• 建立高度平衡搜索为了提高二叉搜索树的效率减少平均搜索长度

    The highly balanced binary search tree is established in order to improve efficiency of the binary search tree and to shorten the average search tree.


  • 实验结果表明,相对于其他一些搜索方法ENESPS有效缩短平均搜索长度明显减少色彩量化所需计算时间

    Experiment results show that ENESPS can obtain shorter averaged searching length in comparison with other methods and it can reduce the computational time of color quantization remarkably.


  • 实验结果表明,相对于其他一些搜索方法ENESPS有效缩短平均搜索长度明显减少色彩量化所需计算时间

    Experiment results show that ENESPS can obtain shorter averaged searching length in comparison with other methods and it can reduce the computational time of col...


  • 作为可选项搜索符合条件文档按照搜索词语的出现频率并且对比文档长度排列

    As an option, the search can rank matched documents based on the prevalence of the search words as compared to document length.


  • 例如搜索大小适合汉字词组平均长度

    The size of its search box, for example, is a better fit for average phrases in Chinese characters.


  • 网址必须既有一定的长度关键词有助于搜索引擎排序),又必须精简短小精悍让人过目难忘,并且适合Twitter使用)。

    Web page addresses have to be both lengthy (key words help search-engine rankings) and terse (to be snappy and memorable, and to fit on Twitter).


  • 如果找到搜索字符串,则所得结果一个1输入字符串实际长度之间一个数字使用显式指定代码单元来表示。

    If string to be searched is found, the result is a number from 1 to the actual length of input string, expressed in the code units that are explicitly specified.


  • 如果数据线性存储,那么搜索数据时间取决于线性长度

    If the data is stored sequentially, the time to find the item is proportional to the size of the list.


  • Conductor根据搜索输入字数长度搜索进行分组作出“两网络流量完全一致”的结论。

    Conductor grouped searches by the number of words in the query and concluded that "the distribution of traffic is identical week over week."


  • 搜索输入长度没有改变——并不意味着一切。

    Length of queries hasn't changed - but that doesn't mean much.


  • 首先,将整个曲面作为搜索空间路径长度作为目标函数设定路径优化问题

    First, curved surface is considered as the search field and the length of route as the objective function, thus the optimization problem of route is set.


  • 怎样才能实现搜索前缀固定长度字节数组有效途径

    How can I implement efficient way to search prefix in set of fixed length arrays of bytes?


  • 一个二叉搜索或者分成长度平方根那么长的小段都可以解决这个问题

    Using a binary search tree or dividing the string into segments as long as the square root of the length of the string will solve the problem.


  • 为了求解上述模型,首先利用FLOYD算法求得不完全无向图节点间最短路径最短路径长度然后设计了捕食搜索算法模型进行求解。

    To solve the model, the shortest path and its length of every two nodes in the incomplete undigraph are calculated with FLOYD algorithm, and a predatory search algorithm is designed for the solution.


  • 雷达产品上需要使用超过常规加工长度裂缝波导作为搜索天线

    For a certain radar, we need unusually long of slot array waveguide for the searching antenna of the radar.


  • 发明涉及一种在螺距扇区长度不同高密度光盘数据搜索方法

    The invention relates to a method of searching for data on high density compact discs with different magnetic track screw pitches and sector lengths.


  • 分析准循环ldpc平衡环结构给出搜索任意长度的最简平衡环的关联矩阵的方法。

    This paper analyzes the structure of balanced-cycles in QC-LDPC codes. And proposes an algorithm to search for the incidence matrices of the simple balanced-cycles of arbitrary length.


  • 各种搜索算法复杂性是以时间空间和解路径长度来衡量的。

    The complexities of various search algorithms are considered in terms of time, space, and cost of solution path.


  • 题目要求求每字符串中最长子长度。 简单的搜索入门题,也是很好的字符串题,包含了反串,求串,字符串查找,求字符串长度

    You are given a number of case-sensitive strings of alphabetic characters, find the largest string X, such that either X, or its inverse can be found as a substring of any of the given strings.


  • Google推出音乐功能可以搜索者一点击就可以收听完整长度歌曲这个简捷设计可以将多达首歌曲添加搜索结果顶端

    Google music feature to allow one-click listening - Telegraph the simple design brings up to four songs to the top of search results.


  • Google推出音乐功能可以搜索者一点击就可以收听完整长度歌曲这个简捷设计可以将多达首歌曲添加搜索结果顶端

    Google music feature to allow one-click listening - Telegraph the simple design brings up to four songs to the top of search results.


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