• 一个具有镜头摄像机提供直立

    An upright camcorder with a dual lens is provided.


  • 摄像机提供动态频宽管理技术其高品质的视频

    The cameras offer dynamic bandwidth management techniques with superior video.


  • 设备标识每个摄像机提供数字信号从而支持其职能性系统管理

    Device identification supplies a digital signature for each camera to support accountability and system management.


  • 例如如果主人通过故事的方法,不经意地提及房间里摄像机可能就足以客人提供说出自己不满的机会。

    For instance, if the host casually acknowledges that there is a camera in the room by telling a story about it, that may be enough to provide an opening for a guest to say if they are uncomfortable.


  • 这种系统,会将许多不同摄像机得到的画面拼接起来提供地区的实景录像。这些拼接的录像,完全足以反映一个小镇的情况。

    This stitches together images from lots of cameras to provide live video of an area as big as a town.


  • 建造了这样一个平台提供无线连接笔记本电脑,用于固定sunSPOT13的支持物,以及用于查看工作单元活动情况立体摄像机

    He constructed a platform on the device that holds a laptop computer to provide a wireless connection, a holder for a Sun SPOT, 13 and stereo cameras to see where the unit was going.


  • 提供产品包括来自以下每个制造商电视DVD 播放机摄像机Brand1、 Brand2和Brand3

    The products to be offered include TVs, DVD players and video cameras from each of the following manufacturers: Brand1, Brand2, and Brand3.


  • 可以使用usb摄像机但是提供结果往往不好。

    You can use a USB CAM, but it will almost certainly not provide usable results.


  • ICx提供成像照相机摄像机C2分析软件以及完整集成系统

    ICx also provides thermal cameras, video C2 and analytic software, and complete, integrated systems.


  • 可以个人团体企业提供这项服务通过Skype网络摄像机作用,可以使你像站在他们面前一样。

    You can provide this service to individuals, groups, or businesses; and with the power of Skype and a web CAM, it can be just as though you are standing next to them.


  • 如果提供招式太多玩家便不能好地控制角色尤其是摄像机控制器出问题的情况下。

    If you offer too many moves, players can't control their character very well, especially if they're fighting a bad camera and other quirks in the controls.


  • 为了给观众提供绝佳的金雕视角,我们将一个微型摄像机背上,并让世界冠军级的滑翔伞运动员特殊降落伞山上滑下,拍摄这种身临其境的镜头。

    To get a golden eagle's eye view a miniature camera was strapped to the bird's back, while a world champion paraglider flew down the mountain using a special parachute to get immersive motion shots.


  • 导演或编辑利用技能不同摄像机提供多个视角域面中选择,以确保图像直播效果

    The director-editor uses his skill to secure an immediate effective flow of images from the multiple viewpoints his cameras and their lenses collectively represent.


  • 摄像机镜头光圈变焦调焦控制速度精确调整摄像机镜头提供情报方便

    The aperture, zooming and focusing control speed of the camera can be adjusted, which provides facility for the precise adjustment of the camera lens.


  • 摄像机固定一个架子上使用时通过标准以太网电缆接入家庭小型办公网络但有点奇怪的产品出售时不提供电缆。

    The camera, mounted on a small stand, plugs into a home or small office network using a standard Ethernet cable, which, somewhat surprisingly, is not supplied.


  • 分析师指出网络摄像机提供功能范围不断变化的,但是还是一些基本东西可以参考。

    The range of features available on network cameras is constantly changing, but here are some basic things to look for, according to analysts.


  • 光照系统CCD摄像机提供均匀恒定无影光照;图像采集系统可实时采集害虫序列图像信息送至计算机内存进行处理。

    The chamber could produce even and invariable light for the CCD camera, and the vision system collected and transferred series of images information to computer memory at real time.


  • 时间同步控制器提供同步控制信号,控制摄像机在同一时刻飞机成像。

    The time synchronization control system provides the time signal to control the cameras to take photos.


  • 摄像机(7)拍摄安全门(3)附近区域,在所述区域内提供认证单元(5)。

    The camera (7) photographs an area near the security gate (3), in which the personal authentication unit (5) is provided.


  • 如果这些六边形窗户不能提供足够的能见度或者下雨的话,因为只有两个雨刷),顶部安装一个摄像机

    If the numerous hexagonal windows don'tprovide enough visibility (or if it rains, since there are only two wipers), there's also a camera mounted on top of the sphere.


  • 方法适用测量经过编码后远距离激光脉冲光斑应用电视摄像机捕捉有规律瞬态存在目标提供一个途径

    The method is suitable for measurement of the encoded remote laser pulse spot and provided a approach for application of TV camera to acquisition of the regularly transient targets.


  • 该装置可同时处理八个摄像机提供2428输出无需外部电源适应电压下降

    It handles up to eight cameras and offers 24-vac or 28-vac selectable outputs to accommodate voltage drops without an external power source.


  • 含有电气设备,同时能够数据通信安全摄像机系统提供支持。

    It has electrical fittings and includes provisions for data, communication, and security camera systems.


  • 通过摄像机-云台系统采用视觉坐标系推导出了摄像机-云台系统转动的角度控制公式运动车辆跟踪提供理论基础

    The angle control formula of the camera & pan-tilt-device system is educed with its vision coordinates, which provides theory basis for moving vehicle tracking.


  • MPEG - 4JPEG提供多种录制格式来传输支持高清晰IP摄像机录音性能

    It offers multiformat recording in MPEG-4 and JPEG to deliver recording performance that supports high-resolution IP cameras.


  • 摄像机连续镜头保留三十提供食品标准局(FSA)。

    Footage from the cameras will be stored for 30 days and made available to the Food Standards Agency (FSA).


  • 基于平台网络摄像机提供详细目标识别

    Network cameras based on this platform will deliver more detailed recognition of objects.


  • 为了能给观众提供绝佳的金雕视角,我们将一个微型摄像机背上,并让世界冠军级的滑翔伞运动员特殊降落伞从山上滑下,拍摄这种身临其境的镜头

    To get a golden eagle's eye view a miniature camera wasstrapped to the bird's back, while a world champion paraglider flew down themountain using a special parachute to get immersive motion shots.


  • 为了能给观众提供绝佳的金雕视角,我们将一个微型摄像机背上,并让世界冠军级的滑翔伞运动员特殊降落伞从山上滑下,拍摄这种身临其境的镜头

    To get a golden eagle's eye view a miniature camera wasstrapped to the bird's back, while a world champion paraglider flew down themountain using a special parachute to get immersive motion shots.


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