• 系统能够感应多路振动加速度信号,同时完成信号滤波采集分析处理

    The system could induce multi-channel vibration acceleration signals and complete signal filting, acquiring and analysis processing.


  • 通过软件方法设计相关滤波实现了振动信号数字滤波有效地提高精度工作效率

    Using software technology to design correlation filter, the digital filter of vibration signal was realized and the precision and work efficiency was improved.


  • 利用基于滤波X最小方值算法前馈型适应控制系统,汽车座椅振动实施主动控制,以改善座椅的动态舒适性。

    An adaptive controller which contains a filtered-x least mean squares algorithm(FXLMS) was applied to complete the active vibration control of a vehicle seat.


  • 本文提出一种弹性振动干扰适应滤波识别运载器刚体姿态信息

    This paper presents a method for the identification of vehicle rigid body attitude information by adaptive filtering of the elastic vibration interferences.


  • 针对旋转机械平稳信号特点,提出采用谐波小波滤波现场采集振动信号进行故障诊断方法

    A new method of fault diagnosis of in-situ sampled vibration signals is introduced for the non-stationery signals of rotating machines by using the harmonic wavelet filtering.


  • 比较结果说明滤波经验模态分解方法旋转机械振动信号波动组分分析滤波有效

    The result of comparison Shows that it is more effective using the filtered EMD to analyze the vibration signal motion composition of rotation machinery than the un-filtered one.


  • 形态滤波应用滚动轴承缺陷诊断,通过形态滤波将滚动轴承原始振动信号脉冲信号提取出来,从而达到解调的效果。

    The morphology filter is used for the defect diagnosis of rolling bearings, extracting the impulsive signal from the initial vibration signal and demodulating the signals.


  • 利用程序延时以及软件滤波消除超高压汞灯驱动电流、电压、测量装置机械振动对测量结果的影响,从而提高了测量数据准确性和稳定性。

    Program time delay and software filtering were used to delete the interference of the drive current and the mechanical vibration, so the measuring precision was improved.


  • 设计多位置测方案,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波理想、非理想线振动条件参数辨识问题进行仿真。

    The application of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to identify INS platform drift error coefficients under the condition of ideal and nonideal linear vibration is presented.


  • 适配电路中的多级并联放大电路、滤波对试车过程中的随机干扰信号,尤其是振动引起噪声具有很强的抑制作用。

    The multi-parallel- magnification circuits and the band-pass filter can well restrain random interfering noise, especially generated by test run vibration.


  • 本文提出利用卡尔曼滤波技术识别线性定常振动系统参数方法

    This paper presents a new method for identifying parameters of linear time-invariant vibration system by the use of Kalman filtering technique.


  • 经过荷载这种有色噪声进行噪声滤波桅杆结构风致振动描述白噪声激励下随机振动

    After color noise as wind load is generated from white noise filter, wind-induced vibration of guyed masts is described as random vibration under white noise excitations.


  • 时滞滤波消除柔性系统残留振动有效方法

    Time delay filter is a new method to reduce residual vibration of flexible system.


  • 实验结果显示,较之经典维纳滤波恢复结果算法能够更好的消除边界振铃图像边缘振动波纹。

    From the experimental result, this new algorithm can give better results than classic Wiener filtering with little ringing effect on the image border and little vibration on the edge.


  • 针对旋转机械振动信号数据采集特点,提出了数学形态滤波实现轴心轨迹提纯方法

    Targeting at data acquisition characteristics of vibration signals of rotating machinery, a new rotor orbit purification method using mathematical morphology filters is proposed.


  • 针对磁轴承平衡振动研究了递归运算凹陷滤波两种不平衡补偿方案。

    To solve the problem of unbalance vibration of PMB, the recursive algorithm and the notch filter are studied.


  • 着重介绍了振动检测单元硬件实现,基于有限脉冲响应(FIR)数字滤波快速里叶变换(FFT)实时数据处理过程以及基于用户数据报协议(UDP)的数据传输过程。

    The paper mainly introduces the hardware implement of inspection unit for vibration, real-time data process on FIR and FFT, and data transmitting process on UDP.


  • 本文分析了切削振动信号过渡过程中的变化规律以及滤波信号传输过程影响

    In this paper, the change pattern of the cutting vibration signal during the transient processes and the effect of the parameters of band pass filter on the signal transmission are analyzed.


  • 陷波滤波采用通用式结构中心频率分布转子转速附近抑制平衡振动

    The filter used a kind of general structure, whose central frequency located nearby the rotation speed to reduce the unbalance vibration.


  • 提出设计了基于粒子优化算法振动信号的自适应滤波模型滤波模型计算机仿真测试中,获得了很高的效率良好的结果。

    A new adaptive filtering model based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed and designed. It is proved to be efficient and effective in the computer simulation example test.


  • DCZ4多功能低频振动测量一种具有低滤波、高通滤波积分功能的先进振动测量仪。

    The DCZ4 vibration measuring instrument is an advanced multi-function and low-frequency instrument for low pass filter, high pass filter and double integration.


  • 应用滤波消除弹性振动固有频率信号控制系统影响给出了陷波滤波设计方法,仿真结果证明设计方法的正确性。

    Notch filter is applied to Smooth over the problem of elastic vibration of missile body to reduce the bad effect on the control system. This Paper gives a method for the design of notch filter.


  • 本文分析时域平均对光电信号进行滤波处理激光绝对法校准振动传感器特性中的应用。

    In this paper, the time domain average meth od is used to extract the interfere signal in calibrating the phase character of vibration sensor by laser interferometer.


  • 根据缸盖系统动态传递函数设计滤波,进行了直接缸盖表面振动信号识别气缸压力研究

    Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the inverse filter is designed, and the measurement of the cylinder pressure from the cy...


  • LMS最小)自适应滤波算法进行初步研究,将其应用振动主动控制系统中。

    The least mean square (LMS) algorithm is researched primarily and applied to the vibration active control system.


  • 利用压电陶瓷厚度切变振动原理,采用新的结构工艺,对原tv用压电陶瓷滤波进行片式化。

    Based on the theory of piezo-ceramic thickness trapped shear, the novel structure and process technology are applied in the production of the SMD filters.


  • 脉冲随机噪声干扰转子振动信号滤波方法进行了研究

    Aiming at the noise reduction of vibration signal of a rotor polluted by violent pulse noise and other stochastic noise simultaneously, the method of denoising the signal is studied.


  • 在柔性悬挂stewart平台振动控制实验滤波应用提高了控制效果

    Application of the proposed filter improves control effect remarkably in the flexible-supported Stewart platform vibration control experiments.


  • 在柔性悬挂stewart平台振动控制实验滤波应用提高了控制效果

    Application of the proposed filter improves control effect remarkably in the flexible-supported Stewart platform vibration control experiments.


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