• 这次测量中,巴格达(Baghdad Sulcus)附近的温度超过180开尔文(零下135华度,约合零下93摄氏),并且可能超过200开尔文(零下100华氏度,约合零下73摄氏度)。

    In the measurements, peak temperatures along Baghdad Sulcus exceed 180 Kelvin (minus 135 degrees Fahrenheit), and may be higher than 200 Kelvin (minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit).


  • 新的高温记录出现俄罗斯(37.8摄氏),还有亚洲(53.5摄氏巴基斯坦)。

    New temperature records were set in Russia (37.8 degrees centigrade) and in Asia (53.5 degrees in Pakistan).


  • 模型降低平均表面温度上升的预测值,3摄氏下降2摄氏度。

    The new analysis also reduces the expected rise in average surface temperatures to just over 2c, from 3c.


  • 加拿大全国气温高于长期平均气温4摄氏,是历史最热冬天该国北部冬季气温高于正常值至少6摄氏度。

    Canada had its warmest winter on record, with national temperatures 4c above the long-term average; winter temperatures were 6c or more above normal in parts of the country's north.


  • 因为全球平均气温已经高于前工业化时期大约0.7摄氏意味着未来世纪,气温上升4摄氏完全可能的。

    As the global average temperature is already about 0.7c above pre-industrial times, this implies that anything up to 4c during the coming century is possible.


  • 这种细菌生活水中,在2050摄氏温度中(最佳温度为35摄氏度)在冷热水系统中形成群体。

    The bacteria live in water and colonize hot and cold water systems at temperatures of 20 to 50 degrees Celsius (optimal 35 degrees Celsius).


  • 比如说直到最近才不使用的带,它的设计工作温度就是90摄氏到110摄氏度之间。

    For example, the dry 'grooved' tyres used up until very recently were typically designed to function at between 90 degrees Celsius and 110 degrees Celsius.


  • 报道还补充道沿海地区空气海水温度过去10年里分别上升0.4摄氏和0.2摄氏度。

    Average air and sea temperatures in coastal areas had risen about 0.4 and 0.2 degrees Celsius respectively over the past 10 years, the news agency added.


  • 今天出版的《自然》周刊上,阿伦他的同事们撰文燃烧一万亿化石燃料可能造成全球气温升高1.6-2.6摄氏,而升高2摄氏度的可能性非常大。

    Writing in today's Nature, Allen and colleagues say a trillion tonnes of carbon burnt would be likely to produce a warming of between 1.6C and 2.6C, with a "most likely" 2C rise.


  • 一年温度升高临时数字高出长期以来平均14摄氏0.44摄氏度。

    The provisional figure for warming during the year is 0.44C above the long-term average of 14C.


  • 莫斯科七月平均气温正常情况高出了7.6摄氏该市最高气温高于历史最高值2摄氏度。

    In Moscow, July mean temperatures were 7.6c above normal, making it the city's hottest month on record by more than 2c.


  • 现在大多数科学家预计2100年地球气候升温3摄氏虽然期间会经历4.5至5摄氏上升

    The planet will be hotter by 3c by 2100, most scientists now expect, though rises of 4.5c to 5c could be experienced.


  • 大部分太阳能电池温度到达100摄氏呈现惰性PETE设备超过200摄氏的情况下还到达效率峰值

    While most silicon solar cells have been rendered inert by the time the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius, the PETE device doesn't hit peak efficiency until it is well over 200 degrees c.


  • 研究人员还称,炽热寒冷两个半球之间星球平均表面温度零下31摄氏至零下12摄氏

    Between blazing heat on the star-facing side and freezing cold on the dark side, the average surface temperature may range from minus 31 to minus 12 degrees Celsius, the researchers said.


  • 不同国家集团希望国际社会承诺,将前工业化时期以来全球平均气温上升限制2摄氏1.5摄氏度以内,甚至有几个国家要求1摄氏度以内。

    Different blocs of countries want the international community to commit to limiting the global average temperature rise since pre-industrial times to 2c or 1.5c, though a few are demanding 1c.


  • 很显然操作激光系统2摄氏36摄氏间,尽管随着温度升高,激光释放的威力会减小。

    And the laser system apparently works in temperatures ranging from 2 degrees Celsius up to 36 degrees c, though the laser bursts become less effective as it gets warmer.


  • 定义一些参考,例如摄氏温标定义沸点100摄氏冰点0摄氏度。

    And Celsius first used the boiling point of water, and called that 100 degrees Celsius, and the freezing point of water and called that zero degrees Celsius.


  • 的实验受试者将两手的食指以及无名指浸入109华氏(39摄氏度)的水中,同时中指放入57华氏度(14摄氏)的水中。

    Her participants immersed their index and ring fingers in 109-degree-fahrenheit (39-degree-celsius) water. Their middle fingers were put in 57-degree-fahrenheit (14-degree-celsius) water.


  • 夏季白天平均温度华氏85(29.4摄氏),冬季白天的平均温度为华氏78度(25.6摄氏度)。

    The average daytime summer temperature at sea level is 85 degrees F. (29.4 C) while the average daytime winter temperature is 78 degrees (25.6 C).


  • 正常年份中,加拉帕戈斯群岛的海洋温度23摄氏29摄氏之间变化厄尔尼诺年份期间,其海洋温度上升30摄氏度。

    Sea temperatures in the Galapagos vary between 23c and 29c in normal years, but can rise to 30c in El nino years.


  • 江西省,有550万受到冰雹史上最低气温2.6摄氏影响,该省往年此时正常气温6摄氏

    In Jiangxi Province, 5.5 million people were affected by sleet and a record low average temperature of 2.6 degrees Celsius, compared with six degrees normally for the time of year.


  • 北京今天的最高气温较昨日下降了1摄氏,较上周下降了至少6摄氏

    Beijing's high temperature was minus one degree Celsius on Saturday, down by at least six degrees from last week.


  • 我们不会把焦点放在1摄氏2摄氏度的提升发生什么事情,我们评判什么温度水平环境造成危害。

    We are not focusing on what will happen with a one degree or two degree increase, we are looking at what level will be a danger to the environment.


  • 现代航空引擎工作温度2000摄氏左右Stipp博士,悬浮火山灰玻璃颗粒在800摄氏时就开始软化

    Modern aircraft engines operate at temperatures of around 2, 000C. Dr Stipp says the glassy particles in the ash cloud start to soften at about 800C.


  • 世界气象组织的数据包括来自美国数据,今年全球平均气温比1961年至1990年的全球平均气温(14摄氏)高出0.41摄氏度,成为了有史以来十个最热年。

    The organisation, whose data also includes figures from the US, put the global average temperature at 0.41c above the 1961 to 1990 average of 14c, making it the 10th warmest on record.


  • 世界气象组织的数据包括来自美国数据,今年全球平均气温比1961年至1990年的全球平均气温(14摄氏)高出0.41摄氏度,成为了有史以来十个最热年。

    The organisation, whose data also includes figures from the US, put the global average temperature at 0.41c above the 1961 to 1990 average of 14c, making it the 10th warmest on record.


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