• 挪用公款罪一项严重经济

    Embezzlement of public funds and is a serious economic crime.


  • 挪用公款本质在于公款私用。

    The nature of the guilt lies in misappropriating public funds for personal use.


  • 挪用公款罪司法实践多发

    The crime of misappropriation of public funds is a frequently-occurring crime in the practice of judicature.


  • 挪用公款主体认定。

    The subject of the guilty.


  • 挪用公款罪主体

    Main body of defalcation.


  • 当法兰克挪用公款罪被捕一天也遭到了厄运。

    The crisis for him came on the day when Frank was arrested on the embezzlement charge.


  • 挪用公款罪理论上司法实践存在不少争议。

    There is a lot of controversy about the crime of embezzlement in the perspectives of both theoretical circle and judicial practice.


  • “归个人使用挪用公款客观方面一个必备要件。

    "For private use" is a necessary objective condition of the crime of misappropriating public funds.


  • 一般主体有特殊身份相互勾结可以构成挪用公款共犯

    The common offender can be a culprit guilty of misappropriating public funds who collude with the state functionary.


  • 一部分关于挪用公款中国古代国外规定认定

    The first part, concerning appropriate public funds the offense at the ancient Chinese method with the provision of the abroad method and recognize to settle.


  • 明确复合行为,构成挪用公款必须行为同时具备

    Move clearly with with compound behavior, is it appropriate public funds for personal use crime must two kinds of behaviors possess meanwhile to commit.


  • 现行刑法关于挪用公款客体内容以及公款含义有疑问的。

    Current penal code concerning the contents of the object of guilty of misappropriation of public funds and the meaning of the public funds is all doubtful.


  • 挪用公款罪共犯必须同时具备主体客观方面主观方面三个条件

    Embezzlement accomplice should have three conditions including crime subject, objective and subjective aspects.


  • 文章挪用公款罪主体、犯客观表现中的有关问题进行较为深入探讨

    This article will do some further researches concerning some problems on Crime Subject and the Objective manifestations of the misappropriating of public funds.


  • 挪用公款指国家工作人员利用职务便利挪用公款个人使用的一种犯

    Misappropriating public funds is the crime that civil servants use to satisfy their own interests with the convenience of office power.


  • 因此必要加强挪用公款研究以利于在司法实践中正确认定处罚此种

    So, it is necessary to strengthen the guilty research to appropriating public funds for personal use, in order to benefit and assert and punish this kind of crime correctly in the judicial practice.


  • 本文着重探讨挪用公款中的九个疑难问题以便更好地司法实践提供良好参考依据

    The article mainly discussed 9 difficult problems in the crime of appropriating public funds for personal use in order to provide good reference basis for judicial practice.


  • 如何从根本上解决挪用公款诸多问题一直是立法者、司法者学者共同讨论的焦点之一。

    How to fundamentally solve the many problems in the crime of embezzlement becomes a hot topic and have been concerned by the legislators, the judiciary and academics.


  • 职务行为廉洁性贪污贿赂同类客体,本身内容并不清楚,不宜作为挪用公款直接客体。

    As the kindred object of crimes of embezzlement and bribery, integrity and honest of duties is not the direct object of crimes of misappropriates public funds for its contents is not clear.


  • 挪用公款罪司法实践中发案率极高一种经济型职务犯很多理论实践问题一直处于纷争状态。

    The crime of embezzlement is a economical crime by taking advantage of duty, as to which there are still many theoretical and practical problems in dispute.


  • 挪用公款客观方面包含内容较为复杂近几年来,学者们关于挪用公款罪客观方面存在的争议

    The contents of the objective aspect of the crime of misappropriating public funds are complex, in the recent two years, the disputes which existed in the scholars are also quite a lot.


  • 对“集体”挪用行为根据职务的特点进行分析,符合共同犯条件的,以挪用公款的共犯论处。

    Those who misappropriate public funds to commit illegal activities shall get different punishment in accordance with diff...


  • 挪用公款侵犯客体具有双重性,其主要客体国家工作人员职务的廉洁性,次要客体则是公款所有权

    The object of the crime of embezzling public funds is the dual, the major one is the honesty of national staff post, the less important object is the ownership of public funds.


  • 本文主要从案例分析出发,并围绕挪用公款构成、犯目的个人使用如何理解问题来展开讨论。

    Basing on the analyses of the case, the article carries on its discussing on the constitution and purpose of the crime, as well as how to understand the concept of public funds for private use.


  • 本文挪用公款研究主题历史分析比较分析、法学分析等方法,对挪用公款概念构成要件进行了分析。

    The article takes misappropriation of public funds as the research subject, with it's concept and constituents analyzed historically, comparatively and also on the basis of law.


  • 挪用公款罪多发性理论界普遍认为的设定存在重大立法缺陷客观行为是其中最为突出的表现。

    Misappropriating public fund is a frequently-occurred crime; the theory circle generally believes that there exists a big legislative defect in its definition, mainly about the objective behaviors.


  • “挪行为是否构成挪用公款,以及“超过三个月未还”如何理解,在理论司法实践均有颇多争议。

    Through a study on legislation and enforcing the guilty of misappropriation of public funds from the Criminal Law and Supreme Court of judicature Act.


  • 但是司法实践中还存在诸多问题没有解决挪用公款对象哪些表现形式,实践中如何认定对象

    But in judicial practice there are many problems that we have not solved. For example, what is the performing form of this crime and how to ascertain its target etc.


  • 但是司法实践中还存在诸多问题没有解决挪用公款对象哪些表现形式,实践中如何认定对象

    But in judicial practice there are many problems that we have not solved. For example, what is the performing form of this crime and how to ascertain its target etc.


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