• 排放限额交易激励公司寻求最有效率解决方案

    The trading of emission allowances then gives companies an incentive to seek the most cost-efficient solutions.


  • 虽然降低排放无关但是包含排放限额交易的法案通过不无帮助

    This has nothing to do with reducing carbon emissions, but it might help a bill that does contain carbon caps to pass.


  • 这种方法在排放限额交易(cap-and-trade)体系可能最为有效。

    That would likely work best under a cap-and-trade or carbon tax system.


  • 欧洲派送这么免费排放许可,因此到目前为止满足排放限额成本微乎其微

    And Europe has handed out so many free permits to pollute that the costs of meeting its emissions cap have been negligible so far.


  • 采用欧五欧六标准时候的以质量为基础的颗粒物排放限额只能满足通过时封闭式微粒过滤器

    At the time of adoption of the Euro 5/6 regulation, its mass-based PM emission limits could only be met by closed particulate filters.


  • 欧盟今年早些时候告知各航空公司飞往欧洲大陆的航班2012年排放减少3%,达到新的污染排放限额

    The European Union told airlines earlier this year they would have to cut their carbon emissions by three percent on flights to the continent in 2012 to fall within new pollution limits.


  • 排放限额规定适用于那些新建或者扩建大型温室气体排放火力发电厂精炼厂水泥厂静止排放源。

    The permit requirements apply to new and expanded large stationary sources of greenhouse gases, such as power plants, refineries and cement plants.


  • 安抚受到惊吓矿物燃料行业维克斯曼削减了本拍卖这些公司的碳排放限额,而是免费颁发其中大部分限额

    To calm the fears of the fossil-fuel industry, Waxman reduced the amount of carbon allowances that would be auctioned off to companies, and would give more of them away for free.


  • 默克尔相信,只有我们每一位地球公民设定二氧化碳排放限额——比如说每人——我们才能最有效抑制全球变暖

    Merkel insisted that only by establishing limits on carbon dioxide output per individual around the worldsuggesting about 2 tons per head — could the fight to stop global warming be effective.


  • 法案名称美国能源法案掩盖了一个关键事实:以2005年为基年,计划2020年二氧化碳减排17%,2050年减排83%,但仍旧通过排放限额交易机制实现的。

    The bill’s title (the “American Power Act”) obscures a crucial fact: it is still a cap-and-trade bill that seeks to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 17% on 2005 levels by 2020, and 83% by 2050.


  • 法案名称(美国能源法案)掩盖了一个关键事实:以2005年为基年,计划2020年二氧化碳减排17%,2050年减排83%,但仍旧通过排放限额交易机制实现的。

    The bill's title (the "American Power act") obscures a crucial fact: it is still a cap-and-trade bill that seeks to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 17% on 2005 levels by 2020, and 83% by 2050.


  • 接受调查半数美国人赞成排政策,也赞成企业支付排放费——也是参议院限额交易法案基本要素

    Half of Americans polled remain in favour of putting limits and carbon emissions and making companies pay for their emissionsthe basics of the cap and trade bill now before the Senate.


  • 很多法案希望能用于补偿受制于排放限额污染行业

    Most bills envisage compensation of some sort for dirty industries, which would suffer most from an emissions cap.


  • 这项法案意在2020年之前将温室气体排放从2005年水平削减17%,而核心cap - and - trade(排放限制额度交易)体系这个体系要求温室气体排放施加强制性限额

    The bill aims to cut 2005 emissions levels by 17% by 2020 and has at its core a cap-and-trade system that calls for mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 没有限定排放限额没有明确要求工厂必须一定年限内降低多少排放量。

    The plan doesn't put a limit on emissions or require plants to reduce them by a certain year.


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马提出限额交易体系,急于期望削减温室气体排放议会改变观念,想法一致吗?

    Barack Obama is keen to curb greenhouse-gas emissions with a cap-and-trade scheme. Can Congress come round to his way of thinking?


  • 这个策略设置了全国每年排放污染气体总量限额然后拍卖的方式出售排污许可

    It involves placing a limit on the volume of emissions that can be produced around the country each year, and then auctioning tradable permits to pollute.


  • 减少排放其它污染新的政策限额交易系统税收以及限制化石燃料消费运作起来。

    New policy tools to reduce carbon and other pollution, through cap-and-trade systems, taxes and fossil fuel consumption limits.


  • 或者瑞士提出的建议,当排放超过一定限额开始征税

    Or there could be a levy on all carbon emissions above certain national thresholds - as proposed by Switzerland.


  • 如果目标设定到2030年总排放限额为300亿意味着压缩世界11亿“排放行为

    If the goal were to cap emissions at 30 billion tonnes in 2030, say, that would mean squeezing the behaviour of some 1.1 billion "high emitters" worldwide.


  • 唯一真正减少温室气体排放方法就是建立一个国际制度,能给气候污染设立限额制定个价格

    The only way to truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to take the pressure off global warming, is an international regime that puts a cap and a price on climate pollution.


  • 唯一真正减少温室气体排放方法就是建立一个国际制度,能给气候污染设立限额制定个价格

    The only way to truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to take the pressure off global warming, is an international regime that puts a cap and a price on climate pollution.


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