• 当然必须接受是,所谓的独具一格也是时间期限的。

    Of course you also have to accept that the time period for which it remains unique will be limited.


  • “刚开始我们轮班工作18小时。”巴萨莱特通过电子邮件接受采访时表示,“因为每个发射井都规定完工期限

    We would work 18-hour shifts,” Barthelette said of the beginning of his service, via e-mail, “as there was a deadline assigned to each site.


  • 至于其他要求蒙蒂不能接受时间期限,他坚持任职2013年。

    As for the other demands, Mr Monti said he would stand aside rather than accept a time limit, insisting on serving until 2013.


  • 夏天时候,他们使布什先生接受伊拉克退兵最后期限

    In the summer they failed to make Mr Bush accept a deadline for withdrawing troops from Iraq.


  • 前者需要接受50%的债务免除,而后者需要足额偿还尽管是一个长的期限

    The former will take a 50% haircut; the latter will be paid off in full, albeit over the long term.


  • 公立保险公司承保私立公司接受更长期限的保险合同

    Public insurers can also typically write longer contracts than their private counterparts dare to offer.


  • 通过检测年内不能享受任何福利待遇,如果他们能够证明自己已经成功戒掉毒瘾(接受戒毒治疗付费)的话,期限将缩减个月

    People who fail the test become ineligible for welfare for a year, though this is dropped to six months if they prove that they have successfully completed drug treatment (which they must pay for).


  • 如果我们一个约定日期更早日期收到接受交货支付期限应自约定的交货日期起算。

    If we receive and accept a delivery at an earlier date than the date agreed upon, the payment period begins with the agreed delivery date.


  • 当今有效的模型到代码的生成器可以完全地实现甚至是困难实时系统,对此来说,错过最终期限不可接受的。

    Today's efficient model-to-code generators can fully implement even hard real-time systems, for which no missed deadlines are acceptable.


  • 一个公开期限问题尽管几天后,业界普遍接受是在4月底才可能加息

    is an opened ended question though a few days ago it was being accepted as a given for end of April.


  • 此外26日通用汽车债券持有人决定是否接受债转协议最后期限

    In addition, 26 GM bondholders will also decide whether to accept the deadline for debt-equity swap agreement.


  • 只有一个最后期限工作来说像是接受了拖延的请柬

    Having just 1 deadline for your work is like an invitation to procrastinate.


  • 4月23日驻扎曼谷商业区红衫修改此前提出的临时选举并表示选举期限定为三个月,这他们可以接受的。

    On April 23rd red-shirt protesters, who are camped out in Bangkok's shopping district, revised their demand for snap elections, saying a three-month timetable was acceptable.


  • 洛杉矶银河队所属AEG集团首席执行官蒂姆·莱维克接受洛杉矶时报采访时表示,AC米兰周五最后期限前完成报价并且银河队不再考虑米兰今后提出的报价。

    However, the chief executive of Galaxy owners AEG, Tim Leiweke, told the Los Angeles Times that Milan had not met Friday's deadline and that no late offer would be considered.


  • 此外今天通用汽车债券持有人决定是否接受债转协议最后期限

    In addition, General Motors today is the bondholders will also decide whether to accept the deadline for debt-equity swap agreement.


  • 损坏细菌引起疾病减少保存期限消费者食品接受

    Spoilage bacteria do not cause illness but reduce shelf life and consumer acceptability of foods.


  • 贵方接受建议,并且告知期限具体条款,尤其是贵方愿意支付佣金率折扣

    We hope you will be good enough to accept to accept our proposal and let us know your terms and conditions , expecially the amount of commission or discount which you will be willing to give us.


  • 他们超过期限因此组织者通融一下,接受他们入会

    They were only one day over the date limit so the organizers bent the rules and accepted their entry.


  • 签约截止期限十二月14 日-他们正在只有包裹接受一个叁加者有限制数字的时候,可能的!

    The deadline to sign up is December 14th - might want to do it quick as they are only accepting a limited number of participants for this package!


  • 因此证人的情况下,双方下面签字接受批准这个合同包含所有期限条件

    In witness thereof, the parties have signed below to accept and approve all terms and conditions contained in this contract.


  • 接到定单所定数量时间期限偏差未在2天内书面方式通知客户定单视为接受

    If the customer's commercialist is not informed in writing in 2 days after the reception of order about the deviations of the ordered quantities and time limits, the order is considered as accepted.


  • 陈先生可以面对一个长的监狱期限虽然可能接受死刑

    Mr Chen could face a long prison term, although he is unlikely to receive the death sentence.


  • 周六德黑兰设立了一个期限,要求西方国家接受反建议。

    Instead, Tehran on Saturday set a one-month deadline for the West to accept a counterproposal.


  • 未规定期限银行不予接受装运日期二十一提交单据。

    If no such period of time is stipulated, Banks will not accept documents presented to them later than 21 days after the date of shipment.


  • 索赔必须货到45提出。过了这个期限索赔不会接受的。

    The claim must be lodged within 45 days after the arrival fo the consignment. The claim passed this time limit is not acceptable.


  • 如果卖方上述(2)期限异议通知买方,则视为卖方接受买方索赔

    Buyers claim shall be considered accepted by seller if seller fails to make any disagreement known to buyer within the said two (2) -week period.


  • 如果30期限彼此没有达成双方均接受争议解决办法任何一方均管辖权法院提起诉讼

    If the two parties can't reach a mutually acceptable solution to the dispute within 30 days, then either party can institute legal proceedings in the courts which have jurisdiction over the parties.


  • 交会处罚并且在作业缴交期限接受补交。

    Delayed submission of the solutions will be penalized, and no solutions will be accepted after the due date.


  • 呼吸系统(如果接受体检的人目前过去肺结核病患者,请指出患病日期治疗期限以及其所使用过药物名称、药力药量

    Respiratory system (For current or previous tuberculosis, provide date and duration of treatment and name, strength and dosage of drugs used.


  • 短文必须作业缴交期限的该堂课前交出,而且除了非常状况之外接受补交

    Microthemes must be handed in during the class when they are due, and, except for extraordinary circumstances, may NOT be made up.


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