• 油田在边作用条件开采,作业往往具有水泥措施内容通过封堵炮眼实现封堵含水层段

    Oilfield is mined under the condition of function of edge-bottom water, when there is often crowded cement content, and through sealing borehole realize to seal high aquifer.


  • 世界卫生组织官员发表内容丰富讲话帮助人们控制他们的恐慌情绪,以便采取明智的预防措施

    Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions.


  • 此类网站隐私措施内容,世界卫生组织概负责

    WHO is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites.


  • 全球环境基金快速评估项目作为环境保护2008年63启动的《汶川特大地震灾环境安全评估与应对措施》的内容之一进行筹备实施的。

    The GEF Rapid Assessment Project was prepared and implemented as a part of a MEP Program on Post Wenchuan Earthquake Environmental Safety Assessment and Countermeasures initiated on June 3, 2008.


  • (是否所有内容免费的,或者访问采取了限制措施;是否需要注册,等等)如果访问网站时需要收费,与可以其他途径得到的材料相比,其收费标准如何

    (e.g., is all content free or are there restrictions on access, is registration necessary, etc.) If there a charge to access the website, how does this fee compare to other available materials?


  • 提供药物只是对应措施部分内容

    And medicines are only part of the response.


  • 但是目前看到的就是这种转向意味着提出一些小措施其象征意义超过了实质内容

    But what that pivot would mean, as far as I can tell, was proposing some minor measures that would be more symbolic than substantive.


  • 这些措施包括各种产品和服务进行定价促销比如上传内容费用或者发布分类广告这样就能消除循环中的现金

    These include the pricing and promotion of various "sinks", such as the cost of uploading content or Posting classified ads, which remove currency from circulation.


  • 真正选择不是措施何时切实开始实施——这会2011年而是措施内容到底什么。

    The real choice for him is not when his measures would start to bite in earnest-that will be in 2011-but what precisely they should be.


  • 过于苛刻约束阻碍他们采取保护措施能力而这必将形成多哈协议的主要内容

    Tighter binding would cramp their ability to turn back to protection. It would have made up the bulk of a Doha deal.


  • 明显,这不是一个类似阙一样的病症,这样的病史,应该更加关注这方面的内容或许还你的医生讨论一些应对措施

    This obviously isn't a physical symptom like fainting, but deaths like this in your family should prompt you to pay close attention and perhaps talk with your doctor about screening options.


  • 救援方案涉及更为严格惩戒措施这些措施又是什么内容

    The bailout package talks about tougher disciplinary measures, but what are they?


  • 本周苏格兰皇家银行正考虑高盛采取法律措施,所指控内容涉及高盛销售的一种抵押债券

    The bank is this weekend considering legal action against Goldman. The charges relate to a mortgage bond issued by the bank.


  • 国会尽快通过巴拉克·奥巴马各项刺激性措施一些内容非常重要的。

    It is important that some version of President Barack Obama's stimulus package gets approved by Congress as quickly as possible.


  • 去年协议内容延长2009年美国劳动阶层实施的减税措施

    Obama supposedly won from last December's deal, a temporary extension of his 2009 tax cuts for working Americans.


  • 窗户高高在上,没有看到外面的情况,要说有什么装饰物,那就是墙上挂着的一整套条例或制度之类,内容无非些骇、针对行为不当无业游民的惩治措施

    The windows were so high up that one could not look outside, and the sole ornament was a set of rules threatening dire penalties to any casual who misconducted himself.


  • 一些内容大家发现我们平台采取一些比较严格措施控制

    Will find all of some content platform we will take more stringent measures to control it.


  • 国内经营人应当采取措施保持危险品航空运输手册所有内容实用性有效性

    Domestic operator shall take measures to keep the practicality and effectiveness of all contents of Dangerous Goods Air Transport Manual.


  • 中国认为通过多边谈判,制定一项内容平衡措施有效议定书仍是加强禁止生物武器公约有效性最佳途径

    China holds that the conclusion of a protocol with balanced contents and effective measures through multilateral negotiations remains the best way to enhance the effectiveness of the BWC.


  • 其次分析了环境监测内容归纳了环境监测存在的问题,最后提出相应的改进措施

    Secondly analyzes the environmental monitoring content, and summarizes the problems in environment monitoring, and finally puts forward some corresponding improvement measures.


  • 本文绿色财务管理必要性、面临的难题措施外部环境内容等进行了粗浅探讨。

    The paper discusses the necessary factors, problems confronted, measures, outside environment and contents of Green management on financing.


  • 根据一定义本文论述灾民意识主要表现、精神救灾内容措施以及精神救灾的作用与意义。

    On the basis of this definition, the paper expounds the major expression of victims' consciousness, the contents and measures as well as the role and significance of mental relief.


  • 阐述“先进制造技术管理”课题的研究背景、研究内容、研究目标保障措施

    The paper sets forth the research background, contents and goals as well as the guarantee measures.


  • 迫于侵犯隐私事件的压力2010年5月,脸谱网公司出台控制措施指出这套措施帮助用户了解分享内容分享。

    Bowing to pressure over privacy concerns, the company in May 2010 unveiled a set of controls that he said would help people understand what they were sharing online, and with whom.


  • 现有奖励机制孩子身上产生心照不宣式的管理措施相比,3c法(Content,Collaboration,choice,即内容、合作、选择)反而可作为解决孩子不听话问题的一种办法。

    In contrast to the tacit control imposed by the rewards system, the three Cs - content, collaboration and choice - provide alternative guidelines for dealing with non-compliance of children.


  • 现有奖励机制孩子身上产生心照不宣式的管理措施相比,3c法(Content,Collaboration,choice,即内容、合作、选择)反而可作为解决孩子不听话问题的一种办法。

    In contrast to the tacit control imposed by the rewards system, the three Cs - content, collaboration and choice - provide alternative guidelines for dealing with non-compliance of children.


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