• 自己采摘农场农贸市场都会大需求的客户提供提供较低价格

    Pick-your-own farms and farmers markets both offer price drops for buying in bulk.


  • 这种一般通过提供提供速度理解力测试阅读技巧帮助人们提高阅读能力。

    Such a book usually provides speed and comprehension tests as well as techniques to improve reading.


  • 去年我们推进网络研究用户提供提供测试宽带连接工具方式请教了一学者

    Last year we asked a small group of academics about ways to advance network research and provide users with tools to test their broadband connections.


  • 例如学校董事会议会会议普通公民提供提供内部机会当地问题表达自己立场

    School board and city council meetings, for example, offer built-in opportunities for ordinary citizens to express their positions on local issues.


  • 希望这些问题提供提供个人观察结果看法,基于这些年患者和他们的家庭各种治疗环境的认识和体会

    I want to offer my observations and concerns about these issues based on years of experience with patients and their families in various treatment Settings.


  • 当前加州零售商根据劳动法规定,只要没有那些整天站着工作员工提供提供座位就会受到法律的惩罚。

    Currently, retailers in California are under legal attack for failing to provide seating, as required by a state labor law, for employees whose job it is to stand for most of the day.


  • 新的TFS示例提供提供一个样:如何TeamExplorer中创建个进行工作单元跟踪定制控件

    This new TFS sample provides an example of creating work Item Tracking custom controls that work within Team Explorer.


  • TipJoy提供提供服务可以人们在线内容支付笔金额作为小费整个交易可以通过Twitter消息系统进行

    TipJoy offered a service that would let people pay small amounts of money as tips for online content, with the transaction being processed via messaging on Twitter.


  • 过程中国家制定一份国家减贫战略文件,捐赠机构提供提供一份框架,供用于根据国家的优先重点更好地协调调整方案

    Under this process, the country prepares a national poverty reduction strategy that creates a framework for donors to use to better coordinate and align their programs behind national priorities.


  • 个自己并不擅长的领域提供提供服务时,无论你是接洽软件制造商还是其他的顾问辅助没关系,一样是在客户提供服务

    Whether you're contacting the software manufacturer or another consultant to assist when servicing a platform with which you don't have expertise, you're performing a service for the client.


  • 我们要提醒一句,ScreenriPhone提供提供一个非常友好手机界面因此使用手机终端的Twitter用户能够观看视频

    We should also note that Screenr offers a very nice mobile interface for the iPhone, so even Twitter users on a mobile client will be able to watch your videos.


  • 智能手机实现这些抱负提供工具,可提供各种情境下日常行为丰富数据

    Smartphones offer new tools for achieving these ambitions, providing rich data about everyday behaviors in a variety of contexts.


  • 政府官员可以仅仅因为个人团体提供竞选捐助个人礼物就提供信息安排接见时对其有所偏袒。

    Officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in arranging meetings simply because an individual or group provides a campaign donation or a personal gift.


  • 提供企业健身项目公司提供其他福利超过提供此类项目的公司所提供的福利。

    Other benefits offered by companies that do not offer corporate fitness programs surpass the benefits offered by companies that do offer such programs.


  • 工作准备方面高中学位实际提供东西远远少于他们应当提供的东西,也少于许多其他国家目前提供的,我们经济造成越来越大技能差距

    High school degrees offer far less in the way of preparation for work than they might, or than many other nations currently offer, creating a growing skills gap in our economy.


  • 关于提供资金或者重要的负责提供资金的细节很少

    There is also very little detail on who will provide the funds or, importantly, who is responsible for their provision.


  • 一些内容提供并不提供完整提要另一些则完整订阅最后添加广告提供一些收入

    Some content providers do not provide full feeds. Others tack on ads at the end of full feeds to provide some revenue.


  • 我们聋人提供手语译员,为盲人提供朗读员。

    We provide signers for deaf people and readers for the blind.


  • 报社记者们只提供负责该项调查监管人提供一些简要事实

    Newspaper reporters were given nothing but the bare facts by the superintendent in charge of the investigation.


  • 成立于1992年的“青年和平缔造者俱乐部”建立了网站教师提供资源提供发起一场慈善运动信息

    The Young Peacemakers Club, started in 1992, provides a Website with resources for teachers and information on starting a Kindness Campaign.


  • 家庭提供照料至少以前提供一样

    Families provide at least as much care as they ever did.


  • 信由你,提供许多电视电脑不能提供东西

    Believe it or not, books provide many things that television or computers cannot.


  • 未来政府需要更多工作,体育繁荣提供条件而不是提供有价值但冗长战略

    Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide the conditions for sport to thrive.


  • 夏季公司学生提供商业实践培训提供高达3000美元奖金他们创业经营自己的暑期企业

    Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.


  • 提供健身项目公司相比提供健身项目的公司能吸引健康意识员工

    Companies that offer corporate fitness programs attract employees who are more health conscious than the employees of companies that do not offer such programs.


  • 政府小学中学提供免费教育私立学校提供一定经济援助

    The government provides free education at both primary and secondary school levels and provides some financial assistance for private schools.


  • 前者提供更多刺激便利后者提供一个更干净更安静通常也更友好居住环境

    The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live.


  • 芬兰父母提供3产假日托补贴所有5岁儿童提供学前教育。

    Finland provides three years of maternity leave and subsidized day care to parents, and preschool for all five-year-olds.


  • 芬兰父母提供3产假日托补贴所有5岁儿童提供学前教育。

    Finland provides three years of maternity leave and subsidized day care to parents, and preschool for all five-year-olds.


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