• 中国人民银行表示流动性支持资金成本同期公开市场操作利率相同无须提供任何抵押品

    The funding cost for the liquidity support will be about the same as the open market operations rate over the same period, the PBOC said, without specifying any requirement for collateral.


  • 大幅降息外,央行一直通过公开市场操作买入银行债券,以便帮助利率回落。

    In addition to slashing interest rates, the central bank has been buying bank bonds through its open-market operations to help bring down interest rates.


  • 利率通胀之间联系或许本来那么直接,但是至少中央银行很多理论和实例操作他们的联系。

    The connection between interest rates and inflation may not have been exact, but at least central banks had plenty of theory and evidence to guide them.


  • 他们过于轻易地假定央行至少短期利率维持在自己乐见的水平,他们应路线进行秘密操作

    They have too readily assumed that central banks can make at least short-term nominal interest rates what they like and have concentrated on esoteric exercises on the path they should follow.


  • 最近声明仍然给了美联储操作空间但是可能的情况美元之熊通货膨胀之鹰合力利率高。

    With its most recent statement, the Fed has given itself some room for manoeuvre. But the chances are that dollar bears and inflation hawks will conspire to push interest rates up.


  • 也是在20世纪60年代,通过仅仅边际性地降低长期利率、实行扭曲操作(OT)来实现最初目标

    That was the aim of the original Operation Twist in the early 1960s, which may have lowered long-term interest rates marginally but that's about it.


  • 美联储本周三宣布延长4000亿美元国债持有期限,以期降低长期银行贷款利率,这即所谓的 美元扭曲操作

    The Fed announced Wednesday that it would shuffle $400 billion of its own bond holdings in hopes of reducing interest rates on long-term loans, a plan known as Operation Twist.


  • 欧洲央行货对市场操作规则的这改变在于9月3日4日举行下一设定利率会议得到一致同意。

    A change to the rules that govern its money-market operations could be agreed on by the bank at its next rate-setting meeting on September 3rd and 4th.


  • 称作“变相量化宽松政策或者“长短期利率操作”,是上世纪60年代国库美联储试图通过更改国债发行模式来“扭转收益曲线得名

    This has been dubbed "sterilised" QE or "Operation twist", after a 1960s programme in which the Treasury and the Fed tried to "twist" the yield curve by altering the pattern of Treasury-bond issuance.


  • 目前为止,各大央行已经采取救市措施包括修补技术性操作提供流动性(维持隔夜利率,而从别处注入流动性)。

    They have tried to help by tinkering with the technical operations that supply liquidity (though they keep overnight interest rates on target by draining money elsewhere).


  • 计划称为“长短期利率操作” ,上世纪六十年代曾经实行类似政策

    The plan has been dubbedOperation Twist” after a similar policy in the 1960s.


  • 近期检查的重点是杠杆利率全企业风险管理流动性操作

    Recent reviews have considered topics such as leveraged loans, enterprise-wide risk management, and liquidity practices.


  • 互换合约[3](Interest Rate Swap)允许投资者借债人固定利率的合约一个浮动(可变)利率的合约相交换;同样也允许反向操作

    Interest-rate swaps allow investors and borrowers to switch from a fixed rate to a floating, or variable, rate and vice versa.


  • 自从08年十月二十九日,联邦公开市场操作委员会降息0.5%后,联邦资金利率目标现在也只剩1%,但是这些资金实际上还要换(在银行间相互借贷市场中流动)-有效利率大约只剩下0.25%。

    Since Oct.29th, the target for the federal funds rate has been a 1%, but the rate at which funds actually change hands, known as the “effective rate”, has averaged around 0.25%(see chart).


  • 真空操作打开阀门致动器选择长,680毫米转速提高利率同时气流发动机扭矩

    Vacuum operated actuators open valves to select a longer, 680mm, inlet tract at low revs, increasing the rate of both the airflow and the engine torque.


  • 公开市场操作影响货币市场债券市场利率走势

    The open market operation makes difference to the movement of monetary market and bond market.


  • 商业银行经营活动过程中,主要面临着信贷风险国家转移风险、市场风险、利率风险、流动性风险操作风险

    The commercial bank mainly faces credit risk, country and shifting risk, market risk, interest rate risk, mobile risk and operating the risk and etc.


  • 如果继续进行冲销操作加大结构性通货膨胀压力,加大继续提高利率压力,加大人民币预期升值的压力。

    Continuing sterilization will impose on structural inflation, interest rate improvement and the expectation of the RMB s appreciation.


  • 如果继续进行冲销操作加大结构性通货膨胀压力,加大继续提高利率压力,加大人民币预期升值的压力。

    Continuing sterilization will impose on structural inflation, interest rate improvement and the expectation of the RMB s appreciation.


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