• 丝毫不存在这些团体胜选掌权危险

    There was no danger that any of these groups would be elected to power.


  • 工党最近宣布如果重新掌权保留联合政府大部分开支计划

    The Labor party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalition's spending plans if it returns to power.


  • 今年刚从看守的军政府手中接总统MahamadouIssoufou已经一些政变企图盯上了。

    President Mahamadou Issoufou, who came to power this year after replacing a caretaker military regime, is already dogged by coup attempts.


  • 所有其他党派结伙阻止他们掌权

    All the other parties ganged up to keep them out of power.


  • 讲话加深这个组织主要掌权人物印象

    His speech strengthens the impression he is the main power in the organization.


  • 论点前提掌权都无关紧要。

    His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power.


  • 在这里掌权认为烟花民众教育中的一个重要元素烟花表演往往带有科学信息

    Here, those in power regarded fireworks as being an important element in the education of the masses, and the displays often included a scientific message.


  • 西班牙重新掌权之前英国统治持续10个月执政时间很短

    Lasting only ten months before Spain resumed control, Britain's rule was of short duration.


  • 根据经验掌权或是金融工程领域工作往往喜欢这个词发音

    In her experience, people in positions of power or people in finance or engineering do not tend to like the sound of the word.


  • 根据巴拉巴斯说法,那些掌权倾向于选择奖项资金交给那些已经得到认可的人手上,风险也更

    According to Barabasi, it's easier and less risky for those in positions of power to choose to hand awards and funding to those who've already been so recognized.


  • 狄奥多西儿子孙子,在缺乏年长顾问帮助下,掌权年纪太小

    The sons and grandsons of Theodosius were too young when they came to power to rule without the assistance of older advisors.


  • 美国现代总统制度发展始于安德鲁·杰克逊1829年民主党领袖身份掌权一直任职1837年。

    The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837.


  • 掌权主要得利于搭档联盟

    He remains in power largely thanks to the Northern League, his coalition partner.


  • 这种情况发生时风险可能查韦斯将采取威吓的方式继续掌权

    If and when that happens, the risk will be that Mr Chavez resorts to bullying to stay in power.


  • 与此同时胜利者则沉浸于长期掌权之中。

    The victors, meanwhile, hung on to power long into their dotage.


  • 地上习惯反对暴虐掌权者,地狱习惯随着一起来了。

    I had been accustomed while on earth to oppose tyrannous authority, and this habit remained with me in Hell.


  • 另外有些人担心兄弟会掌权废除以色列和平协定

    Others worry that the Brothers would rescind the peace treaty with Israel.


  • 那些掌权开始关注如何消除公众的恐惧。

    Those in power became concerned with how to reassure the population.


  • 加沙冲突哈马斯去年六月掌权以来最为严重的。

    The fighting in Gaza was the heaviest since Hamas took control last June.


  • 优秀新闻报道意味着发现发表那些掌权希望人们知道的事实。

    Good journalism is about trying to find out and publish things those in authority do not want known.


  • 但是痛苦掌权之后,将军们更乐意用一种方式归还他们攫取权力

    But after a miserable year holding the ring, the generals would be glad of a way to give back the power they grabbed.


  • 许多北部掌权人物担心他们机会过早地被一个南部人占据。

    Many of the northern elite now fear their turn is being taken prematurely by a southerner.


  • 早期中产阶级支持掌权的统治,因为他们保持社会稳定

    In the early stage, the middle class sides with an authoritarian regime because they want to maintain social stability.


  • 这样他们走出校园进入社会成为掌权时候,可能不会重复他们前辈所犯的决策错误

    Then perhaps when they graduate and hold positions of power, they'll be less likely to repeat their predecessors' policy mistakes.


  • 美国掌权前景也许更好他们更好意识到中产阶层而且容忍西欧不会接受的一定程度底层贫穷。

    This may be preferable to the outlook of American elites, who have a better sense of the middle but also tolerate a degree of poverty at the bottom that would not be accepted in western Europe.


  • 耶和华像大能者临到,膀臂掌权。他的赏赐他那里,他的报应在他面前

    Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.


  • 耶和华像大能者临到,膀臂掌权。他的赏赐他那里,他的报应在他面前

    Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.


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