• 可以联系如果支付困难显示您的其他出路

    You may contact me if you will have payment difficulty and will show you other ways out.


  • 现在许多支付按月房贷的困难

    Many people are now having trouble making their monthly house payments.


  • 反过来这必然意味着消费者支付更多食品杂货账单在那些食品短缺问题已经关乎生死存亡的国家也会导致数百万人将面临更大困难

    This, in turn, inevitably means bigger grocery bills for consumers, and greater hardship for the millions in countries where food shortages are a matter of life and death.


  • 解了她的困难之后,恩科西科决定支付大约100兰特(7美元)的汽油账单,以确保她能有足够的汽油驶过高速公路。

    Knowing about her trouble, Nkosikho decided to pay her gas bill of about R100 ($7) to make sure that she could travel across the highway with enough gas.


  • 如果小孩儿,你明白找到支付一个婴儿保姆是多么困难

    If you have small children, you know how difficult it can be to find, and pay for a baby-sitter.


  • 支付业务方面这些公司都面临重重困难尤其是资金进出业务方面能力明显不足。

    The payment operations aspect of these companies is extremely hard, particularly for the funds-in/funds-out capabilities.


  • 医疗专家们国会应该寻找更多的资金支付初级保健,而不应该是医生之间重新分配资金——在巨大预算赤字面前,这将是困难辩论

    Congress, the specialists say, should find additional money to pay for primary care and should not redistribute dollars among doctors - a difficult argument at a time of huge budget deficits.


  • 尽管最近流行随时可以铲平观点,但达成一致迅速有效地紧急情况提供支付非常困难的事情。

    Despite all the recent cries of "Shovels at the ready!" it is very difficult to agree on and disburse emergency spending quickly and effectively.


  • 如果在试用期内发现创业面临困难就可以支付辞退金的情况下员工走人。

    So that if things don’t work out, you can let him go without paying a big severance package.


  • 整体经济低迷使得消费者企业债务支付更加困难

    Weakness in the broader economy will also make it harder for consumers and businesses to service their debts.


  • 逆转这些趋向将会困难的,但是假如负债国要利用出口收入支付外债,那么这样的逆转却是必不可少的。

    Reversing those trends will be hard, but essential if countries are to service their foreign debts from export earnings.


  • 已经请求客户额外支付50亿欧元包住他的成本取得一致显得困难

    He has asked his customers for an extra EUR 5 billion to cover his costs, but getting agreement is proving difficult.


  • 除非这种情况能快速生产增长抵消,那么维持未来同样人均生产产出,要支付养老金,都会越来越困难

    Unless this is offset by more rapid productivity growth, this could make it harder to maintain the same growth in output per person in future and so harder to pay pension bills.


  • 支付至少电子商务而言可能困难

    Paying, at least for e-commerce, can be tough.


  • 表示最后必须支付额外的款项他们觉得人们对偿还额外款项困难

    This means that you would have to pay extra money at the end, but they decided that people have trouble doing that.


  • 这些本来要辍学的孩子变成大学毕业生主要挑战但是孩子们在支付学费上似乎具有更加大的困难

    Coming up with a curriculum that would turn likely dropouts into college grads was a major challenge, but figuring out how to pay for the school seemed an even bigger obstacle.


  • 有些认为,即便有好的项目贫穷国家实施也会很困难,大量支出可能被贪污掉。“有条件现金转移支付计划”对此作出强有力的驳斥。

    For skeptics who believe that social programs never work in poor countries and that most of what's spent on them gets stolen, conditional cash transfer programs offer a convincing rebuttal.


  • 鼓励世界各国至少采取一些政策覆盖面扩大更多减少可能不堪支付卫生保健费用而陷入严重经济困难人数

    It encourages every country in the world to adopt at least some policies that will extend coverage to more people, and reduce the number of people who risk financial ruin because of health care costs.


  • 容克先生回答,在私人债权人在接受支付延期的情况下,再他们手上筹集资金“相当困难的”。

    Because, Mr Juncker said, figuring out how to squeeze out some funding from private creditors, without it being deemed a default, "is very complicated".


  • 后来发现要确定什么贫困家庭十分困难,于是又废止这个方案,转而采用一种“地毯式”的转移支付,对所有提出申请的家庭给予资助。

    When defining the poor proved tricky, this was dropped in favour of blanket transfers to any family that applied for them.


  • 无论哪种方式他们必须继续支付他们账单如果他们拖欠债务会让他们将来借款更加困难成本更高

    Either way, they have to keep paying their bills. If they default on their debt, that only makes it harder and costlier to borrow in the future.


  • 随着千百万失业千百万家庭面临困难平民减少税款支付同时寻找更多服务失业救济金

    With millions of people out of work, and millions of families facing hardship, folks are paying less in taxes while seeking more services, like unemployment benefits.


  • 然而一旦他们到达行业顶端即使是技术公司发现避免支付股息困难的。

    However, once they reach the top of the industry, even technology companies find it hard to avoid paying dividend.


  • 事实上认为医院这个行业一个暴利机构所以那些穷人来说支付高额费用困难的。

    Actually, in my opinion, the industry of hospital is a Lucrative agency, so, for poor people it's very difficult to afford the high expenses.


  • 由于支付小费的多少会因地方接受服务不同而不同,所以其下定义是个比较困难的事情。

    It is difficult to give definite rules for tipping, because it depends upon where you go and the service that is given you.


  • 由于支付小费的多少会因地方接受服务不同而不同,所以其下定义是个比较困难的事情。

    It is difficult to give definite rules for tipping, because it depends upon where you go and the service that is given you.


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