• 今,船只和工厂在向海洋、河流等排放废物

    Right now, ships and factories are putting wastes into seas, rivers and so on.


  • 一方法有效降低了能源成本以及污水排放废物处理费用

    This also results in savings in energy costs as well as costs of discharge of effluent to waste treatment.


  • 精馏分离过程中典型单元操作,能耗大,故考虑工艺排放废物环境产生影响的同时,必须考虑能量消耗对环境的影响。

    When discussing environmental impact of refinery process, both energy and process waste should be considered, because it consumes a lot of energy.


  • 设计上而言,各个设计之间差别很大但是所有设计最终必须符合美国国家航空航天局对于这类飞行器的目标(产生噪音排放废物燃料消耗少)。

    Each design looks very different, but all final designs have to meet NASA's goals for less noise, cleaner exhaust and lower fuel consumption.


  • 根据公司总经理Fiona Qian 的说法,这种做法成本说明一些炼油厂仍然往垃圾掩埋场排放有毒废物

    According to Fiona Qian, the firm's deputy manager, the high cost of doing this means some refineries are still dumping toxic waste in landfills.


  • 曼彻斯特大学一项研究计算了二氧化碳(造成气候变化主要温室气体微波炉生产的每个阶段排放产品制造废物处理

    A study by the University of Manchester calculated the emissions of CO2—the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate changeat every stage of microwaves, from manufacture to waste disposal.


  • 零碳学校”是指那些承诺在七个方面停止碳排放的学校,包括获取食物的地方,以及使用水和回收废物的方式。

    Carbon-zero schools are ones that promise to stop emitting carbon in seven areas, including where they get their food and how they use water and recycle their waste.


  • 但是最大挑战在于防止营养废物进入太湖需要让太湖周边工厂农场遵守严格排放标准

    But the biggest challenge is preventing nutrient-rich waste from entering the lake, which will require tough emissions standards for surrounding factories and farms.


  • 而这些排放经由废物排放管道直接排入河流补充道

    The runoff flows directly into the river via waste pipes, she added.


  • 一个接收作为饮用水供应苯酚其他有机物排放工业废物口味气味原因

    When a receiving water is to be used as a potable water supply, phenol and other organics discharged in industrial wastes will cause tastes and odors in the water.


  • 许多国家废物填埋场产生气体废物发电厂中获得的能源(例如维也纳郊区Spittelau的那个电厂,如上图)获得各式各样补贴因为减少了排放量。

    In many countries power from landfill gas or waste-to-energy plants (like the one at Spittelau, outside Vienna, illustrated above) attracts subsidies of one kind or another because it saves emissions.


  • 摘要塑料酒瓶将会减少废物排放并且减少生产商消费者支出但是变化难免具有风险去买塑料瓶装葡萄酒吗?

    ABSTRACT: PET plastic bottles will reduce both waste and costs for consumers and producers alike. But with change comes risk. Would you buy wine in a plastic bottle?


  • 垂直农业高效率高密度,并避免了使用重型机械农业设备带来的大量废物排放

    Vertical farms will be highly efficient and densely built, eliminating heavy machinery and farming equipment responsible for a significant amount of agricultural emissions.


  • 结合辽宁省危险废物排放现状提出辽宁省危险废物污染控制战略

    According to the current situation hazardous waste discharge in Liaoning Province, the control strategy of hazardous waste pollution is proposed.


  • 铸造生产污染源,一使用含有有毒物质树脂黏结剂,二是排放砂成为大量固体废物

    In foundry production, two great pollution sources are use of resin binders containing toxic matters and large amount of solid garbage resulting from waste sands.


  • 过程系统环境产生影响主要是因为其环境排放各种有害废物据此提出影响的概念。

    Process system discharges hazardous waste into environment, and mainly impacts environment in this way. Impact flow is introduced to characterize the process system environmental impact properties.


  • 黄金矿山尾矿有效回收利用不仅减少固体废物排放量,能提高资源能源利用率

    The effective reclaiming and utilization of gold mine tailings will not only reduce the output of solid wastes, but also enhance utilization ratios of resource and energy.


  • 本文处置技术可行性、处置过程污染排放控制、经济性等方面宁波市表面处理废物采取的几种处置方式进行探析

    In this paper, surface processing waste disposal technology is introduced and the feasibility and pollution treatment and economics of the technology analyzed.


  • 随着大量污水废物源源不断排放入海红树林湿地水体净化功能日益受到重视

    With a great deal of sewage and garbage being increasingly drained into the sea, great attentions have been paid to the effect of mangrove wetland system on water purification.


  • 不仅如此,豹路虎更以实际行动在运营中持续降低温室气体废物排放、合理利用自然资源

    In addition, JLR adopts an active CSR programme aiming to continuously reduce greenhouse gas and waste emissions from its operations as well as make full use of natural resources wherever possible.


  • 废物排放环境污染严重危害农作物人体健康,因此必要环境效应问题提出评价预测

    Released wastes heavily contaminate the environment and damage crops and human beings. So it is necessary to evaluate and forecast the effects of exploitation to environment.


  • 全市工业固体废物产生量工业废气排放增加主要源于江阴,工业废水排放量的增加主要源于市区

    Increases in industrial solid waste production and industrial waste gas emissions are mainly from Jiangyin, while increases in industrial waste water emissions are mainly from Urban Districts.


  • 通过调查研究,危险废物产生分类处理处置、排放管理方式等方面分析了三峡库区危险废物污染处置现状

    The current situation of pollution and disposal of hazardous wastes in Three Gorges was investigated on the spot and analyzed from their status of generation, classification, let-off and management.


  • 发明还可利用提取物焙烧以及挤压免烧砖达到废物利用减少 废物排放

    The process can further bake the ceramic granule and extrude the burning-free bricks by using the distillation, which achieves the reutilization of the waste and reduces the waste discharge.


  • 发明制备方法操作简单安全废物排放生产成本产物品质更加优良

    The preparation method is simple and safe in operation, and has the advantages of little waste emission, low production cost and excellent product quality.


  • 实验严格遵守国家环保部门制订有关规定,不随意排放超剂量废水、废物不得污染环境有毒气体腐蚀性气体实验,通风木橱中操作严防爆炸、烧伤。

    The experiment should obey the related rules of the environment department. Any pollution is forbidden. For the experiment with Poisonous and causticity air, it should be done in the.


  • 实验严格遵守国家环保部门制订有关规定,不随意排放超剂量废水、废物不得污染环境有毒气体腐蚀性气体实验,通风木橱中操作严防爆炸、烧伤。

    The experiment should obey the related rules of the environment department. Any pollution is forbidden. For the experiment with Poisonous and causticity air, it should be done in the.


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