• 当然如果旅行的时候去旅行,你可能度过美妙的时光但是如果提前或者推后旅行可以削减一半的旅行成本,怎么样?

    Sure, you may have an ideal time when you want to travel, but what if you could cut your travel costs in half by traveling a couple of days earlier or later?


  • 如果选择废弃整个项目注意我们取消项目成本可能会提前工作要高

    If we choose to scrap the whole project, notice that our cost of cancelled projects is higher than if we had not worked ahead.


  • 集团利润得到大幅削减成本裁员推动,这项工作的进度都较计划有所提前

    Group earnings were boosted by swingeing cost cuts and staff reductions, both running ahead of schedule.


  • 他们的库存成本很高因为订单提前一个季度就下的,然后定期分配店铺

    Inventory costs are higher for competitors because orders are placed for a whole season well in advance and then held in distribution facilities until periodic shipment to stores.


  • 几乎没有出贷者想要提前收回债权,因为这个过程花费大量时间,成本过高,而且常常造成搬走的房客毁坏房屋的事件。

    Few lenders want to foreclose, a process that takes ages, incurs massive costs and often causes the departing residents to trash the house.


  • 因此提前计划赢得一个市场份额至关重要,只有这样才能价格低廉订阅实现盈利,并且抵消昂贵测试成本

    So it's important to plan for and get a large market share to achieve profits from cheap subscriptions, while absorbing high testing costs.


  • 无可否认大学教育需要提前支付大笔成本

    Admittedly, a college education demands pretty hefty costs upfront.


  • 头交易不能担保厂商避免损失由于提前数月算原料成本,因而可以把厂商损失限制极小范围之内

    A hedge contract cannot guarantee a manufacturer against loss but it can restrict his loss within very narrow limits by averaging out the cost of his raw materials for many months ahead.


  • 他们愿意采用诸如squeak之类语言是因为这个框架生产效率非常高,大大降低开发成本提前了产品进入市场的时间

    They're willing to put up with a niche language like Squeak because the framework is so productive, lowering the total cost of development dramatically, and improving time to market.


  • 使用开源Selenium Web 测试解决方案演示解决方案已提前安装默认CloudLab代理上。

    You'll be using the open source Selenium web-testing solution for this demo which comes pre-installed on the default Cloud Lab Agent.


  • 根据大气污染趋势提前交通尾气污染采取措施降低重庆市未来大气污染治理难度成本

    To take measures against the traffic exhaust in advance based on the air pollution trend can reduce the difficulty and the cost of controlling the air pollution in Chongqing in the future.


  • 其它条件保持不变木材价格成本每增减20%,杉木人工林经济成熟推迟提前1

    If other conditions maintain invariably, when the timber price or the cost fluctuates 20% every time, the age at economic maturity of Chinese fir plantations will postpone or ahead of time for 1 year.


  • 我们使用深度学习尝试提前预测硬盘会在哪出现故障提高了我们数据中心可靠性降低了成本

    We use deep learning to try to predict a day in advance when a hard disk is going to fail, and this increases the reliability and reduces the cost of our data centers.


  • 据说造成这个谜团的首要原因每个病人的情况千差万别,每个疗程都必须辩证施治所以医生没法提前决定治疗成本办法告诉病人治疗费用

    One leading myth is that each patient is so different, and every procedure so tailored, that doctors can't determine the cost, or tell patients the price, in advance.


  • 几乎没有出贷者想要提前收回债权,因为这个过程花费大量时间,成本过高,而且常常造成搬走的房客毁坏房屋的事件。

    Few lenders want to foreclose, a process that takes ages, incurs massive costs and often causes the departing residents to trash the house. It is better to agree on a quick sale.


  • 畜群栏舍成本发生翻天覆地变化,现在栏舍地板条件更好也有利于提前断奶

    The cost of good housing?is rocketing, so the more pigs which pass over expensive floor space the better. Earlier weaning will help.


  • 针对可控提前领域现有研究不足提出基于非线性提前成本存在顾客流失情形下,采用连续盘点策略的库存管理问题。

    According to the defects of the researches dealt with controllable lead time, the authors present a continuous review inventory model with nonlinear lead time crashing cost and lost sale.


  • 成本分摊协议活动一些好处可以提前预约,其他安排不确定的。

    Some benefits of the CCA activity can be determined in advance, whereas others will be uncertain.


  • 研究仿真模型输入参数订货提前期、客户需求间隔横向库存系统服务水平、库存成本的影响,得到一些结论

    It inputs parameters such as lead time, customer demand inventory replenishment interval of the horizontal level of service and inventory costs. And some conclusions are drawn.


  • 住房抵押贷款提前还款打破银行正常现金规划,不仅减少银行收益增加成本而且阻碍住房抵押贷款证券化运作

    Mortgage prepayment breaks the normal cash flow planning of the bank, which cuts off the profit, improves the cost, and also stops the operation of the MBS.


  • 前面定性分析基础上,分别建立生产型企业销售型企业有需求提前库存优化模型,得出成本决策变量的最优解。

    Based on the above qualitative analysis, it constructs an inventory optimizing model for manufacturer and storing company respectively, fingers out an optional result of the cost decision variable.


  • 延长服务时间提前预约前台办理会员卡(成本10),如有遗失需补办收取成本费及手续费30元。

    If you need extend service time, please reserve in advance. You can get the member card (cost fee 10 RMB) from Front Desk, if you lost to repair it, you will be charged 30rmb for cost and service fee.


  • 因此由于更换钢轨时间提前以及昂贵的维护费用传统打磨铣削刨削都使铁路生命周期成本大大增加

    As a consequence, rail life-cycle costs have risen considerably due to premature rail replacements or costly maintenance such as traditional grinding, milling or planing.


  • 因此由于更换钢轨时间提前以及昂贵的维护费用传统打磨铣削刨削都使铁路生命周期成本大大增加

    As a consequence, rail life-cycle costs have risen considerably due to premature rail replacements or costly maintenance such as traditional grinding, milling or planing.


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