• 现在大多数公司提供配备usb计算机

    The vast majority of vendors currently offer USB-equipped computers.


  • 提供配备会议室场地、桌椅1台投影仪2个麦克风、1块幕布

    Equipment provided: Conference room, tables and chairs, 1 projector, 2 microphones and 1 screen.


  • 基本测试自动化设备公司提供配备最后的硬件软件自定义测试测量数据采集系统

    PrimeTest Automation delivers custom test, measurement, and data acquisition systems that include the best hardware and software available.


  • 计划提供配备公路医疗设施小型地块提供一定的津贴以鼓励他们一些城市进行垂直建设

    The plan will also offer small, subsidised plots of land in new sites with access to roads and sanitation, and promote vertical building in some urban areas.


  • 这些公司的成长得益于项2009年通过法律,该法律原意是放开旅游市场提供配备司机的旅游车

    Their growth was unleashed by a 2009 law, originally meant to deregulate the chauffeured-car tourist market.


  • 这家精品酒店距离著名海滩和迈阿密海滩景点只有一个街区的距离,并提供配备免费高速网络连接的现代客房

    In the vibrant Art Deco area of South Beach, Florida, this boutique hotel offers cosy accommodations, award winning on-site dining and is only a short stroll from the beach.


  • Hotel Miramalfi酒店享有迷人的景色提供配备游泳池大型阳光露台以及位于阿马尔菲海岸洁净舒适客房

    Relax at Miramalfi and enjoy enchanting views, a large sun deck with swimming pool, and clean, comfortable rooms, on the amalfi Coast.


  • 这家酒店距离莱茵河畔宾根(Bingen am Rhein)的火车站10分钟步行路程,提供配备空调客房以及一家俯瞰河流的迷人餐馆

    A 10-minute walk from the railway station in Bingen am Rhein, this hotel offers air-conditioned rooms and an attractive restaurant overlooking the river.


  • 这个吊架参照考古调查图纸所设计的,目的是适应船体,此外配备气囊,能够船体脆弱木质框架提供额外缓冲

    The lifting cradle was designed to fit the hull using archaeological survey drawings, and was fitted with air bags to provide additional cushioning for the hull's delicate timber framework.


  • 配备智能计算机大脑机器人可以几秒钟内我们提供天气状况信息

    Equipped with an intelligent computer brain, a robot can give us information such as the weather conditions with seconds.


  • 这个慈善机构提供资金装备家医院配备人员

    The charity provided money to staff and equip two hospitals.


  • 平台服务可让使用者能够确保基于需求提供应用程序基础结构,并配备满足用户需求应用程序。

    Platform services enable consumers to be sure that their applications are equipped to meet the needs of users by providing application infrastructure based on demand.


  • IT部门可以员工配备好的工具提供合适的培训但是个人却掌控如何把这些工具培训应用实际中的权利。

    It departments can arm employees with the right tools and training, but individuals ultimately have control over how they put the training and the tools into use.


  • 新型火箭筒配备瞄具士兵作战提供更高的火力夜战能力

    The new gun combined with the thermal sight provides increased firepower and a night fighting capability.


  • 这些民宅改建居所,收费仅相当于品牌酒店一小部分,通常配备现场管家厨师长期外派商务人士提供延长住宿期的选择

    These converted residences charge a fraction of branded hotel rates, usually have on-site housekeepers and cooks, and offer the option of extended stays to business people on long-term assignments.


  • 这些提供阿富汗车辆还将配备25毫米火炮以及挺机关枪

    The vehicles being deployed to Afghanistan are armed with a 25mm cannon and two machine guns.


  • 本月华盛顿的一次会议上他表示:“我们应该每个阿富汗提供服务以及他们的村子里配备无线网络的理念简直荒谬之极!

    The idea that we ought to provide services for every Afghan and Wi-Fi in their villages is just ridiculous.


  • 这家医院配备先进的医疗技术装备,提供几乎所有最前沿的治疗方案。还开设健康烹饪以及用于减压的手工折纸课程

    Equipped with the latest technology, it offers all the most up-to-date treatments-as well as lessons in healthy cooking and stress-relieving origami.


  • 现在是一间2009年10月开张夺目的路易·威登商店圆形VIP房间顾客提供香槟酒配备高贵正式蒙古马鞍古老鱼子酱容器。

    Now a gleaming Louis Vuitton store, opened in October 2009, offers clients champagne in a circular VIP room outfitted with a lavish ceremonial Mongolian saddle and antique caviar case.


  • GoogleVoice采取了方式提供一个用户一个个人号码拨打任何电话同时配备其他特色功能例如语音邮件录制呼叫筛选

    Google voice takes a different approach by providing each user with his own personal number that can call any telephone, along with features such as voicemail transcription and call screening.


  • 现在一些酒店凯悦iPad配备那些“大厅使者”,他们利用在iPad在排队加快结账服务,或者飞机提供礼宾服务。

    Now, in some of its hotels, Hyatt is giving iPads to “lobby ambassadors, ” who use it to expedite guest checkouts when there are long lines, and who can offer concierge services on the fly.


  • 现在一些酒店凯悦iPad配备那些“大厅使者”,他们利用在iPad在排队加快结账服务,或者飞机提供礼宾服务。

    Now, in some of its hotels, Hyatt is giving iPads to "lobby ambassadors," who use it to expedite guest checkouts when there are long lines, and who can offer concierge services on the fly.


  • 捕获更改后的数据可以配备一些触发器,或者使用其他方法比如Oracle数据库提供的OracleChangeDataCapture

    To capture the changed data, you can place triggers in the respective tables, or use other methods such as Oracle change data capture, which is provided for Oracle databases.


  • 款手机配备巨大的4.5英寸super-AMOLED-plus屏幕屏在设计提供更高分辨率并且日光下浏览起来更轻松一些

    The phone has a massive 4.5-inch super-AMOLED-plus screen that is designed to provide better resolution and easier daylight viewing.


  • 这辆配备锂电子电池行驶距离超过电池所能提供40英里后,汽油引擎将驱动发电机提供电力

    The car will have a lithium-ion battery with a petrol-powered engine that drives a generator to provide electricity when you drive beyond its 40-mile battery range.


  • 就要求改变国际机构预算人员配备受托管理程序提供更快捷援助终止停停走走的援助模式

    This requires changing international agencies' budgeting, staffing, and fiduciary management procedures to provide faster assistance and end stop-go patterns of aid.


  • 我们答应辅导员配备摩托车提供更好就业条件,但是直到现在什么也没能兑现。

    We promised to give facilitators motorcycles and a better employment package, but so far nothing has been given.


  • 亚洲几乎包揽了这些组件配备主要来自日本闪存南韩提供中国负责装配。

    The components are almost entirely Asian: the screen is mostly from Japan, the flash memory from South Korea, and it was assembled in China.


  • 亚洲几乎包揽了这些组件配备主要来自日本闪存南韩提供中国负责装配。

    The components are almost entirely Asian: the screen is mostly from Japan, the flash memory from South Korea, and it was assembled in China.


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