• 您可以通过配置基础结构三个不同来实现限制这些点可控制流向请求流动容量

    Gating is accomplished by configuring three separate points in the infrastructure that control the flow and volume of requests into the next layer.


  • 电子活动激发大脑增加葡萄糖丰富血液流向大脑皮质——大脑的控制认知功能个性情绪领域

    The electrical activity excites the brain and increases oxygen - and glucose-rich blood flow to the cerebral cortex, the area of the brain that controls cognitive function, personality and emotion.


  • 地下借贷解决了私营企业一个难题没有知道这些借出去的钱去了哪里,也没有能够控制这些钱的流向

    Underground lending solves a huge problem for private companies. But no one knows exactly where all that credit is really going - and nobody seems able to control it.


  • 有意思使用AOP我们需要维护执行控制不需要维护流程流向

    The interesting thing is that using AOP we don't need to maintain neither execution control nor the direction of the process.


  • 河水流向可以堤坝控制

    The flow of rivers is regulated by weirs and DAMS.


  • Howie客户数据神圣不可侵犯的,对数据流向哪里可以访问这些数据,我们非常严格控制

    Howie: Customer data is sacrosanct, and we've got very strict controls around where that data will have to go and who's allowed to access it.


  • 这个特殊时期我们面对是一这样的景象——海湾石油喷井无法控制下来,石油不停的流向海岸。

    And, at this particular moment, we are confronted by the picture of an uncontrolled gusher of oil spewing destruction into the gulf.


  • 分配过程受到迪拜金融支持基金会全程监控。迪拜金融支持基金会控制资金的具体流向而且毫无疑问会向阿布扎比征询意见。

    This process will be overseen by the Dubai Financial Support Fund, which holds the purse strings and no doubt takes many of its cues from Abu Dhabi.


  • ControllerMVVM模式没有提到控制但是WAF中包含了一个,它职责指引程序流向

    Controller - the MVVM pattern does not mention a controller but WAF contains one, having the responsibility to direct the flow of the application.


  • 计算机某个部分必须直接控制时,监视器单个或者流向打印机的单个字符,这时使用汇编语言

    Assembly languages are also used when some part of the computer has to be controlled directly, such as individual dots on a monitor or the flow of individual characters to a printer.


  • 电源供应中断时,可以通过手动操作阀门启闭,从而紧急控制介质流向,也避免了事故的发生。

    When power is cut off , it also can be operated by manual to control the flow of media an avoid accidents .


  • 确定型流程结构可以看成一个,图中的表示流程活动表示流程流向控制

    Certain process structure can be viewed as a graph. Nodes in it indicate activities and lines denote direction control.


  • 应用一种新的锻造工艺——水平V形锻造通过有效控制锻件纤维流向改善锻件力学性能性。

    The forging method with horizontal V-shaped anvils(HVA) was introduced to control fibrous tissue flow direction, to improve the anisotropy of mechanical properties of axial forgings.


  • 试验表明产品根据瓦斯浓度对抽放管道流向、抽放排放状态进行自动控制切换

    The tests show that this changer can automatically control and change the flow direction of gas in the pipeline and suction and discharge state according to gas concentration.


  • 在这里逻辑拓扑控制数据流向机制,它决定个进程何时及向何处接收或发送消息。

    Here logic topology means a kind of mechanisms that determine how the data in a distributed operation are sent.


  • 为了控制上部区域浓浆料流向TES用来顶部表面均匀扩散原料,同时形成一致向下流动

    To control the flow in the high density area in the upper part of the tank the TES is used to spread the stock evenly on the top surface and to create a uniform down flow.


  • 为解决采空区防火问题,提出从采空区漏入风一侧顺流,充分利用采空区漏风流向控制氮气流向控制漏风量的注氮思路。

    Directed at fire prevention in goaf, the paper proposes a method of injecting nitrogen and controlling nitrogen air to flow direction using fugitive air and controlling air quantity in gob.


  • 电源供应中断时,可以通过手动来操作阀门启闭,从而紧急控制介质流向,也避免了事故的发生。

    When power cut off, you can also manually operate the valve opening and closing to control media flowing, also to avoid accidents.


  • 财政收支通过单一账户进行,从而实现对财政资金流向、流量全程控制

    Financial revenues are through a single account, the flow of financial resources to achieve, the entire flow control.


  • 角色的安全访问控制模型基础提出了基于角色控制的安全工作流模型,使文档在工作流引擎的驱动下,在网络环境中流向正确用户

    And it presents a secure office workflow based on our designed secure access control model to make the document flow to the right figure user in network by workflow engine.


  • 哈尔滨市典型控制交叉口进行了调查分析了交通量流向构成车种构成等因素延误影响

    Then typical uncontrolled intersections of Harbin are surveyed and the impact of traffic volume, flow structure, vehicle composition on delay is analyzed.


  • 吸烟者用以控制烟尘释放器具,纸质滤烟袋控制烟气排放流向装置所组成。

    The utility model discloses a tool for a smoker to control the dust release, composed of a paper smoke-filtering bag and a smoke guiding device controlling the flow direction of the smoke emission.


  • 其中控制压力称为压力控制控制流量称为流量控制球阀控制通﹑断流向称为方向控制球阀。

    Wherein the control pressure is called pressure control valve to control the flow of known flow control valve to control flow through ﹑ called off and the direction control valve.


  • 利用水平V形砧锻造,通过有效控制锻件纤维流向改善锻件力学性能的异向性,实现轴类锻件的等向锻造,创造普通锻造法无法达到的特殊锻造效果。

    The forging method with horizontal V-shaped anvils (HVA) was introduced to control fibrous tissue flow direction, to improve the anisotropy of mechanical properties of axial forgings.


  • 妈妈亲切:“起初我们严密控制丝绸织造养蚕业技术流传禁止流向外国。”

    Ancestor kind mother, said: "At first Yeah, we strictly control the silk weaving industry and the spread of sericulture technology, and to prohibit the flow of foreign countries."


  • 通过气缸带动一个活塞抽取打出物料单向阀控制物料流向由磁环开关控制气缸行程调节灌装

    The cylinder drives a piston extraction and play materials, and by the one-way valve to control the flow of materials, the magnetic switch control cylinder stroke, which adjust the filling volume.


  • 采用灵活交流输电系统FACTS技术能快速灵活控制系统输电线路功率流向大小,充分发挥现有系统的潜力。

    Flexible AC transmission system(FACTS) show promise for better utilizing and controlling existing transmission systems. In this paper'several FACTS technologies are introduced.


  • 挡板同样可应用烘炉中控制空气的流向

    Baffles are also used in ovens to direct airflow.


  • 优化资金形态配置合理控制资金流向保证国民经济良性运行先决条件。

    It is the pre-condition for a virtuous operation of the national economy to optimize the allocation of the fund and to ensure a reasonable flow.


  • 上阀体上装有中轴旋转控制盘绕中轴转动与上下滑动锥形换位,实现介质流量流向控制

    Said rotary control disk rotates around the central axle on upper valve body to exchange position with conic valve core, so allowing medium to flow.


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