• 分析介绍我国洋葱收获机械现状提出存在问题相关对策

    And analyzed the status of harvesting machines in China, and proposed some existential problems and countermeasures.


  • 通过凌庄水厂现场调研,提出存在问题,确定水厂工艺升级改造势在必行

    Through on-site survey, it is found that there are problems in Lingzhuang Water Plant. It is imperative to upgrade and reform the process of Lingzhuang Water Plant.


  • 因此尽管具有体育优势左撇子存在生物学家提出一个问题

    Sporting advantage notwithstanding, therefore, the existence of left-handedness poses a problem for biologists.


  • 因此尽管具有体育优势左撇子存在生物学家提出一个问题

    Sporting advantage notwithstanding, therefore, the existence of left-handedness poses a problem for biologists.


  • 然后上市公司信息质量披露存在问题进行深入探讨提出对策

    Then, it will continue studying the existing problems concerning the quality of accounting information disclosed and putting forward countermeasures.


  • 尽管过度监管的危害议员们提出警告,他承认信用违约掉期存在着“严重问题”;一些尖锐的问题之后,格林斯潘同意应当这类产品实施监管

    While he cautioned the lawmakers against excessive regulation, he said credit-default swaps "have serious problems" and, after some pointed questions, agreed they should be subject to oversight.


  • 就是说存在应该Twitter安全状况提出问题给出t witter服务有多迅速地成为主流重要

    That said, its very existence should raise some questions about the state of security at Twitter - something that's more important than ever given how rapidly the service is becoming mainstream.


  • GoogleBooks这样已存在且可替代本地馆藏目录的服务我们的本地服务提出额外的问题

    The very existence of an alternative service like Google Books raises additional questions about our local services.


  • 纯粹毁灭面积范围造成3月11日提出关于存在性的问题:这么多沿着这些海滨被毁还的社区能够全部得到重建吗?

    The sheer extent of the devastation wrought on March 11 raises serious questions: Should the dozens of shattered communities along these shores be rebuilt at all?


  • 《卫报》所提出问题霍金都一一作了解答。 此外,提前回答了一读者提出问题:人类存在的目的什么?这个问题本来是预备拿到第二天伦敦召开的GoogleZeitgeist大会上进行讨论的。

    Hawking responded to questions posed by the Guardian and a reader in advance of a lecture tomorrow at the Google Zeitgeist meeting in London, in which he will address the question: "Why are we here?


  • 对于对冲基金表现是否与有效市场思想冲突问题,作者没有直接回答,而是提出一种概念适应性市场理论(adaptive market theory),指出躺在地上的20美元钞票是存在的,只不过不是在大街上,而是在死胡同里。

    What about the thought that hedge funds undermine the idea of efficient markets? Instead, Mr Lo suggests an alternative concept: adaptive market theory.


  • 但是一天逼近时,战后太平洋地区均势提出棘手问题,迄今均势在很大程度上是由于美军存在得到保持的。

    But when that day approaches, it will raise awkward questions of a postwar balance of power in the Pacific that has been kept largely thanks to the US presence.


  • 事实上我们年前听到问题,令人感到有些惊奇目前为止有人时常提出这一问题而且这一问题存在一些误解。

    In fact, we have been hearing it for several years now, so it is somewhat surprising that it still comes up so often and that there are still so many misconceptions about it.


  • 谈到医疗问题格林斯潘一直认为我们实际面临问题这些医改计划提出之前存在了。

    Greenspan on health care: 'I've always had the view that the real problem that we have existed before these reform proposals came in...


  • 她还他们任何公开提出人工化学品健康问题之间可能存在关联研究成果,迅速展开辩驳

    Freinkel says they're quick to rebut any studies that come out suggesting a correlation between exposure to synthetic chemicals and possible health issues.


  • 大多数企业存在问题员工很少提出建议

    At most companies, the problem is, employees have little input.


  • 现在这种方式提出这个问题已经假设存在尽管带有死亡风险,但去做事情

    Now, in the posing the question that way, I've been assuming that these are things you'd do despite the fact that they run the risk of death.


  • 当然存在一定比例这种投票方式并不会带来太多风险现在公民们提出问题'既然他们可以这么我们为什么不可以?

    Of course, having a small percentage of the electorate [voting this way] doesn't pose too much risk, but we now have the public asking, 'If they can do it, why can't we?


  • 因此该项研究提出了一个有争议问题成功育儿实践中男性是否存在的必要

    The study therefore raises the controversial question of whether men are necessary at all for successful parenting.


  • 但是美国二审法院接受一审法院已经认定了事实而且提出一审法官法律解释存在问题

    But in the U.S., appeals courts take as a given the trial court's findings of fact and will hear only disputes about the trial judge's interpretation of legal questions.


  • 答案既是“”,也是“不是”。一个近来视为正在腾飞国家局外人提出这种悲观的存在主义的问题,无可厚非。

    Of course the answers are no and yes, but outsiders cannot be blamed for asking existential questions about a nation that so recently had been seen as poised for take-off.


  • 虽然关于这个问题实质存在分歧,但是,俄罗斯官员美国看得出俄罗斯理由担心而且美国也已经提出建议消除减少俄罗斯的担心。

    Despite disagreement on the substance of this issue, the Russian official says the United States recognizes that Russia has legitimate concerns and has offered proposals to eliminate or allay them.


  • 正如经常发生的那样这些研究发现提出了其回答一样问题:其一,通常男孩SIDS的发病率女孩老鼠这种性别上的差异不存在

    As so often, these findings raise as many questions as they answer. For one thing, SIDS is more than twice as common in boys as it is in girls.


  • 但是他们处理传统科学领域之外人们提出信息要求方式仍然存在问题,也导致这些长期以来一直对琼斯教授持批评态度

    Questions remain over the way in which they responded to requests for information from people outside the conventional scientific arena, some of whom were long-standing critics of Jones.


  • 但是在美国二审法院会接受一审法院已经认定了事实而且听你提出的一审法官法律解释存在问题

    S., appeals courts take as a given the trial court's findings of fact and will hear only disputes about the trial judge's interpretation of legal questions.


  • 但是在美国二审法院会接受一审法院已经认定了事实而且听你提出的一审法官法律解释存在问题

    S., appeals courts take as a given the trial court's findings of fact and will hear only disputes about the trial judge's interpretation of legal questions.


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