• 集团包括迈克尔兄弟杰基杰梅因马龙

    The group comprises Michael and brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon.


  • 姚明是坐船美国,但是如果名字提托可以鬼鬼祟祟隧道钻过来。

    Yao came to the US by boat, but if his name was Yaotito, he would have snuck through a tunnel.


  • Still食品,提托诺斯长大以上,而且几百时间已经他无法行动all

    Still, Tithonus grew older and older, and in time, after several hundred years, he was so old that he could not move at all.


  • 太空船离开地球大气层时,提托喝了一杯果汁庆祝向下看地球绿的(青绿的)的表面

    As the spacecraft left the earth's atmosphere, Tito drank a glass of fruit juice to celebrate and looked down at the earth's blue-green surface.


  • 黑暗迪奥第一个服务者,也是基尔加丹的第一个格拉斯燃烧意志带到宇宙每个角落完美小卒。

    First amongst the dreadlords was Tichondrius the Darkener. Tichondrius served Kil'jaeden as the perfect soldier and agreed to bring Sargeras' burning will to all the dark corners of the universe.


  • 哥哥到达时了手;杰迈因则下车窗,向迈迷们挥手致意。之后,一家人豪华车队离开了墓园。

    Brother Tito shook hands with fans as he arrived, and brother Jermaine rolled down a window and waved as the family left in a fleet of luxury vehicles.


  • 经过尤利西斯坦尼著名努力方面提托诺斯,莲花西蒙Stylites所有1842年诗歌

    AfterUlysses, Tennyson's most famous efforts in this vein are Tithonus, TheLotus Eaters, and St. Simon Stylites, all from the 1842 Poems;


  • 设计师克里斯·布鲁花瓣凉鞋一种脚踝带上繁复带扣、面上有两个花瓣趾鞋尖的浅粉色凉鞋。

    Designer Christian Louboutin Petal Sandals Light Pink is a kind of pink sandals with buckle detail at ankle strap, two petals along vamp, and a round open toe.


  • 第四回合结束时,"瓦纳龙卷风"(马加里绰号)右眼下方在比赛剩余回合里,受伤部位无可避免得遭到了帕奥60%的重击。

    "The Tijuana Tornado" had a badly swollen welt under his right eye by the end of the fourth and routinely ate over 60 percent of Pacquiao's power punches the rest of way.


  • 凶犯是距波普雷里大概80英里以西马尼·巴省的布兰登上车的。

    Caton said the attacker boarded the bus in Brandon, Manitoba, about 80 miles west of Portage La Prairie.


  • 一些中型城市——比如巴西库里弗洛里亚诺波利斯,墨西哥卢卡和梅里达,哥伦比亚的麦德林——正在开启展示那些大型城市更加活跃的经济。

    Some medium-sized citiessuch as Curitiba and Florianópolis in Brazil, Toluca and Mérida in Mexico and Medellín in Colombiaare starting to show more dynamism than the urban behemoths.


  • 杰克·迪金卡创作的“晨曦俯瞰洛威,1987”正在怀俄明州杰克逊图书馆展出。展览将持续7月19日。

    Jack Dykinga's Toroweap Overlook in Morning Light, 1987, on display at the Teton County Library in Jackson, Wyoming through July 19.


  • 一周,露小姐都要英里路程,再乘摩走3个小时离家最近的通电镇子奥。

    Every week, Ms. Ruto walked two miles to hire a motorcycle taxi for the three-hour ride to Mogotio, the nearest town with electricity.


  • 一周小姐都要英里路程,再乘摩走3个小时离家最近通电镇子奥。

    Every week, Ms.Ruto walked two miles to hire a motorcycle taxi for the three-hour ride to Mogotio, the nearest town with electricity.


  • 挚友斐理伯收殓他的尸首。害怕约古儿子就去埃及投奔了仆肋米非罗默

    But Philip that was brought up with him, carried away his body: and out of fear of the son of Antiochus, went into Egypt to Ptolemee Philometor.


  • 谢克夫人身上一个高跟鞋纹身表达这个品牌热爱,她将克里斯·鲁布这位法国设计师作品誉为“美妙的艺术品”。

    Such is Mrs Shak's devotion to the label she has a tattoo of a high-heeled shoe and described the French designer's work as "fine art".


  • 叙利亚人称为“阿塔哥斯”,腓力斯人则把她叫作“得塞”。

    The Syrians called her Atargatis while the Philistines knew her as Derceto.


  • 一百六十约古儿子亚历山大厄丕法乃上去,佔领了肋买,人民欢迎在那里为王

    Now in the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander the son of Antiochus, surnamed the Illustrious, came up and took Ptolemais, and they received him, and he reigned there.


  • 查尔斯·雷尼·麦金格拉斯哥艺术学院旁边建造一座建筑,像是雅典卫城神庙另一庙宇一样富有挑战。

    To build next to Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Glasgow School of art is like adding another temple to the Parthenon on the Acropolis.


  • 他们·诺斯的女儿斯,得墨忒耳赫拉以及儿子普路波塞

    They were his daughters Hestia, Demeter and Hera, and sons Pluto and Poseidon.


  • 摘要除了北部知名产区皮埃蒙特以外,意大利存在许多值得一葡萄酒产区,阿布鲁佐便是其中一个

    ABSTRACT: Apart from those famous northern wine regions like Piedmont and Veneto, Italy also has many other wine regions that worth taking a look at, one of which is Abruzzo.


  • 1860年,印度测量部门亨利·哈佛沙姆·戈德温-奥斯仃队长巴拉·斯坦地区著名的施迦萨尔山谷进行勘察

    In 1860, Captain Henry Haversham Godwin-Austen, of the survey of India, went to the Baltistan area and surveyed the famous Shigar and Saltoro valleys.


  • 他们日出大门启程离开潘斯,但是昂可到什么日出。

    They departed Pentos by the Sunrise Gate, though Tyrion Lannister never glimpsed the sunrise.


  • 因为这个暑假,发现·科克一些电影理论来和你们一点

    Because it happened in this summer, I discovered the writings in film theory of Jean Cocteau and let me give you a little.


  • 十四26那里坐船阿去。当初他们恩典,去作他们现在所已经完成之工的,就是在地方

    Acts 14:26 And from there they sailed away to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled.


  • 第三部分重点介绍了翻译家·巴克的生平创作情况及其翻译文学经历。

    In the third part, the author expounds Tohty Baki's whole life, the works of translated literature and the process of his translation work.


  • 有点穷人塔希,”拉伯格,他是加州帕洛·阿尔(PaloAlto)领导清晰之梦”学会一名心理生理学家。

    "It's like a poor man's Tahiti," says LaBerge, a psychophysiologist who directs the Lucidity Institute in Palo Alto, California.


  • 查里·库克美国辛辛那赶来领奖皮特-斯古颁奖的右后卫候选人-谢利从马来西亚萨巴赶来

    Charlie Cooke flew over from Cincinnati, USA, to collect his award, and right-back nominee Ken Shellito, who handed Peter Osgood his award, flew in from Sabah in Malaysia.


  • 查里·库克美国辛辛那赶来领奖皮特-斯古颁奖的右后卫候选人-谢利从马来西亚萨巴赶来

    Charlie Cooke flew over from Cincinnati, USA, to collect his award, and right-back nominee Ken Shellito, who handed Peter Osgood his award, flew in from Sabah in Malaysia.


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