• 掌控世界旨意运作

    God is in control and works in this world with purpose.


  • 摇动摇篮就是掌控世界的手。

    The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.


  • 好的就让我们一起穿梭时间探索这个掌控世界操作系统之史

    Right, come with us on a trip through time as we explore the history of the operating system that powers the world.


  • 报告2019年,百万富翁掌控世界财富46%。

    And millionaires will hold 46% of total wealth by 2019, the report says.


  • 塔特问题在于容易骄傲自大他们高估了自己理解掌控世界能力

    The problem, says Douthat, is that such people are prone to a form of hubris in which they overestimate their ability to understand and manipulate the world.


  • 对于这些立志掌控世界运行石油巨头,伊拉克石油广阔前景是无法忽视的。

    The oil giants, running out of easy access to the stuff that keeps the world in motion, cannot afford to ignore this vast bounty.


  • 不要以为我们就是世界掌控者,其实我们连自己被谁掌控都不知道掌控世界呢?

    Do not think that we are in control of this world are, in fact, we do not control their own Beishei know, what is to control the world?


  • 由于新鲜思想热衷会乐于学习工程学、自然科学以及其它人们用于掌控世界学科

    Because of your fondness for new ideas, you enjoy studying science, technology and other subjects that enable people to control the world in some way.


  • 解释了,蝙蝠侠影片飞行时,双翼空中展开有蹼的双手仿佛试图掌控世界不是拯救

    Which is why, when Batman takes flight in this film, his wings stretching across the sky like webbed hands, it's as if he were trying to possess the world as much as save it.


  • 那些颠覆性的网格城市信用卡移动设备,一面我们控制而同时又作用于我们自身,是否可以说是以理智掌控世界取得的成就

    Is our effort to control the world with rationality; its grid cities, credit CARDS and cellular devices subverted by the control that these things exercise over us?


  • 如果俄买下Belaruskali(白俄罗斯国家钾肥厂)的话,那么其掌控世界同类钾肥生产一半全球食物短缺的背景下显得尤为重要

    If Russians buys Belaruskali, Russia will control half of the world's production of this fertilizer, crucial at a time of looming global food shortages.


  • 这种想法认为全部并非表面看到的那样一小撮权势掌控伴随着我们世界事件的发生。

    The idea that all is not as it seems, that a small cabal of powerful people control world events has always been with us.


  • 它们竞争者死亡时候,带有一种突变蚊子后代能够挺立杀虫剂之间,同时掌控这个世界

    With their competitors all dead, the progeny of a mosquito carrying a mutation that can neutralise the insecticide in question have the world to themselves.


  • 这个世界实在、太复杂,令人无法掌控

    The world is simply too large and too complex to control.


  • 将来,一系列应用我们对我们周围世界有个更好的理解 ,当然,还有更好的掌控

    In the future, a host of applications will give us a better understandingand more control—of the world around us.


  • 当然已经有了需要设计站点需要掌控世界所以显然理想

    Of course, you've got sites to design and worlds to take over, so that's not optimal.


  • 上帝创作了一个美好世界人类掌控自己道德他们能力腐蚀美好事物。

    God created a good world, But humans in the exercise of their moral autonomy, They have the power to corrupt the good.


  • 这个资本自由流动世界一国无法同时掌控汇率国内流动资金。

    In a world of mobile capital, an economy cannot both manage its exchange rate and control domestic liquidity.


  • 由于IMF重要地位卡恩世界贸易组织的成员们不断介入公众注意的中心解决掌控这次衰退造成危机

    Since assuming his position at the IMF, Strauss-Kahnand the world body — have been repeatedly thrust into the spotlight to deal with a host of crises tied to the recent recession.


  • 掌控该国金融系统大半江山外资银行(多为瑞士银行)并未因为世界其他地区出现紧缩信贷而受到较大影响。

    The foreign banks, mainly Swedish, that own most of the financial system seem largely untouched by the credit crunch elsewhere in the world.


  • 作为球队的核心,拥有顶尖的传球功力游刃有余的掌控比赛能力使他闻名世界

    He is known the world over as a play maker who's passing ability is among the best and who is comfortable playing both a fast and slow game as needed.


  • 贝宝之战》(The PayPalWars)一书写,彼得1999年对员工这么说,“贝宝世界所有人都能更加直接掌控他们货币这是他们从来不曾做到的。”

    PayPal will give citizens worldwide more direct control over their currencies than they’ve ever had before, ” he told new employees in 1999, according to the book The PayPal Wars.


  • 有意思,这位掌控互联网巨头相信未来的世界虚拟的;Twomey并未提出发生,但在他的表述中将会成为一个事实

    It’s interesting that the head of the body that controls the internet believes that the world of tomorrow is virtual; Twomey didn’t suggest that it may happen, he stated that it would be as a fact.


  • Google条新闻中还援引公司的创建人之一兼总裁拉里·佩奇说:“目前一‘可连通世界’的项目基本在我们掌控之中。”

    "We've got that whole organizing-the-world's-information thing more or less under control," the website says, quoting Google co-founder and president Larry Page.


  • 可能是因为迷信我们一种感觉——可以这个危机四伏,变化莫测世界掌控好自己。

    This may be because superstitions allow us the illusion of control in what is a scary, random world.


  • 软件开发固有的特性,它存在仅仅摩尔定律掌控动态世界相当长的一段时间里它始终像是一门艺术科学

    Software development, with its inherent characteristics, existing in a very dynamic world governed only by Moore's law, will remain more art than a science for a long time to come.


  • 苹果掌控世界内容只不过一串串数字符号罢了,可随意复制,毫无特殊之处

    In the world according to Apple, content is just a bunch of digital bits, easily copied, nothing special.


  • 苹果掌控世界内容只不过一串串数字符号罢了,可随意复制,毫无特殊之处

    In the world according to Apple, content is just a bunch of digital bits, easily copied, nothing special.


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