• 他们经营一家公司并购收购提供咨询

    They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions.


  • 公司提供咨询帮助工作

    The company provides advice and assistance in finding work.


  • 尤其令人担心外交政策提供咨询同时也在外国公司工作

    It is particularly concerning that he is working for foreign companies while advising on foreign policy.


  • 今年四分之三公司老板员工提供线上诊疗咨询服务作为员工福利一比例高于去年的48%。

    Nearly three quarters of large employers will offer virtual doctor visits as a benefit to employees this year, up from 48% last year.


  • 威廉·帕多克为了获益而提供咨询服务但是他说社会义务公司业务一个重要部分

    William Paddock offers his consulting services for profit, but says social responsibility is a big part of what his company does.


  • 所有领先DTC基因检测公司都声称他们提供内部咨询服务,也能转询基因学顾问帮助解释结果

    All the leading DTC genetic-testing companies say they offer either in-house counseling or referrals to genetic counselors to help explain the results.


  • 周二提交的议案禁止评级机构评级公司提供咨询服务要求它们披露评级费用

    Tuesday's proposals would bar ratings agencies from providing consulting services to any company they rated and would require them to disclose fees for a rating.


  • 制度由于禁止银行家同一集团下属其他公司提供咨询服务金融集团造成巨大压力

    The old system laid huge burdens on financial groups. It prevented bankers from suggesting services that were provided by the same firm but housed in a different unit.


  • 她是一家波士顿从事银行金融机构提供咨询公司美国市场研究中心的合作伙伴

    Epperson, a partner at Mercatus, a Boston company that advises Banks and financial institutions. As more u.


  • BEE规定错综复杂但是有许多律师,咨询财务分析师可以为公司提供指导服务。

    An army of lawyers, consultants and financial advisers guides companies though the BEE maze.


  • 提供咨询支持帮助公司渡过危机

    shift advisory support to help companies weather the crisis.


  • 不过,莱德·伯里(Ledbury)研究所JamesLawson21世纪,“成为一名炫耀性消费者越来越难”。莱德·伯里(Ledbury)研究所是一家奢华品行业提供市场趋势咨询公司

    But in the 21st century, "being a conspicuous consumer is getting harder and harder", says James Lawson of Ledbury Research, a firm that advises luxury businesses on market trends.


  • 这位自己打工的商业顾问如今专注提供咨询服务同时公司客户提供他们需要销售推广服务。

    The consultants who work for him now solely focus on providing services, while his company provides them the sales and marketing they need to obtain clients.


  • 公司不幸福的夫妻提供咨询服务

    His company, he says, provides counselling to people in unhappy marriages.


  • 成长已形成网络这些现成机构创业者提供很多大型公司的才具有的优势诸如咨询建议法律服务会议场所

    There is a network of growth housesready-made offices that provide start-ups with many of the advantages of large companies such as consulting advice, legal services and conference rooms.


  • 即将离开大学。我得到伦敦纽约两家管理咨询公司提供工作机会。

    I am about to leave university and have received employment offers from management consulting firms in both London and New York.


  • 许多公司合作伙伴都能先前商定费率提供熟练的咨询人员

    Many companies have corporate partners who provide skilled consultants at a previously negotiated rate.


  • 就在陶氏总部旁边一个时髦的新楼里,一家从事后台支持服务的跨国公司不久提供更多岗位,该公司印度外包企业塔塔咨询服务公司合办的。

    Next to Dow's headquarters, a swanky new building will soon offer more new jobs in a back-office-services joint venture with Tata Consultancy services, a big Indian outsourcing firm.


  • 通过公司他们从事生物安全问题提供技术服务设计脑波基础的游戏控制器公司提供咨询

    Through the firm, they have advised companies on a range of technology issues from biosecurity to designing brainwave-based game controllers.


  • 虽然微软一直在鼓励小型公司使用我们技术,但是我们发现目前市场提供小型网络咨询托管领域公司和市场需求差距

    Although Microsoft has always encouraged small companies to use our technologies, we've found that there was market gap in the area supporting small web consulting and hosting companies.


  • 这些公司表面上声称提供咨询服务,实际上则允许投资者他们购买一些专门公司行业信息这些信息中可能就包含了内幕信息。

    Thesefirms, which purport to provide consulting services, enable investors to pay them for advice on specific companies and industries, some of which may include non-public information.


  • 公司刘斌这样员工提供心理咨询服务,心理咨询师耿玉斌说

    The company provides counseling for workers such as Liu, according to supervisor Geng Yubin.


  • 另外一家则资历要短许多桑德勒·奥尼尔投资银行,1988年创建业务集中其他经济型公司提供咨询资金筹集上。

    Another member of the club is the much younger Sandler o 'neill, founded in 1988, which focuses on advising and raising capital for other financial firms.


  • 埃森哲IBM这样提供外包咨询服务公司,业绩非常不错因为迫于成本压力很多公司都会采用他们的外包服务。

    Consultants offering outsourced services, like IBM and Accenture, have also done well as cost pressures have driven other companies to use their services.


  • 宣称国际铁路顾问公司合同投标期间同时欧洲之星西门子提供咨询服务。

    It claims that Interfleet had been advising both Eurostar and Siemens at the time of the contract.


  • 决定休息一段时间考虑应该些什么。随后,他开始一家社会化游戏公司提供咨询

    After taking time off to decide what to do, he began advising a social gaming company.


  • 公司会计管理领域提供公司培训咨询服务帮助创业者取得成功

    Pam Newman is president of RPPC Inc., which helps entrepreneurs succeed in their businesses through small-business training and consulting services in the areas of accounting and management.


  • 公司会计管理领域提供公司培训咨询服务帮助创业者取得成功

    Pam Newman is president of RPPC Inc., which helps entrepreneurs succeed in their businesses through small-business training and consulting services in the areas of accounting and management.


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