• 支持观点证据之一人们试图解决问题时,他们通常增加喉部肌肉活动

    One of the bits of evidence that supports this is that when people are trying to solve a problem, they typically have increased muscular activity in the throat region.


  • 现在支持友好长椅活动鼓励人们那里互相聊天公共座位

    He is now supporting "friendly benches", which are public seating areas where people are encouraged to go and chat with one another.


  • 1997年,威尔士王妃戴安娜访问安哥拉支持红十字会发起全面禁用杀伤性地雷活动人们对此感到有些惊讶

    It came as something of a surprise when Diana, Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in 1997, to support the Red Cross's campaign for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines.


  • 近,该基金会发起了另一项名为“全国红围巾日”的活动。在这一天,人们会捐出20美元,戴上红围巾,支持加拿大饥饿和无家可归的人。

    More recently, the foundation began another campaign called National Red Scarf Day—a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada's hungry and homeless.


  • 研究发现拥有强大的社交支持社交活动人们罹患糖尿病高血压心脏病风险较低

    People with strong social support or social engagement have been found to have lower risk of diabetes, hypertension and heart attacks.


  • 由于人们能够全面认识项目范围以及作为复杂的项目实施一部分间接管理支持活动

    This happens because humans fail to fully recognize the extent of project inertia and administrative and support overhead activities that are part of complex implementations.


  • 需要开展大规模宣传活动支持家禽方面的防控工作减少人们接触病禽可能性

    Massive communication campaigns are needed to support control efforts in poultry and reduce the potential exposure of people to infected poultry.


  • 建立定居点活动正在逐渐减少人们和平进程支持

    He says settlement activity is eroding support for the peace process.


  • 国际残疾人一年一度活动旨在促进人们残疾问题理解动员人们支持维护残疾人尊严权利幸福

    International Day of Disabled Persons is an annual event to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of people with disabilities.


  • 协议提出应组织各种联合活动加强表演者网络改善经济法律地位提高人们对有必要支持表演者一问题的认识。

    It provides for the organisation of joint activities to strengthen performers' networks and improve their economic and legal status, as well as for raising awareness of the need to support performers.


  • 支持需要支持人们之间关系一次活动都会更;在活动发生之后应该继续拉近

    The relationships among supporters and those in need that come about as a result of Twitter fundraising can and should continue to grow after a charity event.


  • 支持这些没有控告而正在受到拘禁而声明大幅度下降人们感谢竞选活动,因为他的竞选活动警告公众这样允许警察任意拘留无辜

    Support for imprisoning people without charge dropped considerably thanks to his campaign alerting the public that it would give permission to the police to hold the innocent at will.


  • 接受他们邀请希望支持他们,经过反复考虑,我的出现可能会转移人们这场活动用意关注,希望这场活动焦点仍然戴安娜生平贡献

    I accepted and wanted to support them. However, on reflection I believe my attendance could divert attention from the purpose of the occasion which is to focus on the life and service of Diana.


  • 警察撤离传闻愈演愈烈,人们相传这是一场有计划混乱,而关于安全部队成员参与纵火盗窃活动报告更为这种说法提供了支持

    The evacuation of police also fanned rumours, backed by reports of security agents engaging in arson and thievery, that the chaos was planned.


  • 非常支持公共娱乐活动它会防止人们学坏

    I am a great friend to public amusements; for they keep people from vice.


  • 人们开始研究通过计算机支持协作性人类活动使之提高群体工作效率质量

    People began to study how to support cooperative human activities, so as to improve the efficiency and quality of group work, through computer.


  • 在幕后活动获取人们提议支持根据协定,很多秘密交易要私下里进行

    Working backstage to gain political support for his proposal; many private deals were made backstage at the convention.


  • 巴勒斯坦分析人士哈迪则没有这么乐观建立定居点活动正在逐渐减少人们和平进程支持

    Palestinian analyst Mahdi Abdel Hadi is less optimistic. He says settlement activity is eroding support for the peace process.


  • 目的支持教育社交活动人们提供交友旅游野营之类活动的机会。

    The purpose is to support educational and social activities that order offer people a chanceful for friendship, travel and activities like camping.


  • 同时波特曼还是反贫穷活动支持者,因此,也被人们称为奥黛丽·赫本第二

    Meanwhile Portman has also supported antipoverty activities. For this she is called Audrey Hepburn the second.


  • 就是说不能发起一项活动然后希望人们支持就不去维护它了。

    That said, you can't just take a campaign live and hope everyone flocks to it.


  • 巴菲特直言不讳希拉里支持举办十几场筹款活动大选日,巴菲特甚至家乡马哈租用了一辆有轨电车,鼓励人们投票

    Buffett was a vocal supporter of Clinton, holding more than a dozen fundraisers for her, and even hiring a trolley in his hometown of Omaha on election day to get people out to vote.


  • 南京路世纪广场人们参加纽约时代广场式倒计时并且举行一个盛大慈善活动支持10月份上海召开特奥会

    At Nanjing Road's Century Plaza, crowds of people joined in a New York Times Square-style countdown and a charity gala held to support the Special Olympics, which is scheduled for Shanghai in October.


  • 支持这个法律的人新的措施有助于减少犯罪以及加强人们非法活动的警觉。

    Supporters say the new measure will help reduce crime and increase awareness about illegal activities.


  • 他们指出美国开始不太情愿支持他们而且其他阿拉伯国家抗议活动人们觉得美国政策犹豫不决

    S. diplomat. They pointed to the initial reluctance of the United States to back their movement and a perceived hesitancy in U. S. policy toward other reform movements in the Arab world.


  • 感谢所有关心、支持参与介入活动工作人们

    Special thanks should be given to all of those who participated in and contributed to Intrude.


  • 感谢所有关心、支持参与介入活动工作人们

    Special thanks should be given to all of those who participated in and contributed to Intrude.


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