• 在对损伤变量进行考察时,要关注损伤测量客观性精确性敏感性

    The objectivity, accuracy and sensitivity measurement of the sports injuries are important when observing the variables.


  • 导出了参量测量简便易行拉伸损伤计算给出了静拉伸损伤测量结果

    A calculating formula of static tension damage is also deduced and the measurement of the parameters in this formula is easy to handle. The measurement results of static tension damage are given.


  • 空隙变化为基础,建立化学腐蚀下岩石细观结构化学损伤变量计算公式给出损伤测量参数计算方法

    Based on the variety of void ratio, computational formulation of chemical damage variable is set up, and the calculation method of damage measurement parameter is put forward.


  • 经过三个的试验后,发现WiFi热点设备摆在一起的那批树木的树叶出现了损伤(损伤的程度没有进行精确测量)。

    After three months, the Wi-Fi exposed trees showed leaf damage (though the damage was never precisely measured).


  • 如果孩子的小儿科临床医生测量出其血压异常那么也许几年之后才能查出,这会导致孩子终末器官损伤

    If abnormal blood pressure is not identified by a patient's pediatric clinician, it may be years before the abnormal blood pressure is detected, leading to end-organ damage.


  • 结果∶被怀疑膜室综合症26个创伤病人31个损伤肢体的97个肌肉间隔使用每个方法进行测量筋膜室内压力

    Results: Intracompartmental pressure was measured by each method in 97 muscle compartments in 31 injured limbs of 26 trauma patients suspected to have a compartment syndrome.


  • 一个可靠准确颈椎活动测量要求量化损伤改善残疾状态

    A reliable and accurate measurement of neck movement is required to quantify injury, recovery, and disability.


  • 测试信息不完备、测量噪声因素制约结构损伤识别方法应用主要难点

    Some factors, such as incomplete measurements, measurement noise, are main difficulties confronted in damage identification method for application.


  • 但是不能直接、客观测量梗塞患者功能损伤程度,不利于研究梗塞患者脑功能修复机制选择功能恢复更为有效治疗方案的选择和改进

    But we can't measure the injury of cerebral function directly and objectively. which impede the advance of the study on cerebral remedy mechanism and is harmful to select the most effective therapy.


  • 主要结果测量指标:分析影像学资料确定损伤类型

    Main Outcome Measurements: Presentation films were used to confirm injury type.


  • 因此通过测量结构动态特性变化进行结构损伤辨识自然而然的。

    It is, therefore, natural to use the measured changes in dynamic behavior for the identification of structural damage.


  • 根据解剖测量踝关节损伤生物力学机制分析结果,对16三踝骨折踝关节脱位患者进行治疗

    Based on the results of the measurement and the analysis of biomechanical mechanism of the ankle injury, 16 patients with trimalleolar fractures and subluxation of the ankle joint were treated.


  • 目的分析视神经损伤反向夹持力学性质探索一种简易测量反向镊夹持方法

    Objective to analyse the mechanics character of cross action forceps for optic nerve injury, and investigate a facile method to measure the clip force of the forceps.


  • 由于结构频率测试容易测试并且较高测量精度因此成为损伤识别中广泛应用模态参数

    The variation of structural frequency before and after the damage is believed to be a most available and widely used modal parameter because of its easy testability and high measure precision.


  • 首先构造一种建立测量参数损伤子结构之间关系子结构综合法

    At first the authors, construct a substructure synthesis method that can be used to set up the connection between measurement mode shape parameters and the damaged substructures.


  • 通过力学参数测量微观观察研究初始损伤延性韧性影响

    By using measurement of mechanical parameters and microscopic observation, the effect of initial damage on the ductile fracture initiation toughness of steel was investigated experimentally.


  • 方法测量粘膜损伤指数

    Methods Inhistologic observation, the stomach mucosa damage index were measured.


  • 应力应变参数与其刚度存在直接关系因而应变模态测量可望用于桥梁损伤检测

    The stress and strain parameters of girder have direct relationship with its stiffness. So the strain information of bridges can be applied to damage detection.


  • 实验结束测量结肠长度髓过氧化物酶(mpo)活性组织损伤评分(HS)。

    Measured in the experiment after the end of the colon length, tissue injury score (HS), myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity.


  • 测定这些复合材料静、动态压缩性能,并通过材料压缩前后密度变化测量定量表征了材料的累计损伤

    The accumulation of damage in the composites is quantified through high-precision density measurements before and after compression.


  • 由于结构频率容易测试并且较高测量精度因此成为损伤识别中广泛应用的模态参数

    The variation of structural frequency before and after the damage is believed to be a most available and widely used modal parameter because of its easy testing and high measure precision.


  • 索氏萃取相比磁共振法的样品用量少,测量速度快操作简便,不损伤样品

    Compared with soxhlet extraction method, the NMR method features smaller sample consumption, rapid measurement, simple operation and non-destructive to samples.


  • 介绍一种测量肌肉震颤频率幅度损伤接触光学方法

    A non invasive and non contact optical method to measure muscle vibration frequency and amplitude is introduced.


  • 详细讨论什么是损伤表征,什么样变量可作为损伤变量如何直接间接的、力学的或物理学的方法测量它们

    It also discusses the display of damage, the damage parameters and how to measure them with direct or indirect methods of mechanics or physics.


  • 术前中的影像测量计算出神经基本位置减少避免神经损伤

    Usingmeasurements calculated from preoperative and intraoperative imaging, the approximate position of the nerves could be determined, then nerve injuries could be reduced or avoided.


  • 实验结果表明测量压缩损伤方面,OVQMMSE具有更大优势。

    The testing results show that the OVQM is better than MSE in measurement of the compression impairments.


  • 因此可以得出结论,钢梁裂缝损伤通过监测压电阻抗测量变化可以识别

    Therefore, it is concluded that crack damage of steel beams can be identified by monitoring the variations of piezoelectric impedance measurements.


  • 通过直接电流测量方法研究载流子退化栅压退火过程PMOSFET ' s热载流子损伤生长规律

    The growth laws of hot carrier damage of PMOSFET's during the hot carrier degradation and the high field annealing are studied by direct gate current measurement.


  • 系数可以在未知结构初始数据情况下,直接利用实际测量数据判断结构是否发生损伤找到结构损伤位置结构的损伤程度做出判断。

    This coefficient can be used to judge whether the structure is damaged, find the damage position and determine the damage degree of the structure in the case of unknown structures' initial data.


  • 系数可以在未知结构初始数据情况下,直接利用实际测量数据判断结构是否发生损伤找到结构损伤位置结构的损伤程度做出判断。

    This coefficient can be used to judge whether the structure is damaged, find the damage position and determine the damage degree of the structure in the case of unknown structures' initial data.


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