• 方法中的推导规则既简单便捷同时具有分析签名分析密文能力。

    This approach provides a set of inference rules for reduction and analysis of signature and cryptograph.


  • 这个条件可以应用推导规则(创建欺诈),如果交易事件组成部分,还可以应用处理陈述中

    This condition can apply in an inference rule, as a Fraud is created or in a stream processing statement if the transaction event is part of a stream.


  • 增量式算法关键点分类正确率相容下对属性进行优级排序,算法的特点是随着数据的增加逐次推导规则

    The key of the algorithm is that the attribute set is sequenced according to the classification correct ratio and the consistent degree.


  • 限制因素(举例来说,支付能够超过一个特定数值)推导规则(举例来说,利息计算),尤其这些不仅仅相关时。

    Constraints (e.g., a payment cannot exceed a certain value) and derivation rules (e.g., the computation of interest), especially when these are relevant to more than one use case.


  • 理想信道条件下推导了两部传感器的最判决规则给出了求解最优判决规则数值迭代算法

    The necessary conditions for optimal sensor decision rules are derived, and a numerical algorithm is designed for finding the optimal sensor decision rules.


  • 研究两次重复试验因子效应随机模型误差方差检验问题,推导检验统计量检验规则具体表达式

    According to the homogeneity test for error variance on total-effect random model with three factors in double repeated experiment, the specific formulae of test statistics and test rule are deduced.


  • 特性出发,根据CCK调制规则采用相关解调推导加性白色高斯噪声信道条件下CCK调制的性能表达式

    The closed-form expressions for CCK modulation performance were derived from correlation demodulation according to the complementary code properties and CCK modulation regulation.


  • 规则推理已知事实推导未知信息

    Rule reasoning can deduce unknown information from known fact.


  • 本文一种规则栅格状网络进行了理论分析分别针对路由准则,采用归方法推导出了评价网络性能的计算公式。

    This paper analyses a regular grid network for two kinds of routing standard theoretically, and derives recursive formular to find the network performance.


  • 同时推导空间关联规则支持度可信度变化规律

    At the same time, varying laws of support and confidence are studied while deducing new spatial association rules.


  • 本文由人工排课过程中提取的两个概念(排课准则课程结构)推导出排课知识中的规则约束

    The rules and set of constraints in the knowledge can be deduced from two concepts-structure of a course and criteria of timetables, identified from manual process.


  • 最后推导有效拉氏量所对应费曼规则

    Finally we derive the Feynman rules for effective Lagrangian.


  • 根据混合规则分别推导关于PRSRK方程度系数表达式。

    The coefficient equation of PR and SRK equation of states can be obtained according to the mixing rules.


  • 这种数值计算程序设计思想规则用于其它类似场合,大大减轻人工推导负担

    The design idea and regulations of the non-numerical program can be used in other similar cases. This program can greatly afford facilities for the formula derivation.


  • 按照挖掘概念开发持续挖掘过程模型用于归纳局部规则推导规则

    According to the notion of session mining, a continuous data mining process model is developed for inducing the local first-order rules and inferring higher order rules.


  • 提出了部分层学习算法,并推导隶属函数参数学习算法,改善诊断规则学习性能

    Meanwhile, parameter learning algorithm of the membership function is developed. Both of them improve diagnostic rules as well as learning properties.


  • 本文所有判断规则看作一个整体,并用严格数学推导计算了一点点子排列有缺陷概率

    In this paper, the rules governing it are considered as a total and at each point the probability of defective arrangement of points on the chart is evaluated by strict mathematical deduction.


  • 通过建立BOM结构数学模型推导四种类型物料映射规则数学表达式相应算法

    By constructing the BOM structure model, mathematic expression and arithmetic of the four types of Items in the multi-view mapping course is deducted.


  • 本文推导机组轴线变化规律,对规则摆度产生可能原因进行了分析,给出了规则摆度的计算处理方法

    The change law of net swing for the unit axis is derived, the possible reseaus of the irregular swing are analyzed, and the methods for calculating regular swing are given in this paper.


  • 通过理论推导证明了N - P准则下融合系统的融合规则传感器判决规则门限判决。

    It is proved by theoretical derivation that under the N-P criterion, the system fusion rules and the sensor decision rules are still the likelihood ratio threshold decision rules.


  • 模型已知决策系统出发,建立了处于不同简化层次一系列子系统作为简约中的节点然后推导每个节点的规则

    The model created a series of subsystems from the known decision system at different reduced levels to form a reduced lattice, and then reasoned its own rule set at each node.


  • 在此基础上,给出了一种决策简化方法推导决策规则

    An approach of reduction decision table is proposed to induce decision rules.


  • 渗透检测原理规则裂纹渗透深度公式入手。推导出不规则裂纹渗透深度公式。

    The formulea for penetrating depthes of irregular cracks were derived from the principle of pene-rant inspection and the formulea for the penetrating depthes of regular cracks.


  • 核心语音单位只能区别语素并且不能通过规则推导出来的语音单位,音系分析基础

    The kernel phonemic units which can only differentiate morpheme forms and can not be derived by rules are the base for phonemic analyse.


  • 首先采用规则索引地面采样推导计算格网尺寸的经验公式。

    Firstly, points are indexed by the regular grid, and it is shown how to calculate grid size.


  • 首先采用规则索引地面采样推导计算格网尺寸的经验公式。

    Firstly, points are indexed by the regular grid, and it is shown how to calculate grid size.


- 来自原声例句

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