• 详细剖析形成机理未知情况进行差别预防控制上升速度关键

    The mechanism of casing failure is analyzed in detail, the diagnosis and prevention for unknown well casing failure are the key for controlling the rising of casing failure speed.


  • 经过30努力我们已经部署了一控制人口系统方案。

    Over 30 years of effort, we have put in place a systematic procedure for controlling the population.


  • 守卫条件控制某项活动完成后触发备选方案中的哪一个跃迁

    Guard conditions control which transition, among a set of alternatives, is triggered by the completion of an activity.


  • 通过JMX技术需要控制平台资源可以当作简单的、定义良好对象,对象的属性映射到给定资源的更低级特征上。

    Through JMX technology, a set of platform resources to be controlled can be regarded as simple, well-defined objects whose properties map to the lower-level characteristics of the given resource.


  • 尤其难以解释事实克林顿顾问根据一一层“如果怎样就会怎样”的假设来考虑各种可能的情况,而绝大多数假设都远非他们所能控制的。

    What makes it especially hard to explain is the fact that Clinton's advisers are building scenarios based on layers upon layers of what-ifs, most of which are not anywhere near their control.


  • 业务敏捷性需要相似关注点隔离控制方法,从而检查系统操作是否符合预定业务策略

    Business agility will require a similar separation of concern and a set of controls to provide checks and balances that the systems are operating as expected within the stated business policies.


  • 如果苹果专门iPhone5先进语音控制系统整合iOS 5中,它可能一次迫使其竞争对手奋起直追

    But, if Apple integrates an advanced voice control system into iOS 5 exclusively for iPhone 5, the company may once again be forcing others to play catch up.


  • 宇航服全部成本大约1100万美元,不过背包中的控制设备就占其中的百分之七十。

    The full cost of a spacesuit is about $11 million although 70% of this is for the backpack an control module.


  • Gluecode标准可以定义多个安全,然后通过提供访问控制主体用户进行身份验证授权

    Multiple security realms can be defined in Gluecode Standard Edition to authenticate and authorize users by providing a set of principals for access control.


  • AN/ALQ-99战术干扰系统高度一体化的计算机控制保障干扰系统。

    The ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System (TJS) is a fully integrated computer controlled support jamming system.


  • 对于这个问题,一方面,我们应该看到总量控制重要性;但一方面,我们也要看到,在这个世界上如果机会,总会有人去做戥的行为,而且几乎防不胜防的。

    On this case, it is vital to control the volume of hot money. On the other hand, we should see that arbitrage is inevitable.


  • Goal自己一关系解说,所谓的驱动(对应于SABSA业务驱动)目的”(对应于SABSA的控制目的)。

    Goal has exactly the right relationships, namely with driver (compare with SABSA business driver) and "objective" (compare with SABSA control objective).


  • 结果名为TCP/IP网络互联协议首批标准化两个协议——即传输控制协议互联网协议后)产生。

    The result was a suite of internetworking protocols known as TCP/IP (after the first two protocols defined by the standard, Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol).


  • 我们可以建立控制温室气体排放体制

    We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gases.


  • 使用打孔指示控制装置成为计算机编程基础理念

    The idea of using punch CARDS to instruct and control a system became the basis of computer programming.


  • 拥有一有效明确定义控制流程可以促进重用方便策略定义执行以及简化生命周期管理任务

    Having an effective and clearly specified set of governance processes promotes reuse, facilitates the definition and enforcement of policies, and eases the task of life cycle management.


  • 泰国皇家空军已经向瑞典购买综合防空系统包括鹰狮C/D战斗机、“爱立眼”机载早期预警系统包含数据通信指挥控制C2系统。

    The Royal Thai Air Force has procured an integrated air defence system with Gripen C/D, the ERIEYE airborne early warning system and a Command and Control C2 system including data link communication.


  • 不过航空运输延迟低效的主要原因还是过时的空中交通管制——一依靠地面控制反应迟缓雷达站不断重复语音通讯建立起来的体系。

    But delays and inefficiencies in air travel are due in large part to an outdated traffic-control system that still relies on slow, ground-based radar stations and repetitive voice communication.


  • 指令无意识控制你的无意识将他们隐藏起来。

    This instruction set is held by your unconscious mind and it is your unconscious mind that hides these instructions from you.


  • 汇丰银行自身而言已经承诺根据以下原则行事:其所释放温室效应气体将会控制在通过其商业活动节省范围之内。同时帮助创建银行业的“应对气候变化规范”。

    HSBC, for its part, has pledged to work to emit no more greenhouse gases than it saves through its activities as well as helping create a set of "climate principles" for the banking industry.


  • 很明显,要为高量身打造一全新的列车自动控制系统注意力须放在“标注”PTC(列车自动控制系统)需要保护的工作人员设备上。

    Clearly, in developing PTC architectures for entirely new, dedicated HSR systems, attention should be given to identifying work equipment and personnel as "targets" to be protected by the PTC system.


  • 海军陆战队订购超过220战斗作战中心用于营团级指挥控制

    More than 220 Combat Operations Centers have been ordered for Marine Corps command and control operations at the battalion and regimental levels.


  • 这些汽车利用包括视频摄像机雷达传感器激光测距仪在内控制系统侦测道路上的其他车辆同时按照普通汽车驾驶员制定预先设定路线行驶。

    They use a system of video cameras, radar sensors and laser range-finders to detect other vehicles, while following a pre-set route mapped out by drivers in ordinary cars.


  • 脚本责任解析理解这些信息尽管有一约定控制着这些信息格式用途

    It's the script's responsibility to parse and make sense of this information, even though a set of conventions governs the proper format and use of this information.


  • 计划控制顶上太阳能驱动的换气系统,将空气泵设施深处

    His plans involve building an air shaft through the roof of the control center equipped with a solar powered fan to draw air deeper into the complex.


  • 计划控制顶上太阳能驱动的换气系统,将空气泵设施深处

    His plans involve building an air shaft through the roof of the control center equipped with a solar powered fan to draw air deeper into the complex.


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