• 勉力维护控制地位

    You are trying to maintain a position of control.


  • 堡垒占据控制地位

    The fort occupies a commanding position.


  • 堡垒占据控制地位

    The tower affords a commanding view of the city.


  • 前面已经提到,解析器回应用程序建立数据模型,解析器处于控制地位

    The parser issues callbacks to the application to build the data model, as discussed before, but the parser is in control.


  • 公司股东内部,股东凭借控制地位攫取控制收益产生大股东掠夺问题

    In companies, big shareholders, taking advantage of their controlling status, grab benefits of control, thus resulting in the problem of big shareholders expropriation.


  • 然而缺乏有效监督制衡机制的情况下,多数股东往往滥用控制地位侵害小股东利益。

    Whereas, majority shareholders may misuse their controlling position to squeeze out minority shareholders in lack of effective mechanism of supervision and balance.


  • 但是这种控制地位使得多数股东一旦滥用控制权,则公司内部将不会受到任何约束,滥用结果往往是多数股东为了自身利益损害公司少数股东的利益。

    But if they abuse the power, there is nothing in the company to check them. As the result, the company and the minority shareholders' right and benefits are deprived of by the majority shareholders.


  • 智商社会经济地位入学时的学术技能进行控制后得出的结论。

    This was after controlling for IQ, socio-economic status and academic skills at school entry.


  • 控制光棍地位还是你的光棍地位控制你?

    Are you in control of your singleness, or is your singleness in control of you?


  • 控制(这个词翻我翻不好)家长收入婚姻地位一些其他因素之后我们发现家长教育影响仍然重大

    Even after controlling for parental income, marital status and a host of other factors, we find that the impact of parental education remains significant.


  • 不过一个三步走”计划倒是可以控制这场危机,长远来看还可以加强欧元地位

    There is, however a three-step program, that would manage the crisis and strengthen the euro in the long term.


  • 只是一个世纪现在电子媒介诸如摄影录像绘画中夺取先锋地位控制后,尚的影响才开始渐渐减弱

    Only now, a century later, when electronic media such as photography and video have wrested control of the vanguard from painting, is Cezanne's shadow beginning to fade.


  • 双方激烈竞争——争夺诉讼主体地位因而获得(某些)审理控制分得服务费用绝大部分——所导致结果

    This is the result of fierce competition to secure lead litigator status and so gain control of the trial and the lion’s share of the fees.


  • 但是通过排出认为社会地位低下遗传物质设法保留父亲身份控制

    But by removing the genetic material of males they consider socially inferior, the hens have managed to retain control of paternity.


  • 显贵地位控制着卡康贝谷中部食物资源丰富的栖息地也是她的繁殖力如此惊人的原因之一。

    Her high rank allows her to control a particularly food-rich patch of habitat in the central Kakombe Valley, which contributes to her phenomenal breeding success.


  • 他们知道如果女性没有平等法律地位选举权利行使他们的权利包括生育控制和堕胎,那么这个社会便没有真正进步可言

    They knew that a society could never be truly progressive if women do not equal legal and voting rights, and fill rights over their own bodies, including birth control and abortion.


  • 作为空间技术领先者美国自然通过控制空间技术的出口保持主导地位并且防止空间武器扩散

    So it is only natural for America, now the leader in space, to try to protect its dominance and prevent weapons proliferating by controlling the export of its space technology.


  • 例如妇女家庭社区社会中的地位低:她们男人较少获得控制资源以及她们在决策方面发言权较少。

    For example, women have lower status in families, communities and society: They have less access to and control over resources and they have less of a say in decision-making than men.


  • 这样地位控制德国威胁,增强法国世界影响力欧盟自己支付昂贵的农场品补贴

    It then used that status to tame the German threat, to project French power in the world and to get the EU to pay for its own expensive farm subsidies.


  • 冷战结束网络兴起以来,我们失去围墙以及超级大国地位,而两项共同作用控制世界问题

    Since the end of the cold war and the rise of the Internet, we've lost the walls and the superpowers that together kept the world's problems more contained.


  • 姆相处成功可以控制的人。 尼姆知道自己地位,也清楚这个自己强大

    The people who were most successful with Nim were the people who dominated him, which meant he knew his place and understood that this person was more powerful than he was.


  • 改善妇女社会地位,加强妇女家庭收入控制力,提高受教育程度,包括女童是需要时间

    Improvements in the social status of women, in their control over household income, in education, also for girls, take time.


  • 一旦海盗控制船只他们处于优势地位

    Once pirates have taken a ship, they are usually in a strong position.


  • 公司占据行业统治地位,它们控制地质数据井数目建筑器械操纵基础设施改进大型项目需要技术

    Four big firms dominate the business of managing geological data, digging Wells, building RIGS, handling infrastructure and developing the technology needed for large projects.


  • 怀旧怨恨否认现实本国失去地位一种潜在焦虑表现或是别人控制

    Nostalgia, resentment, and reality denial are all expressions of the same underlying anxiety about losing one's place in the country, or of losing control of it to someone else.


  • 关系只要控制开关,机器人永远不能挑战地位智商除外。

    While a robot partner would never be my equal in a relationship — it can't be, as long as I control the on-off switch — it could still challenge me intellectually.


  • 突尼斯消除贫困,提高国民识字率教育人口控制妇女地位方面,在国际上的得分很高

    Tunisia scores high in poverty reduction, literacy, education, population control, and women's status.


  • 先生研究报告至少2点上标志着基金组织资本控制方面地位进一步演化

    In at least two respects the new paper by Mr Ostry's team marks a further evolution of the fund's position on capital controls.


  • 喜达屋酒店DevduttaBanerjee印度在线旅行社(OTA)地位供应商承认如果适当控制的话,在线与直销渠道的组合结果传统GDS分销成本更高。

    Starwood's Devdutta Banerjee on the role of OTAs in India - Suppliers acknowledge that online-direct can turn out to be more expensive than traditional GDS distribution if not properly controlled.


  • 鉴于MrKhamenei仍然处于强势地位,其绝对控制阻止了其他方对权力的攫取

    With Mr Khamenei still in a strong position, absolute control is not up for grabs.


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