• 一个援引的资料加以澄清网站正在建设中

    A Web site making his sources clear is under construction.


  • 他们援引文献这个领域直接相关的人士早已熟知的。

    They cite prior literature with which all directly concerned with this field were already familiar.


  • 根据本条规定援引任何措施成员对成员的基础上实施。

    Any measure invoked pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall be applied on a Member-by-Member basis.


  • 不能作为我们以后生意援引先例。通融只限于这笔交易。

    But this should not be regarded as a precedent for our future business. The accommodation is only for this transaction.


  • 根据报告援引最新数据,2006年世界茶叶产量增长超过3%,达到360万

    World tea production grew by more than 3 percent to reach an estimated 3.6 million tonnes in 2006, according to latest available figures cited by the report.


  • 公司援引它的研究结果显示获得家里能源信息一般每月可以节省5%到15%的电费

    The company cited studies showing that access to home energy information typically saves between 5 percent and 15 percent on monthly electricity bills.


  • 这个例子应该你们想起一件事因为以前我们探讨过这个例子,援引例子

    But this case should remind you of something, because this case is one that we've actually discussed before "Methuselah" under the label of "Methuselah."


  • 他们执行额外错误条件检查发生错误时,他们援引错误处理程序(参数验证)。

    They perform additional checks for error conditions, and in the case of an error, they invoke an error handler (see Parameter Validation).


  • 援引维多利亚时代无所畏惧的开拓者相反,作者为也许某个草药医生会咀鼻子发痒的想法而发愁

    In contrast to the fearless Victorian explorers he quotes, Sir Vidia frets that one herbalist may have cursed him with a nose tickle.


  • 根据匈牙利米蒂新闻社援引一位专家报道周三中午污染到达杰尔-莫松-肖普朗州,已经接近多瑙河

    According to an expert quoted by the Hungarian news agency MTI, the pollution had been due to reach the county of Gyor-Moson-Sopron by midday Wednesday, bringing it closer to the Danube.


  • 美国财经新闻援引中国欧盟商会数据41%的欧洲企业正在重新评估其在业务缩减其在华规模。

    Citing figures from the EU Chamber of Commerce in China, CNBC reported that some 41% of European companies are either re-evaluating their China operations or scaling back.


  • 调查援引世卫组织的数字表明每年1900万起不安全流产结果导致68000起死亡数百万起伤害和永久性残疾病例

    WHO figures quoted in the survey show that there are 19 million unsafe abortions carried out each year, resulting in around 68 000 deaths and millions of injuries and permanent disabilities.


  • 然而最终援引理论有高度自由裁量权的,同时,似乎取决于法院是否真正深切地感到它对当事人提出的此类问题援引的必要。

    In the end, however, invocation of the doctrine is highly discretionary and seems to depend on whether the court actually feels out of its depth as it confronts the issues raised by the parties.


  • 作者所拿出证据充其量也是极为苍白无力的,狭隘地将焦点集中在世界片极小区域上,作为证据援引的项研究几乎不能说明任何问题。

    The evidence presented is extremely weak at best and narrowly focuses on one tiny area of the globe, as well as putting forward as proof two studies about which almost nothing is known.


  • 就是为了说明我们今天要谈到哈佛大学心理学教授Daniell .Schacter所提到的记忆七宗第一:记忆的易性所援引的一个例子

    This is an example of what Harvard psychologist Daniel L. Schacter calls the first deadly sin of memory: transience (Schacter, 1999).


  • 《新闻周刊》援引未透露姓名麦凯恩竞选团队内部人士表示这些衣服中的大多数都是一位富有的共和党赞助者买单的;而那位赞助者看到账单时候“惊呆了”。

    Quoting unnamed sources within the McCain camp, the magazine alleges that most of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who "was shocked when he got the bill."


  • ——表示他们家中度假体验很差美国援引主要原因感觉像是一次真正的度假”(76%);接下来是“家中度假乏味无趣”(56%)以及“还是被工作所包围”(20%)。

    Of those who said they've had a bad staycation, the main reason cited was "it didn't feel like a real vacation (76%)," followed by "it was boring" (56%) and "Too much contact with work" (20%).


  • 国内利率常常援引影响汇率一个主要因素

    Domestic interest rates are often cited as a major factor affecting exchange rates.


  • 《可兰日报援引苏西洛的话说:“他用流利印尼语问候'你好吗,总统先生'(apa kabar,Bapak Presiden)。”

    "He greeted me with 'apa kabar, Bapak Presiden' (How are you Mr. President) in fluent Indonesian," Yudhoyono was quoted as saying by the Koran Tempo daily.


  • 援引阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔的话为了说明快速产生利润条件

    Alfred Marshall is quoted to indicate the conditions for generating quick profits.


  • 作为说明援引一首诗

    Let me, by way of illustration , quote from one of her poems.


  • 这位女国会议员援引统计数据说,赤贫人口生活水平已经下降

    The Congresswoman quoted statistics saying that the standard of living of the poorest people had fallen.


  • 有几个因素援引说明出生率降低原因。

    Several factors have been adduced to explain the fall in the birth rate.


  • 援引了几位赫赫有名的学者支持论点

    She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument.


  • 周二上诉法院一致决定支持2017年解除对宽带供应商监管的命令,援引最高法院2005年的一项支持解除监管的类似裁决。

    On Tuesday, the appeals court unanimously upheld the 2017 order deregulating broadband providers, citing a Supreme Court ruling from 2005 that upheld a similarly deregulatory move.


  • 我们援引总是建议谨慎行事预防原则时,我们必须做出权衡

    While we invoke the precautionary principle, which always recommends erring on the side of caution, we have to recognize there will be trade-offs to be made.


  • 纽约时报援引名据称是参与计划美国官员话说已经排除了前往锡克教圣地的可能性。

    The New York Times quoted what it called an American official involved in planning as saying a visit to the revered Sikh religious complex had been ruled out.


  • 选择确定过去存在气候条件方法时,气候学家援引四个主要标准

    In choosing a method for determining climatic conditions that existed in the past, paleoclimatologists invoke four principal criteria.


  • 选择确定过去存在气候条件方法时,气候学家援引四个主要标准

    In choosing a method for determining climatic conditions that existed in the past, paleoclimatologists invoke four principal criteria.


- 来自原声例句

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