• 授权方式帮助控制用户可以访问不能访问的内容。

    Authorization helps to control what the user can or cannot access.


  • 提供具有完整源代码宽松授权方式规范参考实现趋势使事情变得更简单。

    The trend to providing canonical reference implementations with complete source code and permissive licensing has made life a lot easier.


  • 一般来说专利授权文献主要讨论三种授权方式专利权税、固定收费拍卖

    The theoretical literature on patent licensing has mainly considered three methods of licensing: by means of royalty, upfront fee and auction.


  • 解决网络化制造平台联邦集成中的跨平台授权问题,提出了一种基于角色映射的跨平台授权方式

    A role-mapping-based authorization method was presented to solve authorization problems across autonomous systems for the decentralized federate integration of networked manufacturing platforms.


  • 结果表明工作流授权方式加入代理授权方式用户可通过代理机制实现对任务拥有相应权限方法

    The results indicate that the manner of delegate authorization is joined in mode of workflow authorization to realize the methods which users possess corresponding authority.


  • 放在公网这些资料阅看授权方式假如需要非凡指定ID可以阅看就不能机密资料了。

    This should look be put in these data on public network to review the accredit way that see, if do not need special designation id can be read look to cannot calculate confidential data.


  • 深入调查研究基础上,设计能够实现动态角色管理、动态权限管理、授权方式灵活用户管理方案

    Based on careful research, a project of user management is designed, which can implements dynamic role management, dynamic authorization management, and have a flexible authorization way.


  • 信任管理体系一种综合处理信任状、信任关系安全策略直接实现授权高效完善的分布式授权方式

    Trust management is a better and more efficiency authorization mechanism which deals with the credentials, security policies and trust relationships integrated, and do authorization directly.


  • idSoft ware(著名QuakeDoom的开发人员)游戏预计最终发布源代码,并采用GPL授权方式

    Games by id Software (the people who made, most famously, Quake and Doom) tend to be released in source code eventually, complete with GPL licensing.


  • 授权支持可以处理各种授权方式不管使用Windows验证线程安全主体、ASP.NET基于角色安全模式或者自己自定义的。

    Authorization Support: Handled a variety of ways whether you use Windows authentication, thread principals, ASP.NET role-based security or your own.


  • 授权仅仅允许通过特定的方式操作资源

    Authorization: Allows only you to manipulate your resources in specific ways.


  • 这种方式执行授权检查内联代码一点,尤其是通过单独进程来调用时候

    Authorization checking performed in this way will be somewhat slower than inline code, particularly when invoked through a separate process.


  • 通过这种方式能够利用厂商提供的强安全性基础设施其中业务要求需要支持复杂授权规则

    This way you will be able to leverage the vendor-provided strong security infrastructure and, where business needs require, support more complex authorization rules.


  • 通过这种方式可以极大地提高性能并且可以防止用明文传输用户ID密码进而防止授权的用户访问数据

    In this way, you can greatly improve performance and still prevent transmission of user IDs and passwords in clear text, thus preventing unauthorized access to the data.


  • 同样重要的是,OER以授权学习者老师方式,揭开商业价值链以前封闭系统

    Equally important, OER open up a previously closed commercial value chain system in ways that empower learners and teachers.


  • 稍后我们详细说明各种授权模式方式首先我们将对一个简要的总结。

    We will detail a variety of patterns or styles of authorization later, but we will quickly summarize them here.


  • 当然更好授权粒度仍旧控制服务器RPC实现上,但是本质上是程序的方式

    Of course, the finer authorization granularity can still be controlled in the server implementation of the RPCs, but it is essentially programmatic.


  • 给出组织商店授权契约之间的关系之后,建议迭代方式设计这些部分

    Given the interrelationship between organizations, stores, authorization, and contracts, it is recommended that you design these parts iteratively.


  • 注意授权特定方式使用世界卫生组织材料理解暗示世界卫生组织认可使用该材料文件网站

    Please note that permission to use WHO material in a particular way should not be taken to imply endorsement by WHO of the document or website where it is to be used.


  • 通过这种方式我们可以轻松地限制通过SSL连接系统即使服务器组件提供授权

    This is how we can easily limit who can even connect to a system over SSL, even if the server side components don't provide authorization.


  • 许多提供商发现这种方式传统软件授权容易建立稳定收入

    Many providers find it easier to build a steady revenue stream this way than with traditional software licensing.


  • 相反地,功能分解方式分解许多部分获得商业细节进行外汇交易;授权支付捕获支付。

    In contrast, a functional decomposition approach would break a use case into many parts: Obtain Merchant Details; Process Foreign Exchange; Authorize Payment; and Capture Payment.


  • 而对于授权每个应用程序通常都有自己独特的方式这取决于相关应用程序具体特征

    Authorization, on the other hand, is generally an area where every solution tends to become unique, depending on specific characteristics of the application in question.


  • 通过这种方式可以轻松地限制通过SSL连接系统即使服务器组件提供授权

    This is how you can easily limit who can connect to a system over SSL -- even if the server side components don’t provide authorization.


  • 就像以前一直的,JAAS一种用以用户为中心进行授权方式

    JAAS is, as has been previously stated, a user-centric approach to authorization.


  • 不安全Servlet(匿名方式运行)如果试图访问这些页面,则授权失败

    Insecure servlets, which run as anonymous, will receive an authorization failure if they try to access those pages.


  • 能够采用可选的方式使用J2EE授权约束FacadeEJB方法进行保护

    The facade EJB methods could be optionally secured with J2EE authorization constraints.


  • 由于安全性要求规定必须对未授权查看者保密支付方式(诸如信用卡银行支票),对Payment元素加密就做到了一点

    Since the security requirement dictates that the means of payment (such as credit card or bank check) must be hidden from unauthorized viewers, encrypting the payment element pays off.


  • 这些攻击型客户甚至可能经过授权可以使用系统的用户,试图适当方式利用这种授权

    It is possible that the offending client could even be authorized to use your system, but is trying to exploit that authorization in some inappropriate way.


  • 这些攻击型客户甚至可能经过授权可以使用系统的用户,试图适当方式利用这种授权

    It is possible that the offending client could even be authorized to use your system, but is trying to exploit that authorization in some inappropriate way.


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