• 一些尖锐的提问反驳讲话人

    She came back at the speaker with some sharp questions.


  • 克制自己不再进一步提问

    She forbore to ask any further questions.


  • 你们最后机会提问任何问题

    You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions at the end.


  • 提问让他的位同伴一惊。

    His question took his two companions by surprise.


  • 敌意地瞪着向提问的人。

    She fixed her questioner with a hostile glare.


  • 现在我们接受会众席上的任何提问

    We will now take any questions from the floor.


  • 芬顿是个听众提问切中要害。

    Fenton was a good listener, and his questions were germane.


  • 要是,可以随便提问

    Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand.


  • 这个孩子求知欲很强总是提问

    He is such a curious boy, always asking questions.


  • 就不断地向提问

    He plied me with questions from the moment he arrived.


  • 记者他们二连三地提问

    The room was full of journalists, all firing questions at them.


  • 现在听众讲演提问

    The audience is now invited to put questions to the speaker.


  • 两个新来的人立不定,提问

    There were two new arrivals, fidgeting around, waiting to ask questions.


  • 就这样避开了一急于提问记者

    He thus avoided a pack of journalists eager to question him.


  • 名记者提问直截了当地答复“!”

    He gave a flat 'No!' to one reporter's question.


  • 提问达成了一致

    He agreed with the questioner.


  • 教师孩子们遇到问题大胆提问

    The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don't understand.


  • 正在等候的记者们向发出连珠炮似的提问

    He faced a fusillade of questions from the waiting journalists.


  • 特此函复贵方提问

    I'm writing to reply to your questions.


  • 回避了关于战争提问试图为其暴行辩解

    He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities.


  • 官员一般不会因为任何记者提问而紧张不安

    Officials are not normally rattled by any reporter's question.


  • 提问坏处

    It never hurts to ask.


  • 听众提问

    He invited questions from the audience.


  • 大家需要提问抓紧时间。

    Questions, please. Every minute counts.


  • 玛丽主动回答老师提问

    Mary volunteered to answer the teacher's question.


  • 波特律师拒绝提问

    Counsel for Potter declined to question him.


  • 他们应该关键时刻提问

    They should ask questions at crucial moments.


  • 两人组,然后提问

    Talk in pairs then ask.


  • 小学生围着

    Pupils crowded round to ask questions.


  • 智力的增长灵活性通过辩论提问来培养的。

    Intellectual growth and flexibility are fostered on debate and questioning.


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