• 如果我们支持他们他们就会尽力照顾我们客户

    If we support them, they'll do their best to look after our clients.


  • 然而大多数成年子女年迈父母提供的照顾支持与“昔日美好时光一样这样大多数老年人不会感到被抛弃了

    However, most adult children provide every bit as much care and support to their aging parents as the case in the "good old days", and most older people do not feel abandoned.


  • 大多数成年子女他们年迈父母提供照顾支持丝毫不亚于“美好的旧日时光”,而且大多数老年人并不觉得自己被抛弃了

    Most adult children provide every bit as much care and support to their aging parents as was the case in the "good old days", and most older people do not feel abandoned.


  • 负责照顾另一半的人提供支持服务可能会减少婚姻压力防止老年人离婚。”

    Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages," she said.


  • :“负责照顾另一半的人提供支持服务可能会减少婚姻压力防止老年人离婚。”

    "Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages," she said.


  • 是贫困儿童得到更好照顾支持的机会。

    It's a chance for poor children to get better care and support.


  • 支持女兵通过自己的努力筹集资金,教授其他孩子人生课程,利用空闲时间照顾社区里我们喜爱的老树。

    They support female soldiers raise money through their efforts, teach other kids about life lessons, and use their free time to care for the old trees we love so dearly in the community.


  • 妮弗在努力攻读学位的过程中得到了家人的大力支持:她的丈夫做两份工作来填补开销,她68岁的母亲有时会帮忙照顾孩子。

    Jenifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.


  • 寻找方法挤出时间抽离照顾者这个角色并且回一名伴侣——这样可以让你放松感觉到伴侣的支持

    Find a way to set aside the caregiver role from time to time, and be a partner instead - so that you can relax and feel nurtured by your partner.


  • 还有,打猎不只狐狸数量受到控制,也可以支持乡村经济,给照顾提供工作机会

    Also, not only does hunting keep the fox population under control, but it also supports the rural economy, providing jobs for people taking care of the dogs and horses.


  • 非常感谢得到母亲姐妹很多支持她们经常帮照顾孩子,让他们过上一个平稳快乐的生活

    Thankfully, I’ve gotten a lot of support from my mother, sister, and others in taking care of my boys and making their new living arrangements a smooth and happy transition.


  • 同时抓紧监控社区服务免不了花钱支持被拘留,对那些脆弱罪犯予以特殊照顾一样。

    Meanwhile, tightening and policing these sentences takes money; so would giving more support to prisoners leaving custody and specialised treatment outside prison for vulnerable offenders.


  • 如果我们能保持这种精神,如果我们能互相支持、互相照顾铭记着我们一起那么知道,我们战胜挑战

    If we keep that spirit alive, if we support each other and look out for each other and remember that we're all in this together, then I know that we, too, will overcome the challenges of our time.


  • 证据表明有着最高女性就业率的却不愿意拿出钱支持儿童照顾英美国,对待他们的儿童特别

    But there is evidence that America and Britain, the countries that combine high female employment with reluctance to involve the state in child care, serve their children especially poorly.


  • 有些十几岁的孩子因为需要照顾支持弟弟妹妹从而更有同情心,也学到了照顾弟妹的技巧

    Some teens learn compassion and caring skills when a younger brother or sister needs their support and care.


  • 冲突不断的国家妇女往往年轻守寡不得不战火中和颠沛流离生活肩负起照顾子女重担,她们得不到任何帮助支持

    In countries embroiled in conflicts, women are often widowed young and must bear the heavy burden of caring for their children amid fighting and displacement with no help or support.


  • 照顾儿童公众支持花费GDP的0.5%,而法国丹麦分别是1.3%和2.7%。

    It spends only 0.5% of its GDP on public support for child care compared with 1.3% in France and 2.7% in Denmark.


  • 支持被拘留那些脆弱罪犯予以特殊照顾一样。

    so would giving more support to prisoners leaving custody and specialised treatment outside prison for vulnerable offenders.


  • 第一个试验中,研究人员要求一半受试者回忆曾让自己感觉受到支持照顾的场景;另一半想着一次有趣经历比如高档餐厅吃饭

    First, they asked half the group to recall a time when they felt supported and cared for; the other half were asked to think about a fun experience, such as eating at a really great restaurant.


  • 值此国际家庭我们决心家庭提供支持因为是家庭抚养下一代,是家庭在照顾老人,也只有家庭在巩固建立宽容人人享有尊严基础上的牢固社区

    On this International Day of Families, let us resolve to support families as they nurture the young, care for the old and foster strong communities built on tolerance and dignity for all.


  • 首先必须资金支持用来照顾新娘家乡的风俗习惯(足够的资金抵御任何可能竞争以及任何可能的扩张财务支持)。

    First of all, he had to have money to support his bride in the manner to which she was accustomed (i.e., enough capital to withstand any possible competition and to finance any possible expansion).


  • 那些牺牲这么值得我们由衷敬佩尊重值得期待,应该我们最好的照顾支持我们的军事设施接受治疗。

    Those who have sacrificed so much deserve our deepest appreciation and respect, but they also deserve and should expect our best care and support when being treated at our military facilities.


  • 远距描述任何服务一般自己家中带来健康社会照顾直接用户信息通信技术支持

    Telecare describes any service that brings health and social care directly to a user, generally in their homes, supported by information and communication technology.


  • 这个村落中,并不是人人都会帮助照顾老年人但是长长的名单会让加倍支持

    Not everyone in the village will help care for an elderly person, but a long list gives you multiple possibilities for support.


  • 个人家庭护理服务人员支持能够照顾自己

    She takes care of herself with the support of personal home care attendants.


  • 一对需要照顾对方,并且支持家庭并且家务

    The couple need to take care of each other, support the family, and do the housework.


  • 可以得到更多信息关于照顾其他鸟类组织志愿者技术支持

    You can get more information about caring for chickens and other birds from the organization Volunteers in Technical Assistance.


  • 可以得到更多信息关于照顾其他鸟类组织志愿者技术支持

    You can get more information about caring for chickens and other birds from the organization Volunteers in Technical Assistance.


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