• 消息上面确实没有任何阿拉伯人。

    According to the Flight Information there were No Arabs on it.


  • 消息,这项举动认为华士中国巩固过程一部分’。

    According to sources, the move is believed to be "part of a consolidation process" for Pernod Ricard in China.


  • 消息最新入编一条超过500英尺世界最大私人游轮

    The newest addition to the flotilla, reports say, is a 500-plus-foot behemoth that officially claims the title of Largest Private Yacht in the World.


  • 这位英格兰国脚由于个人原因离开这座英国东北部城市,而消息他心仪的球队西汉姆联热刺曼城。

    The England international wants to move on from the north east club for personal reasons in news that has reportedly alerted west ham tottenham and Manchester city.


  • 权威机构发布消息尊雕像2,重200公斤没有头部手臂

    The statue stands 2 meters tall, weighs about 200 kilograms and was found with no head or arms, according to a news release by the authority.


  • 美联储消息称这场通涨带来了一些舒缓作用

    For the Federal Reserve this inflation news brings some relief.


  • 消息——原本可以上加好——世界卫生组织迄今为止,营养不良是导致儿童死亡最大因素,占所有儿童死亡个案一半

    Good news-but it could have been still better. Malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases, says the World Health Organisation.


  • 公司消息称第一个减压井八月竣工

    The first, according to the company, will be complete in August.


  • 这场纠纷导火线是一则消息消息雷诺拟将广受欢迎小型车——克里欧新车型生产线法国土耳其

    The row had been sparked by a report that Renault was considering moving production of a future version of the Clio, its popular small car, from France to Turkey.


  • 可靠消息:这部剧的高层计划着让出演和蔼可亲的老爹威廉·鲍德温在下一东区转转。

    A reliable source says the Gossip Girl brain trust is gearing up to have Billy return to the Upper East Side next season.


  • 消息人士珍妮弗相当担心诺曼精神状况,狗狗失踪回来之后表现得十分茫然呆滞,甚至似乎认识了珍妮弗。

    A source said: "Jen became seriously worried about Norman's mental health after his disappearance." He came back dazed and lackluster and often didn't seem to recognize her.


  • CNN消息称乔布斯一直手术之前投资者透露了有关身患癌症细节

    According to CNN, Jobs didn't disclose details of his cancer to investors until undergoing an operation.


  • 情报消息瓦西里2009年晚些时候消失了,自从那以后再也没有关于他消息

    According to intelligence sources, Mr Zawahiri “went dark” in late 2009 and has not been heard of since.


  • 姚明第一闯入NBA成为主力的中国篮球球星NBA联盟消息休斯顿火箭队度过了九个霉运缠身的赛季,姚明已经决定退役

    Yao Ming, the first major Chinese star to break into the NBA, has decided to retire after nine star-crossed seasons with the Rockets, according to league sources.


  • 来自公司其他来源的消息称,就可耐公司同意签发命令后的第四该员工即释放仍将面临审判

    He was released four days after Knauf agreed to issue the order but faces trial, according to the company and others.


  • 预计笔记本将 2011 年发布——据消息来源现在依然响应迟缓

    The goal is to release the laptop in fall 2011 — it’s still slow and buggy right now, says the source.


  • 内部消息每个提名都让白宫法律顾问办公室忙碌十个星期

    This included nominating two members of the Supreme Court, which is said by insiders to have distracted the entire White House counsel’s office for ten weeks on each occasion.


  • 谈判最近的消息,接下来将会动作Google地位依然明确

    Sources close to the negotiations say there is real movement, but that Google's position remains clear.


  • 其他消息距震中最近城镇Lyttelton受到很大程度的破坏目前为止没有收到来自现场图片和报道。

    Several news outlets reported extensive devastation to the nearby town of Lyttelton, nearest the epicenter of the quake, but there were no immediate pictures from the scene.


  • 9月份发生33航空“事件”,非官方消息来源2010年同期相比今年至今为止事故率已增加了十分之一。

    In all, there were 33 aviation "incidents" during September, and independent sources say the rate is up by a tenth this year so far, compared with 2010.


  • 今天还有消息称摩根大通说,2007年1月以来苏格兰皇家银行一直迪拜世界最大贷款牵头人

    It also emerged this morning that, according to JP Morgan, Royal Bank of Scotland has been the biggest loan arranger for Dubai World since January 2007.


  • 23让·萨科奇攻读法律学位小道消息称执掌位于巴黎欧洲最大商业区拉德芳斯(Ladefense)的公共机构

    Jean Sarkozy, 23, who has yet to finish a law degree, is tipped to be chairman of the public agency running la defense, one of Europe's biggest business districts, in Paris.


  • 共同社消息称东京电力公司MOX燃料顶端距离水面只有远,同时表示附近医院发现至少十五遭到了核辐射

    Quoted by Kyodo, Tepco said the tops of the MOX fuel rods were 3m above water. Meanwhile, Tepco said at least 15 people at a nearby hospital were found to have been exposed to radioactivity.


  • 4月4日:韩国站点ETNews . co . krMacRumors消息苹果确认6月四周发布iPhone5

    April 4: a Korean website, ETNews.co.kr, claims that Apple has "confirmed" that the iPhone 5 will be released the fourth week of June, according to MacRumors.


  • 知情人士消息交易价格超过5亿美元,透露具体价格。

    A source with knowledge of the company has said it was well above half a billion, but declined to name a specific price.


  • (佛罗里达州博因顿消息),当地官方提供消息,一现年66岁的食客上周六拨打911而逮捕,这个家伙拨打该求救电话仅仅是因为一家快餐店柠檬汁刚好缺货

    (BOYNTON BEACH, Fla.) Authorities said a man, 66, was arrested after calling 911 on Saturday to complain that a fast food restaurant ran out of lemonade.


  • 搞笑诺贝尔创始人马克·亚拉传统的愚人节虚假消息许多真实发明与发现而变得已经不再荒诞。

    According to Marc Abrahams, creator of the Ig Nobel Prizes, traditional April Fools 'day fake news is being out-absurded by actual discoveries.


  • 联盟消息灵通人士不是空穴来风代表布泽尔一定离开犹他州

    According to coalition sources said this is not groundless, but also does not mean that Boozer will leave Utah.


  • 联盟消息灵通人士不是空穴来风代表布泽尔一定离开犹他州

    According to coalition sources said this is not groundless, but also does not mean that Boozer will leave Utah.


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