• 支持存储卡播放录像照片

    Playing of memory card for photo and movie.


  • 播放录像幻灯片。

    To show a video or a slide.


  • 两种不同速度播放录像,参与者比较出时间长短

    The subjects were also shown the video at two different speeds and asked to r ate the duration of each clip.


  • 另外,我们利用技术,将教学材料同步呈现在,播放录像窗口边

    And we used the technology that allows us to synchronize his teaching materials beside the window where the video was playing.


  • 录像中的细节画面中,需要再推动一次操纵杆开始播放录像

    In the video details screen, just push the joystick once more to start playing the video.


  • 回放功能画面回放,抓拍即时打印及备份专用播放播放录像文件

    Playback Multi channels playback Snapshot, instant printing backup, built-in players to play video files.


  • 5月世界卫生大会播放录像片,恰当地赞颂组织成立60周年

    A video presentation will be featured at the World Health Assembly in May to pay a fitting tribute to WHO's 60th anniversary.


  • 《藏餐茶坊》藏餐茶坊里正在播放录像,没钱的小孩门口围观。藏民喜欢经常接触的印度电影

    The teashop: the teashop often plays videos. The poor kids always stand at the gate and watch the videos. Indian movies are their favorite ones.


  • 此外如果电影幻灯片可以放映员视听房间播放录像在那里可以语言磁带音乐磁带。

    Besides, if you want to watch films or slides, you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio visual room, where you can also listen to language tapes and music tapes.


  • 做这些示范播放这些电影录像为了启发你们

    Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification.


  • 国家电视广播网已播放被污泥覆盖社区录像汽车道旁,报道大量村民没有饮用水食品电力供应。

    Television networks have broadcast images of mud-covered communities, cars upended on city streets and reported huge Numbers of villagers without drinking water, food and power.


  • 通过播放人们各种环境下提问时主题录像,而进行研究

    She does her research by showing subjects videotapes of people being questioned in a variety of situations.


  • 展览期间播放段4分钟录像,里面都是米歇尔朋友相识的评论。

    A four-minute video of Mitchell's friends and acquaintances talking about her will be shown during the exhibit.


  • 三十年前今天MTV在荧屏上开始出现,播放的第一录像英国浪潮乐队巴格斯(Buggles)的“录像杀死广播明星”。

    Thirty years ago today, MTV landed on television with the video "Video Killed the Radio Star" by the British New Wave band the Buggles.


  • 同样系列搭载了FaceTime摄像头可以拍摄720P录像,并且可以宽屏格式播放

    There is also a new FaceTime camera, which can stream video in 720p resolution and display it in a new widescreen format.


  • 如果希望播放这些录像需要下载本地计算机上安装基本Camtasia Player。

    If you wish to play these recordings, you will need to have the basic Camtasia Player downloaded and installed on your local machine.


  • 当时JVC公司曾展示了一当时看来体积很小的,播放时间长达2小时的录像,以至于《大众科学》杂志称赞这款产品:“这种录像卡带的尺寸非常,简直要比某些录音卡带的体积还小!”

    JVC showed a two-hour tape that was so compact, Popular Science called it “smaller, in fact, than some audio cassette decks.”


  • 蒙迪扎巴尔罗森博格一起服装店里电脑录像,罗森博格反复播放录像搜寻蛛丝马迹

    Mendizábal, who watched it with him on a computer at the clothing shop, said that Rosenberg played the video over and over, searching for clues.


  • 媒体中心现在支持体育节目数字视频录像电视网络向导因特网流媒体视频,播放家庭网络存储视频图片音乐功能

    Media Center currently sports DVR capabilities, a TV and Web programming guide, Internet video streaming, and the ability to play or view videos, images and music stored on your home network.


  • 伤害留下记忆就像录像一样,头脑反复播放而饶恕就能把这些去。

    Forgiveness erases the videotape of that hurt memory that keeps playing over and over in your mind.


  • 下来,冲负责播放视频技术人员点点头,设在会议室前头一个屏幕开始播放视频录像:镜头前站两个手持突击步枪蒙面男子。

    He sat down and nodded to a techie who played the video on the screen in the front of the room: Two men with assault rifles stood in front of the camera, wearing hooded masks.


  • 袭击过后几天里,国家电视频道仍然一直在新闻首要时间报道,不断播放警方神秘泄露袭击时的安全录像

    Several days after the assault state television channels were still leading their news with it and playing security camera videos of the attack mysteriously leaked by the police.


  • 录像寄给了哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS),并且网络播放影片世界各地超过200名记者封面故事的形式做了报道。

    He sent his tape to CBS, and after the network ran the footage, more than 200 reporters from all over the world showed up to cover the story.


  • 脑子一部录像机,那天我都能够播放带,进或停止。

    My mind is a VCR that can play, rewind, fast forward and pause any second of that day.


  • 智能手机不仅能够拨打接听电话,而且通常配有网页浏览器内置音乐播放照相机录像电子邮件。

    Smartphones are capable of more than simply making and receiving calls; they often boast a web browser, an integrated music player, a camera and video recorder, and push email.


  • 电视网播放国外有关“昭南丸”撞击事件视频录像家报纸头版刊登了此次撞击事件的画面。

    TV networks showed video footage of the collision taken from aboard the Shonan Maru, while two newspapers carried front-page photographs of the incident.


  • 观众本周看到其中第一个:画面假装阻止别人用数码录像机快进播放更多传统广告

    Viewers saw the first of these scenes this week in a presumed effort to thwart DVR-owners fast-forwarding through more conventional ads.


  • 实际上电视播放一部他实施致命注射录像最终使他进了监狱。

    Indeed, it was the televising of a tape of him actually administering a lethal injection that eventually put him in prison.


  • 实际上电视播放一部他实施致命注射录像最终使他进了监狱。

    Indeed, it was the televising of a tape of him actually administering a lethal injection that eventually put him in prison.


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