• 1996年通过一项法律明确禁止大多数移民甚至是拥有合法身份移民接受差不多任何联邦福利

    A law passed in 1996 explicitly bars most immigrants, even those with legal status, from receiving almost any federal benefits.


  • 去年秋天尼杰·威廉姆斯作为第一代学生一名牙买加移民进入大学时,还没有做好接受严格高等教育学业准备。

    When Nijay Williams entered college last fall as a first-generation student and Jamaican immigrant, he was academically unprepared for the rigors of higher education.


  • 按照新的规定,曾用以甄选移民职业列表得到精简接受年审未来新的澳大利亚公民需要拥有更强英语能力

    Under the changes, the list of jobs used to select migrants is to be streamlined and reviewed annually, while potential new Australians will need to have better English-language skills.


  • 由于很多国家拥有业已确立移民存量”而他们又可能离开接受国,因此汇款流量保持弹性”。

    Remittance flows will stayresilientbecause many countries have a well-establishedstockof migrants who are unlikely to leave their adopted countries.


  • 大的担忧在于较早选择教育道路不利于来自穷人家庭移民家庭的孩子他们最有可能进入学术性不强的学校并且最有可能失去接受学徒培训的机会。

    A bigger concern is that early selection fails children from poor and immigrant families, who are likeliest to attend the least academic schools and to miss out on apprenticeships.


  • 第一1945年以来,英国接受大量移民他们不能轻易地现存阶级概念匹配,同时可能还有自己金字塔需要攀登

    First, since 1945 Britain has received large Numbers of immigrants who do not fit easily into existing notions of class and may have their own pyramids to scramble up.


  • 母亲个月,随着她的家庭东欧移民纽约市8年级时就放弃了学业,因为那时女孩儿期望接受更多教育

    My mother - whose family emigrated from Eastern Europe to New York City when she was six months old - also left after the 8th grade because girls were not expected to get much education.


  • 阿根廷南美国家的移民解除最大限制再次承诺他们(甚至包含非法移民)享有公共医疗接受教育的权利。

    Argentina has lifted most restrictions on immigration from South America, again guaranteeing access to public health and education, even for illegal migrants.


  • 瑞典老百姓对错常好客的,高度宽恕给予一个等待接受的瑞典移民空气外来人可以定心日子工作

    Swedish people right and wrong, hospitable, often highly forgiveness, will give a Swedish immigrants wait and accept air, outsiders can work of centering on that day.


  • 奥巴马已经表明了立场,国家不会接受避难者,也不会改变美国移民政策并且海地地震危机中证明了这一点。

    Obama has taken the stance that his country will not be taking in refugees, will not change the US immigration policy, and demonstrated that during the Haiti earthquake crisis.


  • 但是一些事情需要移民知道因此而激起他们对英国感情的:英国的辉煌历史英语一种很受欢迎的语言,英国许多欧洲国家更早地接受种族多样化……1707年,在英格兰及苏格兰地区不接受不同种族的观念改变之后,不列颠建立了。

    But it has much else to inspire newcomers: a sweeping history that is also broadly progressive, a language everyone wants to speak, longer experience of racial diversity than most European nations.


  • 我们所有倡议共同思路就是促进一种欢迎文化使难民移民能够充分融入参与接受社会。

    A common thread of all of our initiatives is the promotion of a welcoming culture that will enable the full inclusion and participation of refugees and migrants in receiving societies.


  • 成为一名正式美国公民正规移民首先英语美国历史和政策有所了解必须一些费用接受一些必要的规定

    Legal immigrants who want to become citizens must learn English and show a knowledge of American history and government. They must also pay a fee and meet other requirements.


  • 移民1994中的要求,是申请必须提供的、有效的、接受技术评估

    This is because it is a requirement under the Migration Regulations 1994 and an application must provide a skills assessment dated as such to be valid and accepted.


  • 政策开始要求移民接受荷兰文化学习荷兰语言主动承担融入荷兰社会的责任。

    The new policy began to request immigrants accepting Dutch culture, learning the Dutch language, take the initiative to assume responsibility for integration into Dutch society.


  • 利益相关方协商之前包括引入民事处罚下放给移民和公民部(DIAC更广泛权力建议已经基本接受

    The recommendations, which have been accepted in-principle ahead of stakeholder consultation, included the introduction of a range of civil penalties and broader powers for DIAC.


  • 西雅图另一个郊区康特,42名索马利亚移民幢公寓建筑群中,也因室内木炭烤肉出现中毒病症,送医接受氧气治疗

    In kent, another suburb, 42 somali immigrants in an apartment complex became ill and were taken to a hospital for oxygen treatment after using charcoal grills inside.


  • 但是美国大使馆已经表示2008年8月31日起,对于移民其他签证申请,他们接受ACRO的无犯罪证明

    Please note that the US embassy have indicated that from 31st March 2008 they will only accept the ACRO police certificate for immigration and visa purposes.


  • 预计个别偏远地区技术移民协议协商2012年开始,在商讨完成以前接受偏远地区技术移民协议的相关请求

    It is expected that negotiations for individual RMAs will commence in 2012. Requests for RMAs cannot be accepted until this consultation process has been completed.


  • 美国经济增长迅速,总吸收新来移民只要他们愿意从事生产劳动接受低于那些人当地文化工人的工资。

    The U. S. economy usually grew fast enough to absorb the newcomers, provided they were willing to work productively at slightly less than the wage rates paid to acculturated workers.


  • 有人认为移民应该接受国家文化其他人则认为移民保持自己的文化DG

    Some people think that immigrants should accept new country's culture. Others believe that they should keep their own culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


  • 有人认为移民应该接受国家文化其他人则认为移民保持自己的文化DG

    Some people think that immigrants should accept new country's culture. Others believe that they should keep their own culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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