• 许多“受控”托运人担心他们支付其余费用,因为Norfolk SouthernCSX 公司将增加市场控制

    Many captive shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market.


  • 因此现金支付痛苦似乎可以控制购买者冲动

    So the pain of cash payment seemed to actually control buyers' impulses.


  • 仅仅为了让一家电力公司客户可以在网上支付帐单并不一定意味着这家公司的关键控制系统容易受到攻击

    But just because an electricity company's customers can pay their bills online, it does not necessarily follow that the company's critical control systems are vulnerable to attack.


  • 当然这些安全软件应用程序只不过恶意软件,它控制电脑以此为质直到支付赎金,并且大多数情况下你无法卸载它们甚至电脑。

    Of course, these scareware applications are nothing more than malware that hold your PC hostage until you pay the ransom-in most cases, you can't uninstall them or even use the PC.


  • 因为定期支付利息企业管理人员就要遵守纪律从而确保他们成本进行控制

    The need to meet regular payments imposes a discipline on corporate executives, ensuring they keep a lid on costs.


  • 得知五角大楼已经吸取教训,加紧了对支付程序控制后,美国纳税人可能松口气

    American taxpayers may be relieved to know that the Pentagon has tightened its payment procedures in response to the sisters' scam.


  • 存款机构放松管制货币控制法案就是取消存款利率上限准许银行支付高额利率。

    That's Depository Institution's Deregulation and Monetary Control Act; what that did was, it eliminated ceilings on interest rates — on deposits, it allowed Banks to pay high interest rates.


  • 柯西·米亚科赫公司已经解雇了非法支付涉及员工销售代理人强化了公司的内部控制

    Cohlmia says Koch fired the employees and sales agents involved in the illicit payments and strengthened internal controls.


  • 通常来说无线运营商控制他们手持设备上所提供应用选择定价支付开发者超过40%的收益

    Normally, wireless carriers control the pricing and selection of the apps available for their handsets, paying developers no more than 40% of the proceeds.


  • 白俄罗斯支付低于担心价格,作为交换,白俄罗斯交出将天然气运往欧洲管道网络部分控制具体条款尚未最后敲定

    Belarus will pay less than it feared, in exchange for surrendering partial control of its pipeline network, through which gas is pumped to Europe, on terms yet to be finalised.


  • 通才派系愿意支付一对因为他们确信通胀压力缓解之后,他们有能力收回控制权。

    The generalists are willing to pay this price because they are confident that when the inflationary pressures dissipate, they will be able to regain control.


  • 还要严格控制赤字量入为出也是为什么我们需要百万富翁亿万富翁们支付他们应该承担份额一就业法案埋单的原因。

    But we also have to rein in our deficit and start living within our means, which is why this jobs bill is paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share.


  • 由于控制销售价格都很低,因此它们通常对系统进行了加锁防止控制开发者支付版税游戏上面运行

    Since consoles are usually sold at a loss, they are usually locked down to prevent games from running on them without the publisher paying royalties to the console developer.


  • 黑石要控制这家公司,其中包括设置员工薪水的权利,包括支付主管人员的高额薪金

    Control of the firm, including the ability to set salaries, will stay with its lavishly paid executives.


  • 投资者惊奇的,在雅虎定下做后的期限支付马云控制

    But investors were spooked that Alipay was transferred to Ma's control before terms were finalized with Yahoo.


  • 这样地位控制德国威胁,增强法国世界影响力欧盟自己支付昂贵的农场品补贴

    It then used that status to tame the German threat, to project French power in the world and to get the EU to pay for its own expensive farm subsidies.


  • 现在CMS领域开放源码优势显现出来了,这个领域原来由厂商控制的,用户需要支付昂贵的许可证费用,还受到专有API 的限制。

    Now the benefits of open source are being realized in CMS also, which traditionally had been a vendor-controlled world of expensive licensing and closed APIs.


  • 偿付全部开支帐单控制开支支付工资等等

    Meet all the expenses, bills, etc Controlling of expenditure, and paying of wages, etc.


  • 小企业业主医改法案抱怨不息,抱怨法案迫使他们要么缴纳保费,要么支付员工2千美元的罚款却不能从根本上控制不断增长成本

    Small business owners have been screaming about the health care bill that forces them to offer coverage or pay a $2, 000-per-employee fine but doesn’t substantially control rising costs.


  • "关于通过支付方式可以控制购买不健康食品冲动概念本质上讲,很重要的。"作家ManojThomasKalpeshKaushikDesaiSatheeshkumar Seenivasan如此写到。"

    "The notion that mode of payment can curb impulsive purchase of unhealthy food products is substantially important," wrote authors, Manoj Thomas, Kalpesh Kaushik Desai and Satheeshkumar Seenivasan.


  • 控制配偶得到并且拒绝支付配偶必要的支出保险事实上一种虐待

    Controlling the money so the spouse does not have access and then refusing to pay for a spouse 's necessities or insurance is indeed a form of abuse.


  • 2015年,由于制裁控制支付渠道保障措施,所以炼油厂减缓了采购伊朗出口也减半

    In 2015 refiners had slowed purchases due to sanctions which choked payment routes, insurance and halved Iran's exports.


  • 一个好的控制系统应由不同负责收入、记录支付储存

    A good system of control divides the receiving, recording, disbursing, and depositing of cash among several individuals.


  • 否则出口商没有得到货款愿意发货另一方面,进口商在实际控制货物之前不情愿支付货款。

    Otherwise, the exporter is unwilling to deliver the goods without receiving payment, while the importer is reluctant to pay his money without actually controlling the goods.


  • 采购文档合同变更控制系统支付系统,合同。

    D. Procurement Documentation, Contract Change Control System, Payment System, Contract.


  • 传统银行卡植入微型计算机芯片作为保安装置用于控制通过电子银行结算系统支付

    A microcomputer embedded within a conventional bank card used as a security device on controlling payments via electronic banking and clearing systems.


  • 采购文档合同变更控制系统支付进度表,合同管理计划

    C. Procurement Documentation, Contract Change Control System, Payment Schedule, Contract Management Plan.


  • 采购文档合同变更控制系统支付进度表,合同管理计划

    C. Procurement Documentation, Contract Change Control System, Payment Schedule, Contract Management Plan.


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