• 公司害怕揭露毛病

    The company feared exposure of its faults.


  • 时间揭露奇葩

    Time will reveal the calyxes of gold.


  • 我而言背叛时代就意味着揭露狂妄弱点枯萎的道德信念

    Will to me, betraying the age means exposing its conceits, its foibles, its phony moral certitudes.


  • 如果文件夹映射灰色(因为没有下载文件夹)你可以掩盖然后揭露回答”,下载

    If you want to get the folder mapped and grey (as the other folders you did not download) you can cloak it, and then uncloak it but answer "no" to downloading it now.


  • 现在,MC受害者们请求你们,略微了解一下这种现代恐怖然后帮助我们揭露,让更多的公众知道真相。

    Today's mind control targets ask you, the public, to learn something about this modern-day horror, and consider helping us expose it.


  • 格尔·尼卡袭击激发了巴勃罗·毕加索创作热情天赋挥笔揭露战争真相:战争无关权力和荣誉,带来的是痛苦和死亡。

    The attack on Guernica inspired the passion and genius of Pablo Picasso to reveal his truth about war: war is not about power and glory, war is about pain, suffering, and death.


  • 所以一直就有计划:一个揭露然后经过一时间来让公众适应

    AAM: So it has always been anticipated that there would be Disclosure and then a period for the populace to adjust to it.


  • 你们使简单越好,揭露论点结构通过去除迷惑你们的东西

    You're trying to making it as simple as possible so as to reveal the structure of the argument and you do that by getting rid of all the things that are just confusing you.


  • 我们每个人都想吃更加健康合理,然而大部分人都不明白到底是什么,更不懂得该如何去做。我们写这篇文章就是为了揭露其中的一些奥秘并且帮助你真正地了解

    Everyone wants to eat healthier, however many of us barely understand what that means, let alone where to start.


  • 如果争议对于战胜阴谋集团对于揭露抵抗肯定就是

    If there ever was an argument for overcoming cabal resistance to disclosure, surely this is it.


  • 很大程度上由于《卫报》精彩揭露现在人们很清楚份小报如何获取头条新闻

    Thanks largely to some splendid muckraking by the Guardian, it is now clear how one tabloid obtained some of its headlines.


  • 揭露如此之失常的薪酬水平,其中许多很难解释改变了主意

    But it's revealed so many extraordinary salaries, many (not all) pretty hard to explain, that I've changed my mind.


  • 觉得电影揭露人性贪婪告诉我们珍惜人类生命

    I think it's a good movie, it reflects human lust, and tells us to cherish our human life.


  • 揭露45分钟内,数次前震震源一层层扩散开来——首次得出前震与地震之间存在联系的结论。

    This revealed that foreshocks rippled away from the source of the rupture in the 45 minutes before the quake - the first time that foreshocks have been conclusively linked to a major earthquake.


  • 人们通常认为互联网充斥怪人,不值一提,但是如今成为揭露而非单单记载阴谋的最有力的基地。

    The Internet is often dismissed as awash with cranks, but it has proved far more potent at debunking conspiracy theories than perpetuating them.


  • 我们他人了解基于我们对他人的观察理解才被揭露欺骗,发出阵阵强光,再次审视,发觉一切都了。欺骗到底无意的,还是有所预谋?

    Our understanding of others is based on observation and interpretation. Revisited in the hard light of freshly discovered deception, everything changes. Was it innocent, or was it planned?


  • 意思是说,虽然机场报摊或者其他地方依然能看到最好因为的骗局被揭露了,他们败露了。

    I mean, you still find it at newsstands in the airport and so on, but the best and the brightest know that they are not supposed to talk about it anymore: because it was exposed and they were exposed.


  • Yahoo在今年揭露一项新的技术——能够监视互联网用户门户上使用这些信息建立用户兴趣配置文件

    unveiled a new search technology this year – which monitors what internet users do on its portal, and use that information to build a profile of their interests.


  • 根据一个名叫AlanJones提供的情报,实施的“马里行动计划揭露阴谋策划涉及几个大型国际犯罪团伙交易金额价值数百万美元

    His scheme, involving several international crime syndicates and transactions worth millions of dollars, was uncovered in "Operation Mali" and began with a tip-off about a man named Alan Jones.[9]


  • Tweet whatyouspend对那些开始削减开支是非常宝贵的,因为揭露什么上花费最多帮助你找出哪些地方可以削减的。

    Tweetwhatyouspend is invaluable for anyone who wants to start cutting back costs because it shines a light on what you're spending the most money on and helps you figure out where you can make cuts.


  • 被人质疑科学家仁慈亿万富翁人们艾滋病抗争行动以及反应揭露出了人类所表现出来善与

    From questionable scientists to philanthropic billionaires, people's actions against AIDS, and reactions to it, have shown up the best and worst that humans have to offer.


  • 揭露潜意识惯常态度或者失效的期望

    It reveals unconscious and habitual attitudes or expectations that may no longer be useful.


  • 欣赏欧洲悠久历史、灿烂文化贵族气质的同时世故虚伪、保守、腐化进行了无情的揭露

    When we enjoy the long history, brilliant culture and noble disposition of Europe, simultaneously, its sophistication, insincerity, perseverance and corruption are also distinctly disclosed.


  • 揭露都有一些认识,我真的不能说出掠过思维一个想法,当时确实一种明显的显示。

    As each layer exposed itself, I had some sort of revelation. I can't really tell you every thought that went through my mind, but it seemed so very revealing at the time.


  • 揭露都有一些认识,我真的不能说出掠过思维一个想法,当时确实一种明显的显示。

    As each layer exposed itself, I had some sort of revelation. I can't really tell you every thought that went through my mind, but it seemed so very revealing at the time.


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