• 自己认为原因在于推理科学模式获得推广

    Flynn himself thinks that the spread of the scientific mode of reasoning has played a role.


  • 法律推理科学模式形式论证实质论证有机统一

    This paper holds that the scientific mode of legal deduction should be the organic unification of formal reasoning and substantial reasoning.


  • 目前观点已被人普遍接受只是作为种不言自说法,而不是经过严格推理科学论证而被接受的。

    At present, it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evi dent statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific pr oof.


  • 长期以来,舍伦贝格一直质疑科学研究所支持这一说法音乐教育提高儿童抽象推理数学语言能力

    Schellenberg had long been skeptical of the science supporting claims that music education enhances children's abstract reasoning, math, or language skills.


  • 遗传科学核心高见基因序列识别的变异可以预测个人学习推理解决问题的能力。

    Central to hereditarian science is a tall claim: that identifiable variations in genetic sequences can predict an individual's aptness to learn, reason and solve problems.


  • 研究一下历史就会发现事实上需要空间能力数学推理领域——比如国际象棋作曲火箭科学——没有出类拔萃女性

    Look at history and you will see that practically no women have excelled in areas where spatial ability and mathematical reasoning are required, such as chess, composing and rocket science.


  • 学校教给学生的是如何科学分析如何演绎逻辑推理

    School teach scientific analysis and logical reasoning.


  • 科学依然根植人类认知推理中。

    There would still be science, rooted in human perception and reason.


  • 专业神经科学早就知道反向推理谬论

    Practicing neuroscientists have known for years that reverse inference is a fallacy.


  • 科学家们推理说,暗物质一般大多数其他物质作用,他们认为暗物质会直接穿过地球房屋甚至的身体,并不会被原子

    And dark matter doesn't often interact with most other matter, scientists theorize. One idea is that it flies right through the Earth, your house, and your body without bouncing off atoms.


  • 计算机科学首先应用数学一个分支因此计算机科学需要理解数据推理原理

    Computer science is first and foremost a branch of applied mathematics, so a computer scientist should be expected to understand the principles of mathematical reasoning.


  • 但是当那些内容没有成为常识时代,当我们如今已经接受的,自然科学最终原理还未被采纳的时代,我们不能寄希望纯粹推理

    At the time it was very far from commonsense and it's a mark of how far we have come that we now accept the ultimate principles of science are ones that we cannot hope to base on pure reason.


  • 科学适当电子游戏可以提高孩子推理解决问题能力,几天提高他们学校学习成绩

    Scientists say certain computer games can boost children's reasoning and problem-solving skills, improving their grades at school in a matter of weeks.


  • 同时塔美诺发现贝尔纳迪研究音乐科学中“真正很好的支持先前的推理”。

    Meanwhile, Tomaino finds Bernardi's study "really nicely supports previous inferences" into the science of music.


  • 富于慈悲逻辑推理重新审视自己即将面世的——《超越抑郁》——在书中将列举原因神经病学科学上的根据。

    Her compassionate logic made me review the pages of my forthcoming book, Beyond Blue, where I list the neurological and scientific reasons why.


  • 至少上世纪80年代以来,科学家们已经推理出临死体验是作为生理正当防卫技巧而出现的。

    Since at least the 1980s, scientists have theorized that NDEs occur as a kind of physiological self-defense mechanism.


  • 类比推理之所以科学研究中能这么重要作用主要是本身的逻辑特征决定的。

    There can be such important function in scientific research in analogy reasoning , which because its own logic characteristic determines.


  • 观察推理实验,这些内容构成我们所说科学方法

    Observation, reason and experiment make up what we call the scientific method.


  • 部分主要想法社会科学推理包括如果XY形式条件陈述

    The main idea in this section is that social scientific reasoning involves conditional statements of the form if X then Y.


  • 包括使用比例百分比比例推理解决科学社会科学职业中的问题

    It includes using ratios, percentages, and proportional reasoning to solve problems in science, social science, and career contexts.


  • 数学科学呈现出一个辉煌的例子,表明不用借助实验,纯粹推理成功地扩大人们认知领域

    The science of mathematics presents the most brilliant example of how pure reason may successfully enlarge its domain without the aid of experience.


  • 科学提出问题发现问题不仅需要抽象思维严谨逻辑推理需要丰富想像力强烈的审美意识。

    When advancing and discovering the problems, the scientists need not only abstract thought and precise reasoning, but also abundant imagination and strong esthetic judgment.


  • 目前这个观点普遍接受虽然它是不言而喻,并不是根据严密科学推理证明的。

    At present this idea is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof.


  • 分析中,学生可以巩固基本遗传学知识可以学习科学研究如何运用逻辑推理

    Through this kind of analysis, the students can not only strengthen basic genetic knowledge but also learn how to apply logic reasoning to scientific research.


  • 科学推理产生手机振动相似但是大规模感觉有节奏运动锻炼细胞因此它们更好地工作

    The scientists theorize that the rhythmic movement, which produces a sensation similar to that of a vibrating cell phone but on a larger scale, exercises cells so they work better.


  • 假说逻辑推理方法科学发现中的重要手段病原体果子狸说更是直接说明了两者的作用

    The methods, such as the hypothesis and reasoning from logic, etc. are important means in the science, and the dispute in pathogen and civet cat hypothesis are directly proven its functions.


  • 目前,这个观点已被普遍接受虽然不言而喻,并不是根据科学严密推理证明的。?。

    At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof.?


  • 自然科学不同的法律推理公理作用的命题是“价值判断”,作为价值判断难以公众达成一致

    But not like the natural science, the axiom of legal reasoning is "value-judgment", and the values can not be agreed by all the people.


  • 数学家们通过实验想象推理正在不断发现各种事实新观念,以便科学工程师可以用来改造我们文明世界

    By experimentation, imagination and reasoning, mathematics is discovering new facts and ideas that science and engineering are using to change our civilization.


  • 数学家们通过实验想象推理正在不断发现各种事实新观念,以便科学工程师可以用来改造我们文明世界

    By experimentation, imagination and reasoning, mathematics is discovering new facts and ideas that science and engineering are using to change our civilization.


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