• URL为人设计的——而非搜索引擎设计的。

    URLs are for humans - not for search engines.


  • 全球搜索引擎设计用户界面时,团队使缩略图来标识结果

    When designing the user interface for Universal Search, the team wanted to incorporate thumbnail images to better represent certain kinds of results.


  • 重点介绍系统内容模型设计模板设计扩展架构设计搜索引擎设计缓存设计等方面的内容。

    The design of content model, template, extendable structure, search engine and cache mechanism are introduced in detail.


  • 现实中的例子我们工程师小组曾经面对过一个挑战Google搜索引擎设计一个拼写检查工具。

    Here's a real-life example, a challenge a team of our engineers once faced: designing a spell-checker for the Google search engine.


  • 黄正穆谷歌徽标设计者,为谷歌这个搜索引擎设计各式手绘图案纪念假日艺术家生日以及其他一些谷歌看重事件

    Hwang is the Google doodler, the man whose hand-drawn alterations of the search engine's logo commemorate holidays, artists' birthdays, and other random events that the company 5 deems important.


  • 那些搜索引擎(设计)在目标页面格式以及外观方面有更多自由度同时去掉许多内容。

    But those search engines (by design) take a lot more liberty with the formatting and appearance of a target page, and leave out a lot more.


  • 所以设计一个网站一回事确保网站搜索引擎搜索显示出来另一回事

    So, designing a site is one thing, and ensuring it shows up in relevant searches on search engines; quite another.


  • 这种情况希望用户或者搜索引擎看到你网站尤其如果此举是因为新的设计或者结构发生变化

    In this situation, you don't want users or search engines to see the old site, especially if the move is happening because of a new design or structural changes.


  • 如果这种事情发生太多网站搜索引擎设计功能可能差错

    If it happens too much though, there might be something wrong with the design or functionality of your site search feature.


  • 公司网站是否进行了良好设计确保潜在客户使用搜索引擎可以找到站点

    Is your company's Web site designed to ensure that prospective clients can locate your site when using a search engine?


  • 这个文本搜索相关函数被称为文本搜索引擎它是专门设计用来执行文本数据的快速检索和自动索引

    This text search package and its associated functions, referred to as the text search engine, is specifically designed to perform fast retrieval and automatic indexing of text data.


  • 搜索引擎优化或者SEO本身就是是专业技术领域大多数专业公司他们薪工单上都一个SEO专家当然专用设计

    Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is an area of expertise by itself, and most major companies have an SEO specialist on their own payrolls, as well as dedicated designers of course.


  • 因为有效SEO需要改变网站HTML源代码搜索引擎优化策略可以会结合网站的开发设计中。

    Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design.


  • 可以检查一个项目设计资源搜索引擎可以搜索到150个设计资源网站(咦,该不是在写软文吧)。

    You can also check out one of my side projects, the design resources search Engine, which lets you search through more than 150 design resources websites.


  • 因为词汇需要经过任何组织批准,搜索引擎所有者能够根据自身需要设计自己词汇表。

    Because no approval body is in charge of vocabularies, the search engine owners were able to devise their own vocabulary to meet their needs.


  • 这些都是专门设计搜索引擎返回PD F文件以满足搜索标准

    These are search engines specifically designed to only return PDF documents that meet your search criteria.


  • 过去年中,酒店管理者认为酒店设计网站优化搜索引擎优化等营销手段能带来最高回报率

    In the past few years, website design, website optimization, and search engine optimization were the initiatives which hoteliers said brought the best returns.


  • 设计本地搜索引擎时有两种不同策略

    There are two different strategies available when designing a local search engine.


  • 人们可能会不假思索认为既然搜索引擎其他技术都是人类满足自身需要设计的,那么它们就一定会永远从属于人类

    The temptation is to think that since we designed search engines and other technologies for our own use they must remain subservient to us.


  • 网站拥有者以及搜索引擎优化工作者带来新的挑战,因为他们需要将网站设计符合特定的搜索人群。

    This could present a challenge to website owners and those in the search engine optimization field, who tailor websites to attract more traffic from specific queries.


  • 设计知道,像这样一个有着丰富内容响亮品牌网站文章大多数访问量来自搜索引擎

    With a website this rich in content and from so recognizable a brand the designers could assume that the majority of traffic to these articles would come from search engines.


  • 设计知道,像这样一个有着丰富内容响亮品牌网站文章的大多数访问量来自搜索引擎

    With a website this rich in content and from so recognizable a brand, the designers could assume that the majority of traffic to these articles would come from search engines.


  • 这个指南那些希望自己网站博客容易搜索引擎设计师所写的。

    This is an SEO guide for designers who want to learn about making it easier for websites or blogs to be found by search engines.


  • 包括设计开发人员一些犯错误,以及搜索引擎优化基本技巧

    I'll explain the common mistakes made by designers and developers. Then I'll provide some basic tips that you should be practicing to optimize your site for search engines.


  • 如果Google真的设计新的Linux内核桌面操作系统“,应该没有什么可以阻碍这一搜索引擎巨头行业内佼佼者合作

    If Google truly wants to design a new "windowing system on top of a Linux kernel", there should be nothing to stop the search giant from collaborating openly with the best in the business.


  • 会议集中Bing下一改进中在设计方面调整之后搜索引擎上应用的设计方案。

    The second meeting focuses on design tweaks in Bing’s next wave of improvements, which would be released into the search engine a few weeks later.


  • 英国Autonomy公司提供特别定制的搜索引擎;还有ARM公司,它苹果iPhone设计芯片

    Britain has Autonomy, which makes specialised search software, and ARM, which designs the microchips for Apple's iPhones.


  • 这位知情人士,这家努力中国建立“必应”(Bing)搜索引擎软件巨头已经聘用了[gm 66nd]的一位设计按计划,这位设计师将很快开始在微软工作。

    The software giant, which is trying to build up its Bing search engine in China, has hired a designer from [gm99nd] who is scheduled to start soon, says the knowledgeable person.


  • 当然这样名字对搜索引擎优化工作来说好事出现作品集时看起来就像替客户设计一个充满广告链接的预留网站placeholder site)。

    Sure, it might be great for SEO, but on your portfolio, it will look like you designed one of those placeholder sites filled with spam links.


  • 人类访问设计Web页面并不适合搜索引擎爬行器。

    Web pages designed for human visitors are not friendly for crawlers. There are a number of site design techniques you can use to make the search engine's time at your site both easy and meaningful.


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