• 2001年1月入主白宫时提出预算剩余

    He entered office with a budget surplus in January of two thousand one.


  • 同时也要提出预算工作程,以及工作模式

    It will include budgets and time estimates and if appropriate a working model.


  • 最开始提出预算的时候,盖茨声音听上去极不确定也不知道有多少提出更改能够国会获得通过。

    When he initially rolled out the budget plan, Gates sounded unsure just how many of his proposed changes would make it past Congress.


  • 如果某个创意可能触及高官们的舒适,则尽早提出预算申请或者提议一家处在截然不同的细分市场中的公司建立合作伙伴关系

    If an idea you may reach comfort zone for senior officials, the proposed budget request as soon as possible or offering with a distinct market segments in the company establish a partner relationship.


  • 如果他们改变预算中的一个款项必须提出其他等值削减

    If they want to change an item in the budget, they will have to propose equivalent cuts elsewhere.


  • 如果真的预算赤字感到恐惧为什么提出提高税收作为解决方案一部分

    If you're truly horrified by the budget deficit, why not propose tax increases as part of the solution?


  • 面对今年83亿美元的预算赤字关闭邮局做法邮政总局精简开支提出若干建议中的一条。

    Facing an $8.3 billion budget deficit this year, closing post offices is one of several proposals the Postal Service has put forth recently to cut costs.


  • 建设更好橡树委员会主要职能如何充分利用城市有限预算市政府提出建议

    The primary function of the Committee for a better Oak City is to advise the city government on how to make the best use of the city's limited budget.


  • 那么如果真的预算赤字感到恐惧为什么提出提高税收作为解决方案一部分

    So if you're truly horrified by the budget deficit, why not propose tax increases as part of the solution?


  • 因此最后提出预算可能包含大幅削减开支增加税收。

    So the budget, when finally presented, is likely to contain some swingeing spending cuts and tax rises.


  • 共和党提出增加税收减少开支平衡预算和减少债务一个星期,奥巴马周三在华盛顿发表了演讲。

    Wednesday's move comes a week after a Republican plan was put forward that called for significant tax and spending cuts to balance the budget and reduce debt.


  • 今年大幅削减开支的确风险大,但是提出能够2012年国家预算恢复正常具体议案,却是必不可少的

    Cutting hard this year is too risky; but laying out a concrete set of proposals on how to get the budget back into shape from 2012 onwards is essential.


  • 卡尔德龙提出税收提议减少明年预算

    Mr Calderon also proposed new taxes and spending cuts in a budget for next year.


  • 共和党2010年“美国承诺议程中提出将可支配开支恢复2008年的水平老年人军事预算除外

    The 2010 Republican agenda, "a Pledge to America," proposed rolling back discretionary spending to 2008 levels, with exceptions for seniors and the military.


  • 爱尔兰希腊后尘接受国际社会大规模救助,并提出上最严厉的削减预算计划。

    Ireland proposed its deepest budget cuts yet and has followed Greece by accepting a massive international rescue package.


  • 来自党的参议员们针对今年巴马先生提出预算方案需要进行调整进行了讨论,但是这样的讨论几乎并不热情的共和党人所乐见的那样热烈。

    Senators from both parties have also discussed trimming the budget for this year submitted by Mr Obama, but not nearly as fiercely as the most zealous Republicans would like.


  • 不过,不论我们提出怎样的预算方案,国会预算办公室不会表扬我们省下资金这种行为的。

    But the Congressional budget Office would not give credit for these savings in any budget we presented.


  • 已经提出外相人选组建一个新的办事处负责处理预算问题

    He has already named his choices to become foreign minister and to run a new office charged with getting a greater handle on budgetary issues.


  • 因此春季预算报告是否12月份预算前报告一样,无法详细的提出一份可靠计划解决财政赤字问题

    So, too, could a spring budget that, like December's pre-budget report, failed to spell out a credible plan to reduce the deficit.


  • 直接而非渺茫情况国会超级委员会提出预算计划上达成一致广泛的一致。这个超级委员会是债务上限未能通过后成立的。

    The immediate, rather slim, chance(5) is of a grand bargain on the budget emerging out of a congressionalsupercommitteeset up after the debt-ceiling fiasco.


  • 共和党参议员肯塔基州RandPaul提出一个削减5000亿美元联邦预算议案

    Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has introduced a bill that would chop a half trillion dollars out of the federal budget.


  • 因此2月1日周一提出第一预算时,强调不是预算将要出资地方而是将要减少巩固计划

    So as he proposes his first full-year budget on Monday February 1st, he is stressing not the goodies the budget will dole out but the programmes he is cutting and consolidating.


  • 尽管上个月国会预算报告已经提出,由于问题资产救助计划(TARP)的实施不再向纳税人征收税金,而已经征收到的两百五十亿税金也远远低于最初预计。 但是仍然有很多人对此计划表示不满。

    The TARP program’s unpopularity lingers even after a Congressional Budget Office report last month said the program would wind up costing taxpayers about $25 billion, far less than initial estimates.


  • 将要改善流程开始提出它们项目预算百分比估计的项目预算

    Start with the disciplines that will have improvements, their percentage of project budget, and estimated project budget.


  • 共和党人已经提出他们认为2010年预算方案应该遵守一系列原则

    Republicans have put forward a list of principles that they think should drive the 2010 budget.


  • 上任不到提出了一预算他们控制国会将近月,仍然没有提出预算案。

    I had produced a budget less than a month into my term; they had been in control of Congress for nearly two months and had still not presented one.


  • 现在共和党递交了他们预算较高收入者大幅度的减税他们必须削减提出教育医疗保健预算,才能使之持平。

    Now when the Republicans presented their budget, with its bigger tax cuts for upper-income people, they would have to cut back on my education and health-care proposals to pay for them.


  • 当前方案又有可能联邦航空管理局提出预算削减方案而夭折。

    The current plan is now threatened by proposed cuts to the budget of the Federal Aviation Administration.


  • 当前方案又有可能联邦航空管理局提出预算削减方案而夭折。

    The current plan is now threatened by proposed cuts to the budget of the Federal Aviation Administration.


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