• 基于产品知识经验提供专业建议客户保持联系

    Keep relationship with customer by providing professional advice based on product knowledge and experience.


  • 创业团队早期建设提供专业建议包括企业注册选址,团队组成结构、团队人员配置及其分工

    Provide professional advice to the early construction of the entrepreneurial team. Including enterprise registered location, team structure and team staffing and division of labor, etc.


  • 城市项目应为男性幼儿教育工作者建立支持小组男性教育工作者及其项目负责人提供职业辅导专业发展建议

    Cities and programs should establish support groups for male early childhood educators and provide mentoring and professional development advice for male educators and their program leaders.


  • 建议有些部门如果培养该国所需的、经过充分训练专业人员就必须继续现有水平提供经费。

    May I suggest that there are some departments which must continue to be financed at existing levels if these are to produce the fully trained professionals which the country needs.


  • 国际货币基金组织可以专业范围提供政策建议易受经济气候挑战影响的国家提供支持

    The IMF can assist in its areas of expertise to advise on policies and support countries that are most vulnerable to economic and climate challenges,” Strauss-Kahn noted.


  • 提供专业培训服务DaleCarnegie教育机构的专家建议,“面试官喜欢那种简短温馨的回复

    The experts at the Dale Carnegie Institute, which offers professional training services, advise that “recruiters like correspondence that is short and sweet.


  • 有人建议这样的话表明立场:“如果不能接受提供专业服务自由职业费率能理解如果情况有变第一时间通知。”

    Someone suggested using this statement: “I understand if professional freelance rates aren’t in your budget now, but please let me know if that changes.”


  • 先前的建议只是要求专业人员提供支持各自能力学位证明

    Previous advice only requested that professionals provide the degree of support required by each individual.


  • 旅行医学方面专业人员机构应当了解南非裂谷热现状以便提供相应建议治疗

    Travel medicine professionals and travel medicine services should be aware of the current RVF situation in South Africa in order to provide advice and care accordingly.


  • 向管理人员警示一些问题提供关于问题修复专业建议并且能够放大最大全球

    It alerts administrators about problems, provides expert advice on issue remediation, and is capable of scaling to the largest global networks.


  • 这份报告健康保健专业人员提供长久持续信息,教会他们如何给产前、怀孕中和产后妇女们体重方面提出建议

    The new report gives health care professionals consistent information about how they should advise women on their weight, before, during, and after pregnancy.


  • 一些营养师开始自己实践人们提供专业健康营养建议

    Some dieticians begin their own practice, giving professional health and nutrition advice.


  • 这些专业人员专门处理安全问题能够提供不同寻常建议保护数据避免未经授权的访问

    Dedicated to security matters, these professionals can offer unconventional advice for securing data from unauthorized access.


  • OptimQueryTuning解决方案提供全面工具专业建议器,能够帮助识别改进有问题DB 2查询

    Optim Query Tuning solution offers a comprehensive set of tools and expert advisors that can help identify and improve problematic queries for DB2.


  • 结婚旺季前夕,推出具有消费引导婚庆主题消费者提供专业的消费建议

    Just before marriage season, publicize theme of marriage and celebration directing consumption, providing professional advice for consumers.


  • 特许经营体系可以提供信任的品牌专业培训支持持续建议

    It can also offer a trusted brand name, expert training, support and on-going advice.


  • 我们企业中国建立以及扩张愿景提供专业规划建议实际支持

    We provide expert planning advice and practical support to businesses wishing to set up or expand current operations in China.


  • 我们通过让给你们提供退休建议专业人士、代表你们利益而不是服务提供商的利益、来进行评判,这样避免了很多利益冲突。

    We cracked down on conflicts of interest by making sure professionals who give you retirement advice do so in your best interest, not in theirs.


  • 学员学习结果负责解决学员英语学习中的疑难提供专业咨询学习建议

    Be responsible for the results of students learning, to solve the difficulties in learning English, and provide professional consulting and study Suggestions.


  • 学员学习结果负责解决学员英语学习中的疑难提供专业咨询学习建议

    Be responsible for the results of students learning, to solve the difficulties in learning English, and provide professional consulting and study suggest.


  • 高校不同专业教师教育工作者根据不同的教学选择制作应用多媒体课件以及管理多媒体软硬件资源提供借鉴建议

    It provides the reference and advice for all the teachers and educators in colleges &universities to use and manage multimedia soft and hardware resources, according to the different teaching options.


  • 可以提供最好建议就是保持简单。简单、设计合理外观专业网站会增加销售量

    The best advice I can offer is to Keep it simple. The simple, well-designed, professional looking web sites make the sales.


  • 客户其他健康护理专业人士分配规定药品迹象表明禁忌不良反应,药物相互作用剂量为他们提供建议

    Dispense prescribed pharmaceuticals to customers or to other health care professionals and advise them on indications, contra-indications, adverse effects, drug interactions and dosage.


  • 品格——艺术品位生活拥有多年外销经验我们工程销售团队一直客户提供专业建议完善的服务

    Character - art, taste, life! Has many years of export experience, our engineering and sales team has been providing customers with professional advice and perfect service.


  • 时刻坚持最高专业准则提供切实可行的建议,一丝不苟维护我们独立性

    We are constantly striving to uphold the highest professional standards, provide sound advice and rigorously maintain our independence.


  • 她说:如果留下一份有帮助建议意见,那就考虑即将成为前老板的人提供你的专业知识,表明他们墨守成规愿意为他们提供建议

    If you want to leave a helpful bit of advice or opinion, consider offering your expertise to your soontobe exboss … offer to be available to them for advice when they get in a rut.


  • 她说:如果留下一份有帮助建议意见,那就考虑即将成为前老板的人提供你的专业知识,表明他们墨守成规愿意为他们提供建议

    If you want to leave a helpful bit of advice or opinion, consider offering your expertise to your soon-to-be ex-boss... offer to be available to them for advice when they get in a rut.


  • 她说:如果留下一份有帮助建议意见,那就考虑即将成为前老板的人提供你的专业知识,表明他们墨守成规愿意为他们提供建议

    If you want to leave a helpful bit of advice or opinion, consider offering your expertise to your soon-to-be ex-boss... offer to be available to them for advice when they get in a rut.


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