meaning that from the tape it was clear that Nixon had approved the cover up.


  • 赛季开始前,詹姆斯韦德和克里斯-迈阿密携手聚义,组成了一超级球队,天命注定他们要在一起赢得多个总冠军而且个不够,两个嫌少,三个还要…”剧本就应该照此写下去。

    James had joined Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami to form a super team that was destined to win "not one, not two, not three … " championships, and so on.


  • 影响台湾海峡半日分别海峡南北口传入,且强于

    Those semidiurnal tidal waves which affect the Taiwan channel come respectively from the south and the north entrance of the channel, and the north one is stronger than the south's.


  • 所以到底乔丹这个NBA最好球员之一,对于勒布朗詹姆斯加入迈阿密全明星球员德怀恩韦德和克里斯组成超级球队有什么想法呢?

    So what does Jordan, one of the best-ever in the NBA, think of LeBron James joining with All-Stars Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh to form a super team in Miami?


  • 上次报告在Selhoru源头地区,三万人的卡拉萨。

    The last reports had Pono near the headwaters of the Selhoru with a khalasar of thirty thousand.


  • 俱乐部希望重新拥有战斗力的青年队,这方面菲利·加利出色。

    We want to return to have a competitive Primavera, Filippo Galli is working very well.


  • 本文就集中冲击力作用聚碳酸酯模型,研究了梁内的应力传播问题

    In this paper the stress wave propagation in a polycarbonate beam under impact loading is studied.


  • 这项研究称,戴普祖先中的一威廉爵士玛格丽特·西后裔

    The researcher found one branch of Depp's ancestors descended from Sir William Gascoigne and his wife Margaret Percy, aristocrats who lived in Yorkshire in the 15th Century.


  • 其次使用变换模极大方法上证指数、深证成指股票青岛海信、青岛啤酒、青岛海尔五分钟高频数据进行了多重分形分析,并MFDFA法的计算结果进行比较

    Next. WTMM is used to analyze multifractal spectrums of three stocks 5-minute high-frequency data of Qingdao Hisense. Qingdao beer and Qingdao Haier, and WTMM's results is compared with MFDFA's.


  • 其次使用变换模极大方法上证指数、深证成指股票青岛海信、青岛啤酒、青岛海尔五分钟高频数据进行了多重分形分析,并MFDFA法的计算结果进行比较

    Next. WTMM is used to analyze multifractal spectrums of three stocks 5-minute high-frequency data of Qingdao Hisense. Qingdao beer and Qingdao Haier, and WTMM's results is compared with MFDFA's.


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