• 前言:目的:杏仁提取脂肪

    Objective: To extract oil from Semen Armeniacae Amarum.


  • 造纸工业副产品塔罗提取脂肪松香、油头之后混合物称为沥青

    The residual mixture in the extraction process to produce fatty acid and resin from crude tall oil which is a by-product of paper-making industry, is called tall oil pitch.


  • 本研究系造纸工业附产品塔尔提取脂肪松香之后下混合物—沥青

    Tall oil pitch, which is the residual mixture in the extraction process to produce fatty acid and resin from crude tall oil and is also a by-product of paper-making industry.


  • 方法石油醚提取脂肪甲酯化,采用毛细管相色谱-联用技术对其进行分析鉴定。

    Method The fatty oil from Carum carvi L was extracted by ligarine petrum and analyzed by capillary gas chromatograph mass spectrometer(GC-MS) method.


  • 他们可能会在粉碎哺乳动物骨骼前先加热它们提高骨髓脂肪提取

    They may have heated the mammal bones before crushing them, to enhance the extraction of the marrow fat.


  • 虽然大豆的细胞内含有脂肪物质,可以提取后加工成生物燃料但是,就一英亩面积而言,光合微生物的产油量要大豆高将近250

    Some plants, such as soybeans, also store fats and can be used as fuel sources, but photosynthetic microbes produce nearly 250 times more fat per acre.


  • 尽管脂肪(甚至食用油)而不是糖分中,提取出的生物柴油已经成为媒体关注的焦点,但是米斯克表示两种加工过程具有类似的环境经济优点

    Although the biodiesel that has made headlines lately is made from a fat (even used cooking oil), not a sugar, both processes have similar environmental and economic benefits, Dumesic says.


  • 这种粪-肉制品通过提取食物基本元素-蛋白质糖类脂肪然后它们结合起来制成的。

    The poop-meat concoction is prepared by extracting the basic elements of foodprotein, carbohydrates and fatsand recombining them.


  • 小规模的前沿性研究发现,脂肪提取干细胞(从病人腹部脂肪抽取)可以心脏病发作安全增强心脏功能

    Stem cells derived from fat -- liposuctioned from a patient’s belly -- were shown to safely boost heart function after a heart attack, according to a small yet first-of-its-kind study.


  • 一些研究中谈及使心脏受益的omega - 3脂肪来自海洋资源比如鱼油但是许多食品采用omega - 3提取植物资源,Lichtenstein

    The ones that some studies have linked to heart benefits are derived from Marine sources, such as fish oil, but many foods touting omega-3 use plant sources, Lichtenstein said.


  • 该项研究代号阿波罗(APPOLLO) 是脂肪提取干细胞治疗ST波段上升心肌梗塞(ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction)随机临床试验缩写

    The study was dubbed APOLLO, shorthand for A Randomized Clinical Trial of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in the Treatment of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction.


  • 所有仙人掌植物提取自然界强大脂肪结合产品是在市场强大的约束脂肪的产品。

    NeOptunia: NeOptunia is an all natural potent fat-binding product derived from the Nopal Cactus Plant. It is the most powerful fat binding product on the market.


  • 服用提取研究分析显示显著意义的脂肪血压显着下降

    Pre and post study analysis of the extract group also revealed small but statistically significant decreases in body fat and blood pressure.


  • 葡萄子为原料,SZY—07脂肪分析测定仪提取葡萄子

    The grape seed oil is extracted from the grape seed and determined by type SZY-07 fat analyser.


  • O染色提取定量分析细胞脂肪生成细胞分化程度

    The degree of adipogenesis and differentiation were measured by Oil Red O staining extraction assay.


  • 方法用索氏提取法对脂肪进行提取,采用不同甲酯化处理后,采用相色谱-质谱联用技术分离鉴定组分和含量。

    MethodsThe fatty acids were extracted by Soxlet extraction, etherified by different methods and its components were analyzed by GC/MS.


  • 在整个试验过程他们没有改变卡路里摄入量但是服用绿咖啡豆提取越多的人,体重脂肪减得越多。

    Subjects did not change their calorie intake over the course of the trial. But the more extract they consumed, the more weight and fat they lost.


  • 炼制用其他方法提取带瘦肉猪肉脂肪家禽脂肪腌或盐渍的。

    Pig fat free of lean meat and poultry fat not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked.


  • 当然一些“人工脂肪就是所谓脂肪生产植物油过程提取的。

    There are, however, also "artificial" so-called trans-fats which are typically formed during the processing of vegetable oils.


  • 同时用压榨进行红松种仁不饱和脂肪提取的对比实验结果显示实验条件提取的收率要远低于超临界CO_2萃取法。

    Carry on Korean pine nut unsaturated fatty acid extraction experiment by the press way, whose results indicate the yield was much lower than the one done by supercritical CO2 extraction method.


  • 结论金牡蛎及其提取牛磺酸有效防治大鼠实验性高脂血症脂肪

    Conclusion: Oyster and its extract taurine could effectively prevent and treat experimental hyperlipidemia and fatty liver of rats.


  • 我们建立酸热法一种适合油脂多不饱和脂肪高产菌株筛选的简便有效真菌油脂提取方法

    Acid-heating extraction was a simple and efficient method of fungi lipid extraction fitting to breed mutant strains that highly producting lipid and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


  • 利用超声波技术对脂肪提取工艺进行了研究,并对蜂蛹脂肪酸的成分进行了分析

    The ultrasound extraction technology and composition analysis of honeybee pupa fat were studied in this test.


  • 添加中草药提取显著提高鲫鱼蛋白质含量脂肪含量改善鲫鱼的鱼肉品质P<0。 05)。

    The extract from Chinese herbal medicine could significantly increase carp's body protein and fat content, and improve fish flesh quality(P<0.05).


  • 这样确保一天过程中,身体最喜爱奶昔提取能量,会减少转化脂肪的能量。 。

    This ensures that the body will be using the calories extracted from your favorite milkshake throughout the day, reducing the number of calories stored as fat.


  • 研究了三种提取方法核桃得率理化性能总黄酮含量不饱和脂肪含量影响。

    Walnut oil obtained by three extraction methods was researched on the yield, physicochemical properties, content of total flavone and unsaturated fatty acid.


  • 目的综合法提取鱼油中多烯脂肪

    Objective: Extracting polyunsaturated fatty acids with comprehensive method.


  • 成份:去离子水甘油烷基硫酸钠、单酯、脂肪海藻提取氨基酸表面活性剂烷基咪唑

    Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, sodium alkyl sulfate, GMS, fatty alcohol, alga extract, amino acid surfactant, imidazolidinyl urea, essence, etc.


  • 快速脂肪提取器对虾蛄头中的脂肪进行提取测定。

    Fat in male and female squillid meat and squillid heads was extracted with diethyl ether by means of rapid fat extractor instead of Soxhlet extractor respectively.


  • 快速脂肪提取器对虾蛄头中的脂肪进行提取测定。

    Fat in male and female squillid meat and squillid heads was extracted with diethyl ether by means of rapid fat extractor instead of Soxhlet extractor respectively.


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