• 挪威的峡湾南部海岸,已世人相信挪威是消夏的胜地。而挪威开始世人展现挪威冬季魅力

    Having convinced the world that its fjords and southern coastline make the country a great summer getaway, Norwegians have begun showcasing its charms as a winter destination.


  • 有生以来第一挪威那里令我感到心驰神往几天,我都用在北极圈探索奇异美丽峡湾了。

    I have just been to Norway for the first time ever, where I had a charmed few days exploring the glorious fjords right up in the Arctic Circle.


  • 智利国内一些挪威公司也开始在这些破坏的峡湾里养殖鲑鱼,更糟糕是,跟其它密集型动物农业一样,鲑鱼水产业产生大量的废弃物,使水质恶化、缺氧,造成一种致命鲑鱼病毒的广泛传播,这些鲑鱼养殖公司的做法不过是简单再向南,直到干净无污染水域再开始养殖,因为他们已经取得整个南部峡湾的所有水体的新租赁权

    The solution of the salmon-farming companies has simply been to move south into clean waters. Already the companies have taken out new leases on stretches of water throughout the southern fjords.


  • 航行进入挪威荒野那里可以雅尔峡湾螃蟹,在希尔克内斯骑雪地摩托,沿途也许能看到北极光

    Sail into the Norwegian wilderness where you can hunt for crabs in Jarfjord, go snowmobiling in Kirkenes and maybe catch the northern lights along the way.


  • 这种技术操作原理是:挪威众多河流峡湾抽取淡水海水然后这些水资源输转半透任意一边水库中。

    This involves tapping both freshwater and seawater at the mouths of Norway’s many rivers and fjords, and diverting it to tanks on either side of a semi-permeable membrane.


  • 这种技术操作原理是:挪威众多河流峡湾抽取淡水海水然后这些水资源输转半透任意一边水库中。

    This involves tapping both freshwater and seawater at the mouths of Norway's many rivers and fjords, and diverting it to tanks on either side of a semi-permeable membrane.


  • 在希尔克内斯以东雅尔峡湾冻结表层下面红色帝王强烈要求成为北极挪威不寻常居民

    Beneath the freezing surface of Jarfjord, east of Kirkenes, the red king crab stakes a strong claim to be Arctic Norway's most unusual inhabitant.


  • 这里人们还可以透过密林眺望寒冷峡湾,弗拉姆号就是在那里下水,并且如今就在那里长眠那宏伟的墓穴里,不是作为而是作为挪威船长眠于那里。

    From here one can look out through thick woods toward the cold fjord where the Fram was launched and where she now rests in her splendid tomb-not his ship, but Norway's.


  • 纽约鲜花卖得那么他们用来给鲜花保湿特训地质学家挪威峡湾抽取来的。

    Flowers in New York are so expensive, I surmise, that they're kept hydrated with water drawn from the fjords of Norway by specially trained geologists.


  • 世界第二长的峡湾(就是那种峭壁对峙形式)当然挪威最大,她有种难以言语的雄壮

    The second longest fjord (an inset of the sea between steep slopes) in the world and the largest in Norway, the magnificence of this has to be experienced for the magnitude to be understood.


  • 挪威发生的类似事件中,由于峡湾众多,引起波浪不及这次这么

    But similar occurrences in Norway, where fjords are plentiful, never produced a wave remotely close to the size of this one.


  • 再也不到那个芳香七月,那时年轻,我块冰上跳进了挪威峡湾冰冷融水里。

    There is no road back to the scent of the Julys when I was young and leapt from a boulder into the ice-cold meltwater of a Norwegian fjord.


  • 作为斯那维亚半岛三国国家挪威西海岸粗旷崎岖峡湾围成。冰河时期后所遗留下来的座又一座巍巍雄耸立于峡湾侧旁。

    The most northerly of the three Scandinavian countries, Norway's western coast is made up of a series of rugged fjords flanked by majestic mountains carved out by the Ice Age.


  • 我们眼球最近留恋国家图书馆风流韵事,那里苏格兰"爱丁堡南部照片",Fylkesarkivet挪威峡湾幻灯片”。

    Our eyeballs have enjoyed recent love affairs with the National Library of Scotland's "Photographs of the South Side of Edinburgh" and Fylkesarkivet's "Lantern Slides of Norwegian Fjords."


  • 这间小屋栖息挪威西海岸山坡上,内部设计有模块化客房,小屋主体结构延伸、被架空,居住者能够更好地欣赏到邻近峡湾的风光。

    This cabin perched on a hillside on Norway's west coast features modular rooms that extend outwards from the main structure to enhance views of the adjacent fjord.


  • 奥斯陆,克里斯蒂安亚:挪威首都最大城市,位于该国东南部,奥斯陆峡湾(斯卡格拉克海峡一个海沟)上游处。

    The capital and largest city of Norway, in the southeast part of the country at the head of the Oslo Fjord, a deep inlet of the Skagerrak.


  • 挪威观光重头戏肯定就峡湾地区。

    The highlight of a traveling in Norway has to be the Fjords.


  • 它像个可信赖的朋友一样,陪挪威峡湾跋涉,又从新墨西哥州沙漠里带了许多沙子回来。

    The trusty boots have trekked with me beside Norwegian fiords and gathered sand in their seams from deserts in New Mexico.


  • 挪威穿越峡湾船上祈祷看见海豚

    On the boat cruising in fjords in Norway, I kept my fingers crossed, wishing to see dolphins.


  • 哈丹哥峡湾挪威人欢迎峡湾之一。

    Hardanger is one of Norways most popular fjords.


  • 挪威旅游者常常小船沿海岸线航行,进入峡湾

    Tourists in Norway always take boat trips along the coast and into the fiords.


  • 模仿挪威的做法,乘坐传统木制帆船航行峡湾之间

    Do what the Norwegians do and cruise down the fjord on a traditional wooden sailing ship.


  • 挪威峡湾规模世界上首屈一指,挪威获得“峡湾国家” 的称号。

    Norway has the gretest fjords in the world, and is thus named the "country of the Fjord".


  • 挪威壮丽山峦深邃峡湾巨大的森林漆黑冬夜这些神奇故事提供了丰富的想象空间。

    Norway's imposing mountains, deep fjords, vast forests and dark winter nights provide plenty of inspiration for these tales of the supernatural.


  • 作为斯那维亚半岛三国国家挪威西海岸由粗旷崎岖峡湾围成。冰河时期后所遗留下来的座又一座巍巍雄耸立于峡湾侧旁。

    The maximum northerly of the Number 3 Scandinavian countries, Norway's western coast is did up of a series of rugged fjords flanked by majestic mountains carved out by the Ice Age.


  • 作为斯那维亚半岛三国国家挪威西海岸由粗旷崎岖峡湾围成。冰河时期后所遗留下来的座又一座巍巍雄耸立于峡湾侧旁。

    The maximum northerly of the Number 3 Scandinavian countries, Norway's western coast is did up of a series of rugged fjords flanked by majestic mountains carved out by the Ice Age.


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