• 要求员工上报60字的更新内容他们目前项目决定,华尔街日报

    He has asked staff to give him 60-word updates or pitches on their current projects, according to the Wall Street Journal.


  • 华尔街日报这些功能将如我们期待那样出现在iPad2.0。

    According to the Journal, these are all features we can expect with iPad 2.0.


  • 华尔街日报报道美国证券交易委员会的投诉援引了位不愿透露姓名C

    According to the Wall Street Journal, the S. E. C. complaint quoted one unnamed c.


  • 华尔街日报本月初的报道,乐天的员工要求2012年,报告工作交流全面使用英语

    As the Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month, by 2012 Rakuten's employees will be required to speak and communicate with each other in English.


  • 华尔街日报的报道,去年经合组织国家中18 - 29岁年龄段青年的失业率接近20%。

    The average jobless rate between 18-29 years was nearly 20% last year in OECD countries, the Wall Street Journal has reported.


  • 华尔街日报报道,现在有批志趣相投爱狗人士,他们在尽一切努力脱落毛编织成衣服物怪癖变成为一股时尚潮流

    According to the Wall Street Journal, a band of like-minded enthusiasts are doing everything they can to turn garments knitted of canine sheddings from a pet-owner's fetish into a fashion trend.


  • 华尔街日报报道,现在有批志趣相投人士,他们在尽一切努力脱落狗毛编织成衣服恋物怪癖变成为一股时尚潮流

    According to the Wall Street Journal, a band of like-minded enthusiasts are doing everything they can to turn garments knitted of canine sheddings from a pet - owner's fetish into a fashion trend.


  • 华尔街日报报道飓风袭击不久警察消防战士Nagin便开始使用无线电,直到耗干它们的电量,并且那些卫星电话无法充电

    Soon after the hurricane struck, the radios used by police, fire fighters and Nagin drained their batteries. Then their satellite phones would not recharge, according to the Wall Street Journal.


  • 华尔街日报研究中,排名50位网站CNN雅虎,再到MSN每个网站平均安装设置64个充满数信息的Cookie或者说个人信息追踪指示器

    According to one Wall Street Journal study, the top 50 Internet sites, from CNN to Yahoo to MSN, install an average of 64 data-laden cookies and personal tracking beacons each.


  • 苹果公司声称,他们正在修复工作,华尔街日报苹果没有说明漏洞存在多久修复程序何时发布

    Apple says it's working on a fix, but according to the Wall Street Journal, the company is not saying how long the vulnerability has existed, or when exactly this fix will arrive.


  • 华尔街日报》的一份分析,2008年美国企业高层管理人员退休金平均增长了19%,200多位高管的退休金增加了50%以上。

    Pensions for top executives rose an average of 19% in 2008, with more than 200 executives seeing pensions increase more than 50%, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,目前,中国钻石消费进口额稳居世界第2超过美国成为欧洲钻石第一买家

    According to the Wall Street Journal, China has the 2nd most diamond imports in the world, as it surpassed the US as the largest buyer of diamonds from Europe.


  • 华尔街日报》,赛希望开一家上市公司,很奇怪的是,虽然没有工作大部分时间仍然西装革履

    Mr Thain hopes to run another public company-oddly, he still wears a suit most days despite having no job, according to the Wall Street Journal. His reputation seems salvageable.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,越来越多的印度妇女选择剖腹生子,而且咨询占星家的意见选择何时手术。

    Women living in India are increasingly opting for Caesarean sections and scheduling them at specific times to align the birth with astrologers' advice, the Wall Street Journal reported.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,“过气”手机其它电子产品充斥着美国人抽屉壁橱很多公司却从中看到商机盯上二手手机销售和翻新业务。

    More companies are jumping into the business of refurbishing and reselling used cell phones and other electronic gadgets clogging Americans' drawers and closets, the Wall Street Journal reported.


  • 华尔街日报报道女儿现在允许上学

    The Wall Street Journal reports that Mr Chen's daughter is now being allowed to go to school.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,美国通用汽车正在考虑针对悍马品牌笔收购报价。 通用原计划悍马售予四川重工机械有限公司,但最终失败

    General Motors is considering 2 offers for its Hummer brand after plans to sell it to Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery failed, according to the Wall Street Journal.


  • Actelion公司股价上涨11%,此前华尔街日报报道,这家瑞士最大生物科技集团有可能被收购。

    Actelion Ltd. rallied 11 percent after the Wall Street Journal reported that Switzerland's largest biotechnology company may sell itself.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,这家总部位于加利福尼亚库珀蒂诺公司正在实验无线充电技术,将于2012年发布的下下一代iPhone中应用。

    The Cupertino, Calif.-based company is experimenting with wireless charging to debut on its next-next-generation iPhone to release in 2012, according to the Wall Street Journal.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,美国今年1500万的提出个人破产

    In the United States, more than 1.5 million people have filed for personal bankruptcies this year, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.


  • 华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)报道,“很多此类股票费率一飞冲天愿意借出股票对冲基金持有人从中获利了。”

    According to the Wall Street Journal, "borrowing rates for many of the stocks have skyrocketed, a boon for hedge funds and other owners that are willing to lend shares out."


  • 埃克森美孚是世界最有价值的公司华尔街日报1025公司越南近海海域发现了石油天然气

    Exxon, the world's most valuable company, discovered oil and gas in a field off Vietnam, the Wall Street Journal reported Oct. 25.


  • 华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)报道,这位Facebook创始人准备于2012年第二季度带领旗下社交媒体公司上市

    According to the Wall Street Journal the Facebook founder is ready to take his social media company public in the second quarter of 2012.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,目前微软名下一共持有5万专利并称其中的200多项专利的专利前遭到Linux应用程序侵犯

    Microsoft has said that it holds more than 50,000 patents, according to the Journal, and that it believes 200 of those are violated by Linux applications.


  • 华尔街日报报道,由于中国人体育运动日益热衷,运动服装销售额出现显著提升。

    The country's increasing attraction towards athletics has resulted in a significant growth in sportswear sales, The Wall Street Journal reports.


  • 华尔街日报消息随着中国亚太地区影响力的提升,日本协定实现经济安全目标关键

    According to a Wall Street Journal article, Japan views the agreement as key to its economic and security goals as China expands its influence in the region.


  • 华尔街日报网站报道,鉴于美国国家足球队近期赛事中的不给力表现该国评论界开始反省:为什么美国就不能培养出一个足球巨星呢?

    Disappointed by the us national soccer team's recent lousy play, critics are asking why the country can't produce a soccer star, the Wall Street Journal website reported.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,华为腾讯联手准备推出基于谷歌安卓操作软件智能手机,售价是1000元人民币

    Huawei Technologies and Tencent are teaming up to offer smartphones based on Google's Android software with a price of RMB1000 the Wall Street Journal reported.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,华为腾讯联手准备推出基于谷歌安卓操作软件智能手机,售价是1000元人民币

    Huawei Technologies and Tencent are teaming up to offer smartphones based on Google's Android software with a price of RMB1000 the Wall Street Journal reported.


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